When I went out, there was a hustle and bustle at Jinshan Temple.

Many monks I had never seen before greeted me.

They called me "Xu Xian".

It seems that I am the protagonist of the legend of "The Legend of the White Snake" from five hundred years ago.

But Bai Suzhen, who walks beside me, cannot see them.

I pointed to the chubby monk next to me, but Bai Suzhen said it was just a tree.

When I was confused, a monk had already stood behind me.

I recognized him, he was the abbot of Jinshan Temple, the powerful monk Fa Hai.

He smiled at me and then clasped his hands together, saying:


I looked at Bai Suzhen next to me again, and she had already disappeared from this world.

I tried my best to remember her, but even her face started to blur.

With confusion, I asked Fa Hai:

"What's happening to me?"

Fa Hai smiled, counted the Buddhist beads in his hand, and then said:

"Xu Shi, you just woke up, how did you get amnesia?"

I walked out of Jinshan Temple in a daze, and everyone passing by recognized me as "Xu Xian".

It seemed that the little monk named "Wuming" didn't exist at all.

I went to Leifeng Pagoda, wanting to see the umbrella to prove my identity.

Unfortunately, the oiled paper umbrella was really gone.

People who came to worship at Leifeng Pagoda said:

"This tower was just built recently. How could there be a demon-suppressing umbrella here?"

"If you want to buy an umbrella, I know. There's a shop by the West Lake that sells good-quality oiled paper umbrellas."

Following the directions, I headed towards the West Lake, and indeed there was a shop selling oiled paper umbrellas.

The shopkeeper asked me:

"Sir, are you looking to buy an umbrella?"

I shook my head and asked her:

"I'm looking for an umbrella, gray and white in color, made of snake skin."

The shopkeeper's expression changed, and she said:

"An umbrella made of snake skin? That's for dealing with ghosts. I don't sell them in my shop."

When I left the shop, it was already drizzling outside.

I took shelter under a tree near the Broken Bridge, but I saw a painted boat.

The woman on it seemed familiar, but I couldn't remember where I had seen her before.

The woman stood at the bow of the boat and handed me an oiled paper umbrella.

She smiled and said:

"Sir, take this umbrella to shelter from the rain, don't get wet."

I nodded absentmindedly and took the oiled paper umbrella.

The woman wrote an address on a handkerchief and handed it to me.

When the umbrella is used up, deliver it to their mansion tomorrow.

I didn't open the umbrella and walked in the rain to my own medicinal herb shop.

The servant inside warmly greeted me:

"Mr. Xu, how come you're still getting wet with an umbrella?"

I smiled bitterly and shook my head, saying that I was absent-minded.

This absurd experience made me unsure if the people in front of me were real.

But when I went to deliver the umbrella the next day, I did see a magnificent mansion.

The woman who borrowed my umbrella stood at the door, looking at me. She smiled and said:

"Mr. Xu, I am Bai Suzhen."

I was startled, then I looked at her face, and I was sure that it was a stranger's face.

But the Bai Suzhen in my memory had faded to just a name.

I didn't want to have any connection with her, but as I turned around, she said:

"Have you ever heard of 'The Legend of the White Snake'?"
