However, what surprised him even more was that Zhuge Shang casually took out a handwritten letter from Zhuge Zhan, who had always been at odds with him.

"This is a letter from our father, presented to the Grand General," said Zhuge Shang.

Jiang Wei unfolded the letter.

The tone of the letter was unusually friendly and humble, a departure from the previous hostility. Apart from the formalities, it specifically mentioned that the previous book that Huang Hao had withheld had been delivered to the Emperor. After Huang Hao's execution, a large number of confidential documents were found, all of which were slanders and false accusations against the General. After reporting to the Emperor, he was furious and sighed, feeling sorry for the Grand General's grievances over the years.

Zhuge Zhan's tone in the letter was so affable that it made Jiang Wei, who was accustomed to cold words, feel a tingling sensation in his arms.

Finally, the letter carefully mentioned that the young physician who came to Dazhong for treatment was an esteemed guest of the Zhuge family, and the Grand General must ensure his safety.

Then, Guan Tong also took out a secret letter wrapped in oilcloth.

It was from the Emperor.

In the letter, the Emperor expressed his consolation, stating that he had been deceived and misled by Huang Hao in the past two years. He had asked Huang Hao to apologize to the Grand General, but he unexpectedly caused trouble, causing the Grand General to suffer. Now that Cao Wei was about to attack, he was resolutely supportive and not afraid. The Grand General should not worry.

Jiang Wei smiled bitterly, even if he had seen this letter two years ago--

He continued reading, but the corners of his eyes involuntarily twitched.

The Emperor continued writing.

To express his consolation and determination, he had specially assembled a few more troops for the Grand General in this upcoming battle, not many, just enough to use.

First, there were three thousand White Fur troops, the personal guards of the late Emperor.

Second, there were over four thousand repeating crossbows and bronze crossbows that were originally abandoned for palace construction.

Third, there were three thousand soldiers from the Wudang Fei Army established by Prime Minister Zhuge, who hailed from Nanzhong.

There were also dozens of war elephants recruited from the southern region, but it would take over a month for them to arrive from the south, so keep that in mind.

If it was still not enough, he would ask Dong Jue and the others to think of a solution.

Finally, at the end of the secret order, it casually reminded that the young physician was a royal guest and the Grand General must protect him at all costs.

Jiang Wei felt like he was dreaming when he saw this secret order.

He wanted to pinch his face, but seeing his comrade-in-arms next to him with his mouth wide open, Liao Hua's face was practically resting on his shoulder.

He remained stunned for a while and asked if the Emperor was in good health during this hot weather.

What kind of madness was this?

If only he had half of this efficiency back then, they wouldn't have come to the point where they almost had to rebuild the Wudang Fei Army.

Zhang Zun chuckled and coughed.

"The Emperor hasn't had a fever recently, but he has been reading some books, especially a few good drawings, which have been keeping him awake at night."

Jiang Wei was even more dumbfounded.

The Emperor reading books? Unable to sleep? The Emperor's nature was not bad, broad-minded and easy-going, rarely bothered by things. He couldn't help but ask what kind of book it was.

Zhuge Shang smiled and said, "It's not a particularly special book, just the Jingguan map by Sima Yi. It's drawn in great detail."

Sima Yi's defeat of Gongsun Yuan and the massacre of all males over the age of fifteen in the captured city of Liaodong, along with the tens of thousands of officials under Gongsun Yuan, had all been turned into a mound of flesh and earth, with a palace-like archway built on top.

It shook Liaodong.

In the past, it had only been hearsay, but this time the Emperor saw the actual map.

That night, he couldn't sleep.

It was Master Zi Jie who entered theroom and saw the Emperor still awake, holding the Jingguan map with a troubled expression on his face.

Master Zi Jie was a wise and experienced advisor who had served the Emperor for many years. He approached the Emperor and asked what was troubling him.

The Emperor sighed and said, "Look at this map, Master Zi Jie. Look at the destruction and suffering caused by war. Is this the path I want to continue on? Is this the legacy I want to leave behind?"

Master Zi Jie studied the map carefully and understood the Emperor's concerns. He knew that the Emperor had always desired peace and stability for the kingdom, but the realities of war often made it difficult to achieve.

"Your Majesty," Master Zi Jie said, "War is a cruel and destructive force. It brings pain and suffering to countless lives. However, sometimes, war becomes a necessary evil to protect and defend what is dear to us. It is a tool that must be used with caution and wisdom."

The Emperor nodded, understanding the wisdom in Master Zi Jie's words. He knew that the upcoming battle with Cao Wei was crucial for the survival of their kingdom.

"Master Zi Jie," the Emperor said, "I want to ensure that we have done everything possible to secure victory in this battle. I want to provide our Grand General, Jiang Wei, with the resources and support he needs."

Master Zi Jie listened attentively and then suggested that they reach out to Prime Minister Zhuge for assistance. He knew that Prime Minister Zhuge was a master strategist and had the knowledge and resources to aid them in their cause.

The Emperor agreed and immediately summoned Prime Minister Zhuge to the palace. When Zhuge arrived, the Emperor explained the situation and his desire to support Jiang Wei.

Zhuge Zhan, who was also present, saw an opportunity to mend their relationship and offered his help willingly. He knew that the upcoming battle was crucial for their kingdom's survival, and personal grievances had to be set aside for the greater good.

Thus, Zhuge Zhan and Prime Minister Zhuge worked together to gather the necessary troops and resources for Jiang Wei. They mobilized the White Fur troops, the abandoned crossbows, the soldiers from the Wudang Fei Army, and even sought additional support from Dong Jue and others.

Meanwhile, the Emperor personally wrote a secret order to ensure the safety of the young physician, emphasizing his importance as a royal guest.

As Jiang Wei read through the letters and secret orders, he couldn't help but be amazed by the sudden turn of events. The support and resources provided to him were far beyond his expectations.

With renewed determination and a sense of gratitude, Jiang Wei prepared himself for the upcoming battle. He knew that he had the backing of the Emperor, Prime Minister Zhuge, and his fellow comrades-in-arms.

Little did he know that this battle would become a turning point in the kingdom's history, marking the beginning of a new era of peace and prosperity.

And so, with the support of his allies and the determination in his heart, Jiang Wei led his troops into the battle, ready to defend their kingdom and create a better future for their people.
