Although Wu Yan committed suicide, there were only the two of us in the room at the time, and I was called in by the police for routine questioning.

I truthfully told the police about my conversation with Wu Yan. There was surveillance in the room, which could prove that I was not lying.

However, the look in Wu Yan's eyes before he jumped off the building horrified me. I was curious about what he had seen that frightened him.

Later, I repeatedly watched the surveillance footage but couldn't find anything unusual. I could only assume that Wu Yan's mental state hadn't recovered, and something at that time had caused him to hallucinate.

However, on the fourth day after Wu Yan's burial, I received a package from him.

With curiosity, I opened the package, which contained a stack of photos and a recording pen.

Strangely, I looked through all the photos, but most of them were overexposed and I couldn't see the content. Only a few blurry photos barely revealed an environment similar to a cave.

There were many audio recordings in the recorder, and the voice was undoubtedly Wu Yan's. The content was the daily record of the archaeological work in Dujiangyan, but some of the audio had been damaged.

I extracted some information from them.

On November 27, 2022, around 2 p.m., a magnitude 2.5 earthquake occurred in Dujiangyan City, Chengdu, Sichuan Province.

The epicenter was near Longchi Town, and the seismic wave was short, only four kilometers.

Earthquakes are common in Sichuan.

A magnitude 2.5 earthquake wouldn't cause any panic. People playing mahjong in teahouses didn't even bother to move their butts.

However, at 5 p.m. that day, Wu Yan's unit received a call from the Longchi Town Police Station, asking them to immediately send someone to Erlang Temple in Hongkou Township.

The police said that the earthquake had caused a landslide near the temple, and the workers found a strange building that resembled a tomb below a crack.

However, Captain Liao Fei, the leader of the archaeological team, didn't attach much importance to it. Therefore, he arranged for Wu Yan to go with the new university students Tao Xiuhong and Qiu Shan for preliminary exploration.

They set off immediately after receiving the task and arrived in Hongkou Township around 8 p.m. With the guidance of the scenic spot staff, they came to the mountainside about one kilometer north of Erlang Temple.

It was a small mountain over 300 meters high, and a crack about two meters wide and over ten meters long appeared in the shady side of about 100 meters.

The crack was hidden in dense woods and would not have been discovered under normal circumstances. However, shortly after the earthquake, a beam of blue light flashed twice, attracting the attention of the workers.

Wu Yan and the others followed the workers to the crack, and only then did he understand why the police had mentioned that this place was somewhat strange.

The crack looked like a gap split open by an axe, with smooth and regular edges, unlike a landslide or collapse caused by an earthquake.

Since the workers were older and didn't dare to enter the crack rashly, they could only observe the inside with binoculars and flashlights. That's when they discovered the buildings that seemed like ancient tombs.

Before Wu Yan and the others arrived, the two workers had prepared rope ladders, climbing axes, flashlights, and other tools.

In the recording, Wu Yan emphasized that it was already late in the day, and they should have waited until the next day to conduct the exploration. However, at that moment, he was driven by a strong curiosity and disregarded the dissuasion of his two colleagues, insisting on going down into the tomb.

During the descent along the rope ladder, Wu Yan described feeling like he was walking on an endless road leading to hell. Despite the strong white light from the flashlight, the deep and quiet environment instinctively filled him with fear.

You can hear his rapid and heavy breathing in the recording.

After more than ten minutes of this breathing, Wu Yan suddenly screamed in horror, "This... this is impossible!"

Then, the audio turned into a harsh electric noise, as if it had been disrupted by a magnetic field.

This noise lasted for over an hour.

When the clear recording was heard again, Wu Yan's mental state had clearlydeteriorated. His voice was trembling, and he seemed to be on the verge of tears.

He described what he saw in the tomb as unimaginable. The walls were covered in strange symbols and patterns that seemed to writhe and shift as if they were alive. The air was heavy with an oppressive presence, and he felt an overwhelming sense of dread.

Wu Yan mentioned encountering a large chamber filled with what appeared to be ancient artifacts and relics. He saw ornate statues, intricate carvings, and strange, unknown objects that defied explanation.

But what disturbed him the most was a large, central object in the chamber. He struggled to describe it, mentioning that it was a massive stone structure with pulsating lights emanating from within. Its shape seemed to constantly change, as if it was alive.

As Wu Yan continued to explore the tomb, he noticed something even more unsettling. He began to hear whispers, faint voices that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. The voices were indistinct, but they carried an otherworldly quality that sent shivers down his spine.

Overwhelmed by fear and the sense of impending doom, Wu Yan decided to leave the tomb. He climbed back up the rope ladder, his hands trembling and his heart pounding.

However, when he emerged from the crack, he was greeted by an eerie sight. The surrounding area had changed. The night sky was no longer visible, replaced by a swirling, dark void that seemed to devour all light. The familiar landscape had been replaced by a desolate, otherworldly environment.

Terrified and disoriented, Wu Yan ran aimlessly, trying to find a way out. But the more he ran, the more the environment seemed to twist and warp around him. Shadows danced and writhed, and he could hear the whispers growing louder, filling his mind.

In a panic, Wu Yan climbed a nearby hill, hoping to get a better view of his surroundings. But what he saw sent him into a state of utter despair.

As far as his eyes could see, there was only darkness. The world he knew had vanished, replaced by an endless expanse of nothingness. He was trapped in a nightmarish realm, cut off from reality.

Unable to bear the torment any longer, Wu Yan made the fateful decision to end his own life, hoping to escape the horrors that surrounded him.

The package of photos and recordings that Wu Yan sent me was a desperate attempt to share his experience and warn others. It seemed that whatever he had encountered in that tomb had driven him to the brink of madness.

I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of unease as I listened to his recordings and examined the blurry photos. It was as if something sinister lurked beyond the veil of our reality, waiting to ensnare those who dared to uncover its secrets.

Haunted by Wu Yan's final moments and the mysteries he left behind, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this story, something hidden in the darkness that I was not yet aware of.
