'Xiao Yan? So he is Xiao Yan!'

'Yes, he killed his parents, worse than pigs and dogs.'

'I heard even his elder brother died at his hands. He is truly ruthless.'

'Jiang Shang usurped the throne, and this Xiao Yan is no good either. Dogs biting each other.'

Just now, when I was fighting, the crowd was calm and quiet, like a group of quails. But now, they are filled with righteous indignation, pointing and discussing among themselves.

'Everyone, please refrain from defaming my lord, the Jumug Emperor. Spreading rumors and blindly following others' words is not the behavior of wise individuals. The matters involved here cannot be explained in just a few sentences. All you need to know is that everything should not be judged by appearance alone. If there are any more slanderous words against my lord, Jumug and Fugu will spare no effort to seek justice at any cost. I urge everyone to choose their words carefully.'

Lan Yi spoke loudly.

The crowd hissed, including the heads of the Jiang and Langya Wang families.

I looked at the empty space in front of the crowd, and a flame taller than a person instantly ignited, causing the crowd to exclaim and step back.

'Burning one person or burning millions, there is no difference. If you want to live, get out of here.'

Since reason couldn't convince them, I had no choice but to use fear to silence their foul mouths.

The crowd dispersed in an uproar.

Only the officials in purple robes remained, all kneeling before Ling Su, respectfully asking her to ascend the throne as the empress.

Rainwater kept dripping down Ling Su's pale face as she looked at me, full of grief and despair.

Some things were never possible from the beginning, and now they are even more impossible.

She was supported and escorted away by the crowd, but she kept turning back to gaze at me every few steps.

I waved to her and forced a smile, raindrops falling on my face like tears.

For some reason, I felt very sad, a suffocating pain in my chest.

'Your Majesty, let's go.'

Lan Yi sighed, held an umbrella over me, and put a coat on me.

We walked out of this deep and lonely palace step by step.

From now on, I will probably dislike rainy days even more, right?"
