I turned around and found that Senior Brother had already set up a barrier, while Master and Second Brother were sitting upright, looking straight at me, unable to hide their confusion in their eyes.

I couldn't help but smile bitterly in my heart.

My changes could deceive that evil spirit, but they couldn't escape the notice of people like Master and the others who had been with me day and night. I'm afraid they had already sensed something when I suddenly mentioned paying respects to the Buddha. They just didn't confront me at that time.

But this time, I had no intention of hiding it from them.

Although this matter had an inexplicable feeling of fantasy everywhere, it was an undeniable reality.

Lingshan had already fallen, and I alone couldn't break this situation. Now, I could only hope that Master and the others would believe what I was about to say.

"Master, I know you're anxious, but let's not rush. This matter... is a long story."

After a while, when I finished speaking,

Senior Brother suddenly stood up, flames flickering in his pupils, his fingertips shining with spiritual light, pointing at my spiritual platform, and asked in confusion:

"What's going on? There's no demonic obstruction on your spiritual platform. How can you talk such nonsense?"

I frowned and impatiently swatted Senior Brother's hand away, saying,

"Senior Brother, don't joke with me! Everything I said is true!"

Senior Brother smiled, somersaulted back to his original seat, but didn't talk to me. Instead, he earnestly spoke to Master and the others:

"Master, it seems Little White Dragon has been through a lot and suddenly arrived at Lingshan, a bit confused..."

Second Brother also nodded and said seriously,

"This kind of thing happened to me in the mortal world before, but I didn't expect Little White Dragon to experience it as well."

Even the usually simple-minded Sha Senior Brother cast a sympathetic look at me.

"Amitabha Buddha, Little White Dragon, if you're tired, you can rest here after seeing the Buddha..."


Seeing that they seemed to never stop, I couldn't help but lose patience and sat down with a solemn expression.

Seeing me like this, the smiles on Master and the others' faces gradually faded, and suddenly they sighed lightly, and the room fell into a strange silence.

I didn't know how long it had been, but Senior Brother suddenly looked up at me and said in a deep voice,

"You have reincarnated several times. Do you now know that Jin Dingdaxian, the two Arhats, and the Buddhas in the Great Hall of the Great Heroes have all become evil spirits?"

I nodded and hesitated for a moment, then shook my head,

"I haven't personally set foot in the Great Hall of the Great Heroes, so I haven't seen the real situation inside."

"In that case, the first thing we need to do is to confirm the location where Buddha Shakyamuni fell. Even if the evil spirit has really controlled Buddha Shakyamuni, we can never kill him. Buddha Shakyamuni has an indestructible body and is one with the heavens and the earth... If we can free Buddha Shakyamuni, there may be a glimmer of hope for us."

"What do you think?"

Master frowned slightly and spoke softly. In a few breaths, he had already made some calculations in his mind.

He was the one who knew best about his ten-fruit enlightenment. Even when he burned all his fruits of enlightenment, it meant that the evil spirit was far from being defeated by the four of them. They had to outsmart it!

Hearing Master's idea, Second Brother nodded slowly, but he glanced at Sha Senior Brother and added,

"If Lingshan has really become such a demonic nest, awakening Buddha Shakyamuni and dealing with the mastermind behind the scenes would be the best scenario.

"However, if Buddha Shakyamuni could be controlled by the evil spirit, I'm afraid the power of that evil spirit is definitely not inferior to Buddha Shakyamuni. Even if Buddha Shakyamuni is freed, there is no chance of winning against it.

"In my opinion, perhaps it would be safer to send Sha Junior Brother to the Heavenly Court to explain the situation to the Jade Emperor.

"Even if that evil spirit ispowerful, it wouldn't dare to provoke the Jade Emperor."

Sha Senior Brother's eyes widened in surprise and he stammered,

"S-send me to the Heavenly Court? Me? But... but I'm just a low-level celestial being!"

Master nodded and said with a serious expression,

"That's right. You are the weakest among us, but you have a talent that the others don't possess."

Sha Senior Brother looked at Master in confusion, unable to understand what he meant.

Master continued,

"You possess the Bloodline of the Celestial Phoenix. With the Phoenix's bloodline, you can borrow the power of the Heavenly Court and communicate with the heavenly soldiers and generals. If you encounter any danger, they will definitely help you."

"But... but how can I go to the Heavenly Court? I don't know the way..."

Sha Senior Brother's voice trembled slightly as he spoke. He was clearly nervous and overwhelmed by the sudden responsibility placed on him.

Master smiled gently and said,

"Don't worry, I will personally send you to the Heavenly Court. I have a secret technique that can open a portal to the Heavenly Court, but it can only be used once. Once you arrive at the Heavenly Court, explain the situation to the Jade Emperor and ask for his help. The fate of Lingshan and the world depends on you."

"Yes, Master!"

Sha Senior Brother's eyes were filled with determination as he bowed deeply to Master.

Master turned to me and said,

"Little White Dragon, you stay here and protect the barrier. Senior Brother and I will go to the Great Hall of the Great Heroes to investigate the situation. Second Brother, you stay here to guard Lingshan and assist Little White Dragon. We will reconvene and make further plans after we gather more information."

I nodded and replied,

"Master, please be careful. I will do my best to protect the barrier and await your return."

With that, Master and Senior Brother stood up, their expressions resolute and determined.

"Let's go!" Master said, and the two of them walked out of the room, leaving me, Second Brother, and Sha Senior Brother behind.

The room fell into silence once again, and we could only wait anxiously for their return, hoping that they would be able to find a way to save Lingshan and free Buddha Shakyamuni from the clutches of the evil spirit.
