The Heavenly Court is in chaos, with no time to protect itself.

The Ling Mountain is at a dead end, becoming a hotbed of infection.

I was amazed at how Maitreya alone could destroy the Heavenly Court and the Buddhist sect of Ling Mountain.

Maitreya gave us a big shock.

Behind Maitreya's bloated divine body, numerous spikes grew, each one with barbs that emitted a cold light.

And on each spike, there was a head of a Buddhist disciple.

With Maitreya's roar, all the infected disciples and heavenly soldiers were guided to attack the Heavenly Court's army madly.

Even though the Heavenly Court was prepared, they were forced to retreat step by step.

What's most frustrating is that these monsters cannot be killed.

Thunder strikes, fire burns, they collapse, yet they transform into black mist and reassemble.

Compared to before, these dao worms seem to have become more formidable.

The Heavenly Court's army retreats step by step.

Even the Great General Li Jing is heavily injured under Maitreya's attacks.

He is left with one arm supporting his treasure pagoda, which suppresses countless resentful spirits.

"Tianpeng, you're responsible for this. Are you and Maitreya conspiring to destroy the Three Realms?"

"Screw your nonsense! Damn Heavenly Court! Come on!"

I'm annoyed that the Heavenly Court can't even protect itself and yet still tries to shift the blame.

Li Jing sneered and, along with his three sons behind him, pointed at me and said in unison, "Then how do you explain that all the Buddhas of Ling Mountain and our heavenly soldiers are infected, but you remain unharmed?"

I was speechless because I couldn't explain this fact.

Should I explain to Li Jing that I am the only variable in the calamity mentioned by the Buddha?

Li Jing was busy questioning me.

Unbeknownst to him, Maitreya, like a black giant, raised his hand, and black mist enveloped Li Jing and the others.

A hundred thousand heavenly soldiers let out miserable cries, and many of them were infected, engaging in fierce battles with their former colleagues.

At this moment, the Jade Emperor, who had been sitting securely on the throne, turned pale.

Originally, the heavenly army had the advantage in numbers and strength.

But now, more and more heavenly soldiers, tainted by the dao worms, begin to switch sides.

The Jade Emperor couldn't sit still anymore.

"Order the Great General to retreat and temporarily withdraw to the Heavenly Court. We'll reconsider our plan."

To be fair, the Jade Emperor's current decision is understandable.

In the face of such contamination that even the Buddha himself cannot deal with, the safest course of action is to retreat and seek the help of influential figures or find the right method to counter it.

But don't forget, this decision also means abandoning countless infected heavenly soldiers and generals.

Tianpeng, the Great General, is eager to escape from Ling Mountain, which has become a graveyard.

He immediately leads the heavenly soldiers back to the Jade Emperor's side.

However, his actions directly provoke Maitreya's furious attacks.

The Jade Emperor is also a powerful cultivator and immediately unleashes the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, severely injuring Maitreya and forcing him to retreat step by step.

But the most unexpected scene unfolds.

At a critical moment, Tianpeng manages to immobilize the Jade Emperor using his treasure pagoda.

However, during this brief moment, Maitreya's spikes have already pierced the Jade Emperor's chest.

With severe injuries, the Jade Emperor erupts, sending both Tianpeng and Maitreya flying.

After all, Tianpeng was once Marshal Tianpeng and a subordinate of the Jade Emperor.

I quickly rush forward to support the Jade Emperor.

At this moment, a sinister smile appears on Tianpeng's face.

A black, spiky tentacle suddenly grows from where his severed arm was.

It turns out Tianpeng has also been infected.

At a critical moment, he was controlled by Maitreya and delivered an unexpected blow to the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor's face alternatesbetween pale and red, and he looks at Tianpeng with anger and disappointment.

"Tianpeng, how could you betray the Heavenly Court?"

Tianpeng laughs coldly and says, "The Heavenly Court? It's just a bunch of hypocrites! Maitreya has shown me the truth of this world."

"You fool! Maitreya is manipulating you! Can't you see that?"

I shout at Tianpeng, hoping to break through the influence of the dao worms and bring him back to his senses.

However, Tianpeng seems completely consumed by the infection and ignores my words.

He raises his treasure pagoda high in the air and prepares to strike the Jade Emperor again.

Before Tianpeng can make his move, a voice echoes through the Ling Mountain.


It is the voice of the Buddha, who has finally arrived at the scene.

With a calm expression, the Buddha steps forward, his robes fluttering in the wind.

All the infected disciples and heavenly soldiers momentarily stop their attacks and turn their attention to the Buddha.

Maitreya, who was about to attack again, also pauses and looks at the Buddha with a mix of fear and anticipation.

"Maitreya, your actions have gone too far," the Buddha says, his voice resonating with a powerful aura.

"Oh, Buddha, you finally show yourself. But it's too late. I have already infected countless beings, and soon, the Three Realms will be under my control," Maitreya responds, his voice filled with arrogance.

The Buddha's eyes narrow, and his expression turns serious.

"Maitreya, you have misunderstood the essence of Buddhism. You have strayed from the path of enlightenment."

"Hahaha! Enlightenment? What a joke! The only truth is power! And I have the power to reshape this world!" Maitreya retorts.

The Buddha's face remains calm, and he raises his hand, emitting a golden light that envelops the Ling Mountain.

Suddenly, the infected disciples and heavenly soldiers start convulsing, their bodies writhing in pain.

The dao worms that have taken control of them begin to squirm and disintegrate under the Buddha's light.

Maitreya's expression changes from arrogance to panic as he realizes his control is slipping away.

With a final burst of energy, the Buddha releases a wave of golden light that sweeps across the Ling Mountain, purifying the infection and restoring the disciples and heavenly soldiers to their original state.

In the aftermath, the Ling Mountain is left in ruins, but the threat of Maitreya and the infection has been eradicated.

The Buddha turns to Tianpeng, who is still under the influence of the dao worms, and extends his hand.

"Tianpeng, come back to the right path. Let go of the darkness that has clouded your mind."

Tianpeng hesitates for a moment, his eyes filled with conflict.

Then, with a deep sigh, he drops his treasure pagoda and reaches out to grasp the Buddha's hand.

As their hands touch, a surge of golden light envelops Tianpeng, and the infection is cleansed from his body.

He falls to his knees, tears streaming down his face.

"I... I'm so sorry," Tianpeng mutters, overcome with regret.

The Buddha places a hand on Tianpeng's shoulder and offers him forgiveness.

"The path to enlightenment is not always straight. What matters is that you have found your way back."

With the Ling Mountain restored and the threat of Maitreya eliminated, peace gradually returns to the Three Realms.

However, the scars of the conflict remain, serving as a reminder of the dangers that can arise when darkness takes hold of the hearts of beings.

The Heavenly Court and the Buddhist sects begin the long process of rebuilding and healing, guided by the teachings of the Buddha and the lessons learned from the crisis.

And as for me, I reflect on the role I played in this calamity, vowing to use my powers responsibly and to protect the harmony of the Three Realms.
