Today, the streets and alleys of Kyoto are devoid of human figures, and everyone is trembling in their houses.

Two streams of light dance in the sky, each collision accompanied by lightning and thunder, a raging storm.

The Chairman of China quietly asks, "Can we identify the deities in the sky?"

"Chairman, the reconnaissance birds have provided feedback. The two deities in the sky are Tyr, the Norse god of war, and Yang Jian from our own mythology."

Li Hua, the Chief Researcher of the Divine Project, adjusted his glasses and continued, "

"I predict that the Norse deities have aggressive intentions."

"Are you suggesting that the Norse deities want to occupy China, so Yang Jian took action?" the Chairman asked in astonishment.

"Chairman, my suggestion also includes the Norse deities having aggressive intentions towards the human race in China," Li Hua paused. "To the deities, we humans are like microorganisms to humans, not even worthy of being called ants. In other mythologies, gods always regard humans as slaves. But in our mythology, the gods provide protection to their believers, and their power comes from the faith of the believers. I believe that these accounts are not mere fabrications and should have some truth to them."

"Warrior, you are powerful. Why not follow me?" praised Tyr.

Yang Jian smiled and replied, "I haven't encountered someone as skilled as you in a long time, and you only have one arm."

Sweat trickled down Yang Jian's palm as he said this. The man who claimed to be the god of war wielded his sword with one hand, engaging in hundreds of moves with Yang Jian without falling behind.

Tyr laughed madly as he charged towards Yang Jian, his hand gripping the divine sword that symbolized conquest and guaranteed victory, surging with lightning.

The trident-bladed sword clashed fiercely, creating a raging storm, colliding with Tyr's longsword.

Just as the two were evenly matched, a sword shot towards Yang Jian's forehead. The sword was small, golden all over, with a hilt shaped like the sun.

Yang Jian quickly retreated, his trident-bladed sword unleashing several spear-like flashes, barely blocking the small sword.

Tyr's longsword slashed at Yang Jian's waist, but before blood could spray out, it was burned by high-voltage lightning.

"Freyr, withdraw your sword. He is my prey," Tyr roared at the small sword. The sword was the Victory Sword of the Warner God Clan's Sun God, capable of flying and killing on the battlefield without the need for control.

"You are no match for him," the voice of Freyr transmitted from the small sword, which did not pause and pierced towards Yang Jian at an oblique angle.

Yang Jian touched his burnt wound and smiled. He always seemed to be smiling, no matter how dangerous the situation, always having the courage to face death with a smile.

"How delightful, how delightful!"

Since the time Yang Jian wreaked havoc in Heaven, he had never been as close to death as he was today. Even in his battle with Sun Wukong, he did not exert his full strength.

The third eye on his forehead opened, and an incomparable golden light shot out from it.

The golden light pierced through the blue sky, and even the sun dared not compete with its brilliance.

This renowned war god, whose name shook the Three Realms and resounded through the Nine Heavens, for the first time in his life, used a move that exchanged his life for victory—the "Shattered Universe Golden Light."

"Listen well, I am the War God Yang Jian," he declared.

Miracle, January 1, 3001, over the skies of Kyoto, China and the Norse Pantheon clashed for the first time.

Yang Jian, the Chinese God of War, used forbidden divine arts to kill Tyr, the Asa God of War, and severely injure Freyr, the Sun God of the Warner God Clan, shattering the Victory Sword.

Yang Jian met his demise, and the Chinese Pantheon was furious, declaring relentless warfare against the Norse Pantheon.
