My father and the others persistently pounded on my door for an hour.

All sorts of small cars crowded around my doorstep.

I felt anxious in my heart. They've arrived, finally.

As expected, the men getting out of the cars were all burly and strong.

After all, anyone with a bit of brains knows that here, resources are obtained through plunder.

Bringing women along is basically like delivering food to others.

The people who came arrived in groups. I saw from the surveillance cameras that there were roughly three groups.

The smaller group consisted of three to five people, while the larger group had around ten.

All three groups stared at each other with intense vigilance.

No one made the first move, as neither side wanted to provoke a conflict.

They all understood the saying, "When the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman benefits."

Liu Tao trembled as he looked at the three groups. He tugged on Chen Lian's sleeve, wanting to quietly escape back to the car.

Unfortunately, the people from the three groups weren't fools. They immediately noticed Liu Tao's intentions and rushed to grab him.

After friendly negotiations, the three groups reached an agreement and ordered Liu Tao to climb over the wall.

Liu Tao had experienced the power of my electrified fence before, so naturally, he didn't want to comply. But he had no choice in the matter.

If Liu Tao refused, the three groups would beat him mercilessly. Helpless, Liu Tao could only reluctantly approach.

I watched from the surveillance cameras, waiting for this moment.

Just as Liu Tao's hand touched the wall, I turned the electricity to its maximum power.

After trembling for a moment, Liu Tao collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

He was probably dead.

The rest of the people's faces turned extremely grim upon seeing Liu Tao's condition.

This was the effect I wanted. I brought this whole family here to deter others without creating enmity.

If I couldn't truly deter them and they were determined to breach my fortress,

then I would rather go down with this entire family.
