I had already decided not to investigate Wu Yan's suicide.

However, after the seven-day mourning period for Wu Yan, my aunt came to visit. Her mental state was very poor, and my mother was her only relative.

She said that ever since Wu Yan's death, she had nightmares every night.

In her dreams, Wu Yan was being devoured by a group of strange-looking gods.

I asked my aunt why she thought those strange things were gods.

She hesitated for a while and replied, "I don't know either. But aren't they? Gods are different from ordinary people."

After a strange silence, the topic was skipped. But since then, both my mother and I started having the same nightmares.

Our mental state gradually deteriorated, and we became paranoid. We even experienced terrifying hallucinations during the day.

Although we sought treatment in a timely manner, the situation did not improve much.

My mother started worshiping various gods, offering incense and praying every day. As for me, I finally decided to go to the source of everything.

Erlang Temple is located within the 5A scenic area of Longxi Hongkou National Nature Reserve. It attracts a large number of visitors on weekends, and the temple is filled with the fragrance of incense.

The main hall enshrines the God Erlang, with his ears hanging down, thick eyebrows and three eyes. He sits tall with a golden body, and numerous believers devoutly kneel before him, offering worship and reverence.

I suddenly remembered the question that Wu Yan asked me before jumping off the building. Why are things that clearly look like monsters revered as gods?

I stared intently at the tall statue, trying to find the answer to this question.

Suddenly, the eye on the forehead of the God Erlang statue moved, and then a faint blue light emanated from it, quickly enveloping the entire temple.

Then I saw more eyes gradually growing on the face of the God Erlang, densely filling his entire head.

He stood up and swung a trident that appeared out of thin air towards me. I finally noticed that even the back of his hand was covered with eyes.

I was filled with fear and couldn't breathe, just like when facing an oncoming car, I could only watch as the tip of the blade got closer and closer, until it pierced through my body.

"Young man, you shouldn't stare at the statue!"

Just as I was about to suffocate and die, these words pulled me out of the depths of fear.

I collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath, trembling uncontrollably, and my shirt was soaked in sweat.

The middle-aged woman standing next to me was frightened by my appearance. She quickly bowed and kowtowed to the God Erlang statue, mumbling, "Please forgive us, heavenly god. The young man doesn't know the rules."

She pulled me to kowtow three times and asked me to light a joss stick. During this time, my emotions gradually calmed down.

The woman's name was Yang Ru, a devout Buddhist believer.

With her hands clasped together, she said, "As long as we devoutly worship, the heavenly gods will bestow divinity upon us, granting us eternal life."

"You and I meeting is fate, and we are family. I am willing to accompany you on your journey."

She took out a yellow paper from an old red cloth bag and handed it to me. There were some words written in Tibetan on it.

I'm not very familiar with Tibetan, but I occasionally do some analysis for evidence and suicide notes in some bizarre murder or suicide cases. So I could barely recognize a few words on the yellow paper: [Sacrifice][Flesh][Ascend].

This reminded me of Wu Yan's strange jumping behavior, coupled with my mother's recent behavior of burning incense and worshiping, so I accepted the yellow paper.

Only then did I notice that the back of the yellow paper was also painted with a strange pattern.

It was a pattern of countless tentacles and eyes intertwined, with a vaguely sticky mouth in the center.

Its color was somewhere between red and black, causing a physiological discomfort. This pattern gave me a faint sense of familiarity, but I couldn't remember where I had seen it.

It's hard to imagine that Buddhism would worship such... a monster.

But Yang Ru did not explain her actions further, and no matterhow much I asked, she remained silent. She seemed to be waiting for something.

As we left the temple, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. The eyes of the God Erlang statue seemed to follow me, and I couldn't escape their gaze.

Over the next few days, strange occurrences continued to happen. Objects in our house would move on their own, and we would hear whispers in the dead of night. Shadows danced on the walls, and a sense of dread filled the air.

Unable to bear it any longer, I decided to confront Yang Ru and demand answers.

We met at a small tea house on the outskirts of the city. The place was quiet, and the aroma of tea filled the air.

I confronted Yang Ru about the strange occurrences and demanded to know the truth behind the yellow paper and the pattern on its back.

She took a sip of tea and looked at me with a calm expression.

"What you have encountered is the influence of a dark deity, a being that exists beyond our comprehension," she began.

"Long ago, there were beings known as the Old Ones who ruled over the earth. They were ancient and powerful, with unimaginable knowledge and abilities. But they were banished to another realm by the gods we worship today."

"However, their influence still lingers, and there are those who seek to harness their power. They perform rituals and make sacrifices to gain favor from these dark beings."

"The pattern on the back of the yellow paper is a symbol of one such dark deity. It represents its presence and its hunger for sacrifices."

I listened intently, trying to process the information. It was as if a hidden world had been unveiled before me.

"But why did my aunt and mother worship these dark deities? And why did Wu Yan end his life?" I asked.

Yang Ru sighed, her eyes filled with sadness.

"Sometimes, people are drawn to the darkness without fully understanding its consequences. They seek power, immortality, or answers to their deepest desires. But the price they pay is often too high."

"Your aunt and mother were seduced by promises of eternal life and blessings. They willingly offered sacrifices to these deities, not knowing the true nature of what they were worshiping."

"As for Wu Yan, he discovered the truth and couldn't bear the weight of it. He chose to end his life rather than continue down that path."

My mind was spinning with this new information. It was hard to accept that the people closest to me had been involved in such dark practices.

"Is there any way to break free from this influence? Can we protect ourselves?" I asked, my voice filled with desperation.

Yang Ru looked at me with a mix of compassion and determination.

"There is a way, but it won't be easy. We must gather our strength and seek the help of the gods we truly believe in. We must confront the darkness and reclaim our lives."

She handed me a small amulet, intricately carved with protective symbols.

"Take this. It will offer you some protection against the influence of the dark deities. But remember, true strength comes from within. We must find the light within ourselves and stand strong against the darkness."

I nodded, feeling a newfound determination rise within me.

From that day forward, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. I sought the guidance of wise monks, studied ancient texts, and meditated to find inner peace.

It was a long and difficult path, but slowly, the nightmares and hallucinations subsided. The darkness that had plagued our lives began to recede.

Through my journey, I learned that true power lies in understanding, compassion, and the choices we make. I vowed to use my knowledge to help others who may have fallen into the same darkness.

And so, the story of Wu Yan's suicide took on a new meaning for me. It became a catalyst for change, a reminder of the dangers of blindly following false promises and the importance of seeking truth and light.

As I continue on my path, I hope to bring solace to those who have been affected by the influence of the dark deities and offer them a way to break free from their grip.

The journey is far from over, but I walk it with determination, knowing that I am not alone.
