But as soon as his words fell, Second Senior Brother and Third Senior Brother didn't buy it.

Second Senior Brother shouted angrily, "Damn barbarian Buddha, if you want to kill or mutilate, do as you please. Don't use those tricks to insult us."

Even if I don't believe in the words of the Vairocana Buddha, both of my senior brothers and I don't believe it.

At this moment, Vairocana Buddha laughed again.

"Hahaha, fool, I didn't expect you to be so clever. You hid your true identity well during this journey to the West."

Second Senior Brother and Third Senior Brother spoke at the same time:

"You dare to call me a fool? If you have the ability, return our weapons, and we'll fight again."

"Yes, return our weapons and let's fight again."

At this moment, Vairocana Buddha looked up at the "Qiankun Hood" and suddenly became serious:

"Do you recognize this Qiankun Hood? It can block the heavens' eyes and break through time and space, but its usage is limited. Right now, there's only time for a brief explanation..."

Before Vairocana Buddha finished speaking, Second Senior Brother interrupted him.

"Barbarian Buddha, spare us the nonsense. If you want to fight, let's fight; if you want to kill, let's kill."

At this moment, Vairocana Buddha rose into the air again and floated in mid-air, saying:

"Take a look at this."

Only to see Vairocana Buddha activate his power slightly, and a golden dot appeared on his forehead, which slowly expanded and turned into a square-shaped golden pattern like a seal.

I didn't recognize this object naturally, but Third Senior Brother blurted out:

"The Seal of Heaven!"

Second Senior Brother followed up with a question: "Are you really Monkey King? Then, where is Vairocana Buddha?"

Sun Wukong put away the "Seal of Heaven" and landed on the ground, saying:

"Back then, I was trapped by the Rulai Bowl, and Vairocana Buddha took the opportunity to occupy my body and seal my divine spirit. Fortunately, the Queen Mother personally enlightened me in the Tai Xu Realm and bestowed upon me this Seal of Heaven, which allowed me to destroy Vairocana Buddha and see the light of day again."

Then, Sun Wukong recounted the events and causes to everyone, and only then did they recognize him as the long-lost Great Sage Equal to Heaven, Sun Wukong.

Seeing the true return of the eldest senior brother, my mood was greatly delighted. I quickly pointed to the distant scriptures and asked:

"What should we do next? Those demonic scriptures...?"

But as soon as I finished speaking, the eldest senior brother suddenly turned his flaming golden eyes towards Third Senior Brother and said:

"We don't need to rush with the demonic scriptures. Let's deal with the true demon first."

Both Second Senior Brother and I turned our heads to look at Third Senior Brother. In that instant, Third Senior Brother suddenly roared.

His body, which was already tinged with a bluish color, rapidly swelled, black blood vessels spread across his face, and a pair of fangs emerged from his mouth, with drops of pus-blood flowing from the gaps between the fangs.

Without waiting for Third Senior Brother, who was about to turn into a demon, to make a move, the eldest senior brother swung his staff and attacked first.

Second Senior Brother seemed to be slow to react for a moment, clutching the Nine-tooth Rake and lurking on the side.

Within the Qiankun Hood, two figures, one large and one small, darted back and forth, and the two divine weapons clashed against the Qiankun Hood, creating sparks.

Gradually, Third Senior Brother became more and more fierce in battle, and in the end, Second Senior Brother couldn't resist and rushed into the fight.


After an unknown period of fighting, a loud noise suddenly rang out, and Third Senior Brother fell from the sky.

And the Golden Cudgel and the Nine-tooth Rake followed closely behind, smashing straight towards Third Senior Brother's head.

At this moment, Third Senior Brother sat in the "Double Lotus Position,"meditating with his eyes closed, seemingly unaffected by the attack. The impact of the weapons against his body created a shockwave that sent Second Senior Brother and the eldest senior brother flying backward.

I rushed forward to check on Third Senior Brother, who opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"Junior Brother, don't worry. I have attained enlightenment and gained control over the demonic energy within me. I am no longer a threat."

Relieved, I helped him up, and we turned our attention to the eldest senior brother and Second Senior Brother.

The eldest senior brother stood up, his golden eyes filled with determination.

"It seems that we underestimated the power of the demon within Third Junior Brother. But now that he has gained control, we must focus on defeating Vairocana Buddha and reclaiming my true body."

Second Senior Brother nodded in agreement.

"You're right, Eldest Senior Brother. We cannot let Vairocana Buddha continue to use your body for his own purposes. Let us join forces and bring him down."

I looked at the three of them, feeling a mix of admiration and worry. They were facing a formidable enemy, but their determination and unity gave me hope.

"I will stand by your side," I said firmly. "Together, we will overcome this challenge and restore balance."

The eldest senior brother smiled and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Junior Brother. Your support means a lot to us. With our combined strength, we will prevail."

We gathered our weapons and prepared ourselves for the final battle against Vairocana Buddha. The fate of the world hung in the balance, and it was up to us to save it.
