Looking around secretly, I found that there was no one in the kitchen. I quickly grabbed a piece of meat from the pot and put it in my mouth.

It was hot, but I didn't dare to chew slowly. I quickly swallowed the meat.

"You little thief, stealing meat again!"

My mother glared at me, holding a rolling pin appearing behind me.

I wanted to hide, but I still got hit twice by the rolling pin.

The sound of wood and body hitting was dull, and my shoulder blades were throbbing with pain.

My mother was really strong, as if she had smashed my bones.

I didn't want to suffer any more, so I planned to run away.

But my mother had already grabbed my hair.

"Why did you steal the meat? You little troublemaker!"


I was hungry.

I don't remember the last time I had a full meal. I only know that since I can remember, the feeling of hunger has always been with me.

I was about to tell my mother the reason why I stole the meat, but she grabbed me and sat me on a chair, using her legs to firmly control my weak body.

What was she planning to do?

I couldn't figure out the situation yet, and my mother picked me up and threw me to the ground.


Because I was scared, my voice became hoarse.

But that cry was still very clear.

When a person is severely injured, due to the body's stress response, they don't feel pain.

I was just trembling all over, but I still pitifully reached out my arm, wanting to please her, to hug her.

Good mother, forgive Xiaoxiao. Xiaoxiao is just hungry.

I wanted to apologize, but my throat couldn't make any sound.

My mother's expression even seemed a bit excited: "Still stealing and eating? Huh?"
