I searched every corner of the cave.

Like a madman.

But I couldn't find the old Dao or the Deer Spirit.

The person I hated, the person I loved, they were all gone...

"When did he ascend?"

I beckoned casually, and a disciple nearby hurriedly ran over and knelt down to respond.

"Yesterday... yesterday."

"Just the night before you came out of seclusion."

Was it a coincidence?

Was it just perfect timing?

I had doubts in my heart, then glanced at the trembling disciple.

"I ask, you answer."

"Answer well, I won't kill you."

"I'm not a madman who kills without blinking, I'm not that old Dao."

When I said the last sentence, I suddenly felt uneasy.

That's right.

I'm not that old Dao.

I'm not the kind of scum who treats lives as insignificant.

I'm not a madman, just a madman pursuing ascension.

"Good, good!"

"You ask, I will answer without reservation."

The junior disciple was very obedient and nodded repeatedly.

"What about Lu Ling?"

Worried that he didn't recognize, I added,

"The girl who entered the cave with me before."

"Her?" The disciple's face showed a puzzled expression.

"Didn't she already go in with you?"

"Not long ago, she entered the cave with Senior Shanyuan to take care of your daily life and accompany you in cultivation."

"But, but... she didn't come out afterward."

The more he spoke, the quieter the disciple's voice became.

And my heart was struck like a heavy hammer.

"What?!" I grabbed him, my eyes widened, my eyes turning red. "What did you say? Who is Shanyuan?"

He was clearly terrified, and his pants immediately became wet.

"Shanyuan, Senior Shanyuan, he looks round and kind."

"He was the one who entered the cave with that girl."

Lu Ling!

That person was Lu Ling!

No! Impossible!

That was another senior!

Thin and weak, the mute senior who couldn't speak!

Moreover, he had already formed his core, while Lu Ling hadn't cultivated at all. How could she have formed her core?

It must be a mistake!

It must be a mistake!

As my brain spun rapidly, I unconsciously squeezed my hand tighter and tighter.


The sound of bones breaking came.

I turned my head slightly, releasing my grip in a daze.

The disciple's body fell limp to the ground.

He couldn't answer my questions anymore, he couldn't speak anymore.

I needed to find someone else.

I cast my gaze upon the others.

Everyone was trembling and avoiding eye contact.

Just as I was about to choose the next lucky person to answer my inquiries, a female disciple suddenly ran up to me.

"This... this was left by that old Dao before he ascended."

"It's said that it will be of great use to you once you learn it."

I glanced indifferently at the book made of human skin.

"What's written in it?"

The female disciple shook her head. "This book contains the key to ascension, and it's under a forbidden curse. We ordinary disciples are not allowed to read it."


I had long ceased to care about ascension, so I casually tossed it aside.

The pages of the book opened, and it read:

"All beings who fail to attain the true Dao are trapped by delusions."

"Once delusions arise, their spirits are disturbed; once disturbed, they cling to all things; once clinging to all things, they give rise to greed and desire;"

"Once greed and desire arise, afflictions follow. Afflictions and delusions bring about suffering to body and mind."

"They suffer defilement and disgrace, wander through life and death, sink into an ocean of suffering,and are unable to break free from the cycle of existence."

My eyes scanned the pages as I continued reading:

"To attain true ascension, one must first conquer the delusions within. Only by purifying the mind and letting go of attachments can one transcend the mortal realm."

"The path to ascension lies not in external cultivation or the pursuit of power, but in inner transformation and enlightenment."

The words seemed to echo in my mind.

I had spent countless years seeking power, pursuing the Dao, and yet I had failed to attain true ascension.

Was it because I had been consumed by delusions?

Had I lost sight of the true path?

I felt a surge of anger and frustration within me.

How could it be so simple?

How could all those years of effort and sacrifice be in vain?

I crumpled the book in my hands, unable to accept its words.

But deep down, a part of me knew that there was truth in those pages.

I had become so fixated on external achievements, on proving myself to the world, that I had neglected the most important journey—the journey within.

As I stood there, surrounded by the remnants of my shattered illusions, a newfound determination welled up inside me.

I would embark on a different path.

A path of self-discovery, of inner purification.

Whether it would lead to ascension or not, I did not know.

But I knew that it was a path worth taking.

And so, with renewed resolve, I set out on a new journey, leaving behind the cave and the memories it held.

I would face my delusions, confront my attachments, and strive to find true enlightenment.

For in the end, it wasn't about reaching the heavens or gaining power.

It was about finding peace within myself and living a life free from suffering.

And that was a goal worth pursuing.
