In the second month of the fourth year of Jianyan, Jin Wuzhu arrived in Jiankang as the representative of the Jin dynasty.

The purpose was to sign a ceasefire agreement with the Emperor of Great Song.

The entire meeting lasted less than six days.

Cao Guo did not appear at all, but let Yue Fei and Han Shizhong deal with it.

In the end, both sides completed the negotiations in a way that neither gained nor lost.

After the Song-Jin negotiations, peace lasted for almost two years.

Qin Hui and others seemed to be keeping a low profile and even improved their relationship with the military commanders.

As for the two saints who returned, they were placed in the deep palace.

Cao Guo did not deliberately restrict their freedom, but no officials dared to have private contact with them.

The two saints were also very sensible, only indulging in pleasures, never contacting the ministers or expressing any opinions on political affairs.

For the past two years, Cao Guo's thoughts were focused on governing domestic affairs and had no time to spare for anything else.

He seemed to have completely forgotten the threat from his father and brothers.

It wasn't until a small village in the next county of Guide Prefecture in the north had a bloody conflict.

A drunken squad of more than ten Jin soldiers ran into the village to steal sheep and killed a villager.

The locals were enraged, and more than a hundred people armed with hoes and clubs beat the group of Jin soldiers to death.

However, a few days later, a general from the Jin border heard about the incident and led his troops to plunder the village, causing the situation to escalate.

Wang Gui, who was stationed at the border under Yue Fei, directly wiped out this group of Jin soldiers, and several generals were tied up at the village entrance, awaiting punishment.

The Jin side was furious, and Jin Wuzhu personally led a large army to the border, demanding an explanation from the Song Dynasty.

Huang Qianshan reported this news while kneeling down, holding a memorial, waiting for the emperor's instructions.

Cao Guo frowned.

He glanced at the several memorials reporting abundant harvests on the dragon case, and suddenly burst into laughter.

They haven't given an explanation to our people of Great Song, yet they turn the tables and demand an explanation from us.

It seems that these two years of peace have made the Jin dogs forget who was begging for peace in the first place.

Since that's the case, this time, we will thoroughly defeat and cripple them.

Convey my order, mobilize the entire country, and let the war to annihilate Jin begin from this moment!
