Half a month later, Cao Guo returned to Hangzhou with the triumphant generals, shocking the entire court.

The Song Army

achieved a great victory over the Jin Dynasty in the Battle of Jiankang, capturing over ten thousand enemies and taking more than twenty thousand prisoners. The hundred thousand-strong army of Jin Wuzhuo collapsed, and I, with just over thirty cavalry, managed to escape back to Daming Prefecture.

It is said that Yue Fei ambushed us several times along the way, and I was almost captured a few times. In the end, General Yue intercepted me at Tuyu Ridge. If it weren't for the subsequent arrival of a large Jin army to rescue me, I would probably be on my way back to Hangzhou under escort by now.

It was truly a great victory!

But there is an even greater achievement.

Yue Fei led a small elite force to the east and launched a surprise attack on the Jin Marshal Wanyan Chang's troops, who were preparing to move south and encircle Jiankang. Wanyan Chang was killed, and the eastern army, losing its command, quickly retreated to the north!

Since the start of the war, when has the Jin Dynasty ever lost a marshal?

And this time, it was lost in the hands of General Yue!

Cao Guo stood on the grand hall, pointing at Yue Fei and praising him with great enthusiasm.

General Yue has made outstanding military achievements. I have decided to appoint you as the Military Governor of Qingyuan, the Commissioner of Huainan South Road, and grant you full control over the defense of the Yangtze River. You will station your troops in Jiankang, and I hope you will diligently govern the army. I will have more tasks for you after the New Year!

I thank Your Majesty for your benevolence. I dare not fail to repay it with my life!

The other generals who participated in this battle, such as Li Gang, Liu Guangshi, and Han Shizhong, also made significant gains and were rewarded accordingly.

However, Qin Hui and Zhang Jun were very uneasy.

Prior to this, Qin Hui had submitted a memorial accusing Yue Fei of leading troops north without authorization, and Zhang Jun had also signed it.

That memorial was now on the imperial desk, right beside Cao Guo.

The two of them thought that the emperor would take action against them next.

But Cao Guo's eyes only glanced at them briefly and then moved on, without mentioning the memorial.

It wasn't until after the court session.

As soon as they left the palace gate, the two of them began to whisper to each other.

Who would have thought that Yue Fei would achieve such great merit in a single battle? Now, who can restrain him?

Master Zhang, you don't need to worry. On the contrary, it seems that Yue Fei's days may be numbered...
