With a "sizzling" sound.

The thick juice overflowed, splashing onto my clothes.

I looked at the small holes burned by the venom.

I took a few steps back and remained silent.

"Shencezi was right!"

"I will become immortal, and opportunities will come rolling in!"

Looking at the delighted expression on the old Taoist's face, I couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

For some reason, I felt like the old Taoist's eyes could see again.

Or rather, he perceived things not through a pair of eyes.

At this moment, he no longer looked blind.

He was no different from Lu Ling and the people around him.

Instead, it was me.

My eyes not only see through everything in the world,

but they can also see into the future.

The former is something I possessed when I came to this world.

The latter was given to me by the old Taoist.

However... at that time, I didn't understand why he went to such lengths to get rid of a pair of eyes that could see into the future.

Foreknowledge is the dream of many.
