Once I returned to the palace of the Daughters' Kingdom, I found that Master and the others, including Zhu Bajie, wore a worried expression. It seemed as though they had lost their strength to speak. On top of their bellies, there faintly appeared the face of an infant.

"Elder Brother... Have you retrieved the Spring of Falling Birth?"

As soon as he saw me, Zhu Bajie's eyes brightened, and he hurriedly asked.

I hesitated for a moment but eventually took out two bottles of water. One was stored in a cloth bag by me, and the other was given to me by Fairy Ruyi later on. After setting up a barrier and conveying Fairy Ruyi's words, everyone fell into a dilemma.

"Forget it, just drink it!"

Sandy's gaze sharpened as he wanted to be the first.

I knew he was from the Heavenly Court, but he still had a brotherly bond with us. His actions were risking himself, which was not what I wanted. So I directly grabbed his arm.

"Elder Brother, why are you doing this?"

Sandy's eyes flashed with confusion.

I remained silent, shook my head, and turned to look at Zhu Bajie, resolutely saying,

"Before you all drink from this spring, I want to know the connection between this place and the myriad of gods and Buddhas."


Zhu Bajie showed a troubled expression and looked at Sandy.

They never expected me to reveal this secret.

"Rest assured, Sun Wukong is no longer the reckless person who rushed into the heavens." I spoke calmly, although deep inside, I already had a vague sense of the cruel truth and needed confirmation.

"Very well, Second Brother, go ahead."

"If Elder Brother truly turns a blind eye to this place, then he wouldn't be Elder Brother anymore." Sandy sighed softly, his eyes filled with helplessness.


Zhu Bajie fell silent for a moment, his gaze deep and his voice low,

"This matter is quite complicated and involves several ancient gods..."

Ancient gods?

I raised an eyebrow. No wonder Zhu Bajie mentioned that it had broad implications earlier.

"Do you know about Nüwa, the Great Goddess who molded humans from clay and repaired the heavens?"

Zhu Bajie suddenly whispered.

I nodded. How could I not know about that? After all, the source of my power was the Rainbow Stone left behind by Goddess Nüwa when she repaired the heavens.

"Elder Brother, do you know what happened to the body she discarded after becoming a deity?"

Zhu Bajie gazed deeply at me, as if there was a meaning only he could understand.

I was slightly stunned and involuntarily stood up, speaking in a heavy tone,

"Could it be... it's here?"

"Not entirely."

To my surprise, Zhu Bajie shook his head and continued,

"Only a part of it is here."

"Which part?"

I blurted out.

"The ovary."

Zhu Bajie's gaze turned icy as he calmly spoke.

The whole place fell into silence!

No wonder!

No wonder the River God had the ability to breed life!

No wonder the Spring of Falling Birth was so sinister and filthy!

Then, those previous gazes... Could it be that they were from Goddess Nüwa?

A thunderous realization struck my mind, and my thoughts became chaotic.

"So... how does all this relate to the current situation?"

After a moment of silence, I spoke up.

If Goddess Nüwa's discarded body was here, where did those horrifying infant spirits come from? And what about the ghastly infant souls?

"Elder Brother, do you know... about 'vegetarian meat'?"

Sandy suddenly spoke in a soft voice.

"Vegetarian meat?"

I furrowed my brow.

"Vegetarian meat."

Sandy nodded and continued in a low voice, "It's not that all the gods and Buddhas in the heavens abstain from desire and carnal pleasures. For those with such needs, they seek their own solutionsand create 'vegetarian meat'."

"Vegetarian meat? What do you mean?" I asked, perplexed.

"It's a term used to describe the offspring of gods and Buddhas. They are born without the need for sexual reproduction, and their bodies are formed through a unique method," Sandy explained.

I was taken aback by this revelation. "So, you're saying that the infant spirits and infant souls we encountered are the 'vegetarian meat' offspring of gods and Buddhas?"

Sandy nodded solemnly. "Yes, Elder Brother. The River God is one of the deities involved in this process. The Spring of Falling Birth is the result of their experiments and the source of these 'vegetarian meat' beings."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The implications of this revelation were staggering. "So, the River God and the deities associated with him have been using the discarded ovary of Goddess Nüwa to create these abominations?"

Zhu Bajie interjected, "Not only that, but they have also been using the power of the Spring of Falling Birth to give life to these beings. They have been secretly conducting these experiments for centuries."

I felt a mix of anger, disbelief, and sadness. The thought of Goddess Nüwa's discarded ovary being used in such a vile manner was infuriating. "We must put an end to this!"

Master, who had been listening silently, finally spoke up. "Indeed, this cannot be allowed to continue. We must stop the River God and those involved in these experiments. But we need to be cautious and plan our actions carefully. They are powerful beings, and confronting them directly could be dangerous."

I nodded in agreement. "You're right, Master. We need a well-thought-out plan to expose their actions and bring them to justice."

With a renewed sense of purpose, we began discussing our next steps. Our priority was to gather more information about the River God and his allies, as well as find allies of our own who could support us in this endeavor. It was a daunting task, but we were determined to bring an end to the abominable experiments and ensure that justice was served.
