"Welcome, new colleagues. In short, our factory values efficiency above all else. The monitors at each workstation constantly display the daily production targets. Food and accommodation are provided at the workstations, and the restroom is located at the corner near the entrance, facing the inspector's office. Here are our factory rules, which everyone must strictly adhere to:

"Rule 1: All new employees must complete their daily tasks before the end of their shift. Random inspections will be conducted on the quantity of work completed by senior employees. Those who fail to meet the standards will become workshop products.

"Rule 2: To ensure product quality, the factory has inspectors. Due to the immense pressure on inspectors, they can be unpredictable in their moods. Whenever and wherever you encounter them, please maintain your work status, or else you will be subject to physical compensation.

"Rule 3: If a member of a team is fully dedicated to their work, other members can collectively increase their production by 30 units. If all members of the team are fully dedicated, the neighboring team members can collectively increase their production by 100 units.

"Rule 4: Inspectors inspect only one employee at a time. Please form an orderly queue when being inspected.

"Rule 5: The factory does not care for the dignity of disabled individuals. All employees must not offer any assistance to disabled workers as disability can be transferred.

"Rule 6: To ensure the health of employees, our factory has introduced advanced medical technology that can be directly exchanged for performance rewards.

"Rule 7: The director will periodically visit and console employees working overtime. During these visits, please stop your current work and stand at attention to listen.

"Rule 8: Performance is tied to the quantity of products produced. Those who excel can be promoted to inspector, director, or even factory manager. Alternatively, they can choose to resign.

"These are the rules that must be followed in our factory on a daily basis. Currently, we have tight deadlines and heavy tasks. We hope that every new employee can fully dedicate themselves to work and contribute to the growth and development of our factory. The meeting is adjourned!"

Entering the workshop, a nauseating stench wafted through the air, more repulsive than the shrill voice from the director's loudspeaker. Each workstation was separated by partitions, with a dimly lit overhead lamp. Strangely, the lamp had a red lampshade, casting a concentrated red glow onto the seats, while the assembly table, the main workspace, remained in murky darkness. It didn't feel like a workshop but rather...

"It's like a butcher's stall in the market, hahaha! At first glance, it seems like we're here to slaughter pigs!" said Ah Mao, a young man with blond hair slicked back.

"Slaughter pigs? With the intensity of this work, it's us who might end up slaughtered," replied Wang Shu, a middle-aged man, jokingly.

"Don't scare me. The workshop environment is already eerie enough. Let's not talk about such things. As long as we can earn money, that's all that matters," said the only girl in our workshop group, taking over the conversation.

Our group consisted of four people sharing one workstation: me, Wang Shu, Xiao Hua, and Ah Mao.

"From now on, we're all teammates in the same group. If anyone needs help, don't hesitate to ask. It's not easy being away from home," I said while trying to take my seat. However, before I could sit down, a chilling hand suddenly reached out from the darkness and grabbed me.

"Don't talk about such things. The director doesn't like it," a voice as soft as a thread came from the partition next to me. It was someone from another workstation. His upper body was huddled on the workstation, and under the crimson light, he resembled a fleshy mass. One hand rested on the table while the other strained to hold onto me, causing a cup to fall to the ground.

"Is that not allowed by the rules? Helping each other can improve work efficiency, right?" I curiously asked, gently removing his hand from my arm and bending down to pick up the cup. Under the dim workstation, his trouser leg was hanging loosely.


"It's not prohibited, but the inspectors don't like it. You can enjoy helping each other, but don't involve others," he glanced in the direction of Wang Shu and the others. "I didn't expect so many newbies this time."


He didn't answer me, burying his head and continuingto work silently. I stood there for a moment, feeling a sense of unease. The atmosphere in the workshop was oppressive, and the rules seemed strict and unforgiving. I couldn't help but wonder what kind of place I had ended up in.

As I sat down at the workstation, I noticed that there was a small booklet placed neatly on the table. It seemed to be a manual or guide of some sort. I flipped it open and started reading to get a better understanding of the work and the rules in the factory.

The manual provided detailed instructions on the tasks we were expected to perform. It outlined the step-by-step process of assembling various components, with diagrams and descriptions for each stage. It also emphasized the importance of meeting the daily production targets, highlighting that failure to do so could have consequences.

I skimmed through the pages, absorbing the information as best as I could. The more I read, the more I realized how demanding the work was. The factory's focus on efficiency was evident, with constant pressure to meet the production goals. It seemed that the inspectors played a crucial role in maintaining the factory's standards, and their presence instilled a sense of fear among the workers.

The rules outlined in the manual mirrored those mentioned in the meeting earlier. They were strict and left little room for leniency. The concept of teamwork was mentioned, but it came with conditions and limitations. It appeared that helping others outside of one's immediate team was discouraged, and any assistance given to disabled workers was explicitly forbidden.

As I continued reading, I stumbled upon a section about the advanced medical technology mentioned in the rules. It stated that employees could exchange their performance rewards for access to medical treatments. It seemed like a peculiar system, as if health was just another commodity to be earned and traded.

Feeling a mix of curiosity and concern, I closed the manual and looked around at my new colleagues. They were all engrossed in their work, their faces reflecting a combination of weariness and determination. The workshop remained shrouded in an eerie stillness, broken only by the occasional sound of machinery and the low hum of conversation.

As I settled into my seat, I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to this factory than met the eye. The rules, the atmosphere, and the whispers from my neighboring workstation all contributed to an unsettling sense of foreboding. I knew that if I wanted to survive and navigate this environment, I would have to be cautious, observant, and adapt quickly to the dynamics at play.

With a deep breath, I focused my attention on the task at hand, determined to meet the production targets and make the best of my time in this mysterious factory.
