After the program was broadcasted, various marketing accounts began to spread the news, and someone even started a hot topic on Weibo called "Who is Ni Shang's Popular Brother."

Most of the fans inside are Wen Ning's fans.

They used Wen Ning's photos to dominate the entire square. Anyone who speaks for me, whether it's a passerby or a dog, will be cursed with their ancestors for eighteen generations.

They treated what Wen Ning did to me on the set as if it never happened.

As soon as any relevant posts came out, they were immediately harmonized.

The comments sections of popular stars' Weibo and short video platforms are filled with advice for artists to be good people.

Because of this show, my popularity has increased, and I have been invited by the famous young director Gu Ning to audition for a movie about bullying and growing up in adolescence.

Coincidentally, Wen Ning is also involved.

This time, we are auditioning for different roles.

I will play the "bully," while she will play the "victim of bullying."

I never thought that one day I would have such an opportunity to exchange roles with a strange character.

In the script for the audition, I am familiar with every scene.

The audition content portrays Miao Miao, who grew up in a rural area from a young age and transferred to a new school. Because of her diligence and good academic performance, she attracted the attention of the "big brother" in the school, who was lazy and uninterested in studying.

Su Su, an admirer of the "big brother," who comes from a wealthy family, starts to bully Miao Miao indirectly after repeatedly witnessing the encounters between the "big brother" and Miao Miao.

She uses foul language to insult her.

She takes off her school uniform and calls her a slut despite her young age.

She tears her hair and accuses her of using her beautiful black hair to seduce the "big brother" outside of school.

She corners her in the restroom and snatches away the only sanitary pad she had during her period.

She leaves red marks on her neck with her hands and spreads rumors about her chaotic private life at such a young age.


Gu Ning wants us to understand the depth of the script. Wen Ning and I sit on the side, and I hear her sobbing softly while her manager sympathetically hands her tissues.

"They are really pitiful."

Then he takes a partial line from the script and posts it on Weibo.

【May there be no bullying in the world, and may all children embrace their own brightness】.

Within ten minutes, it reached the top of the trending list.



Gu Ning's gaze never leaves Wen Ning.

She turns to me, who shows no reaction, and says, "Teacher Ni, are you ready? Let's start the audition."

I stare at the few lines on the script and smile confidently, "Alright, let's begin."
