After Adou finished drinking milk, things finally settled down a bit, and I could officially engage in a showdown with Cao's army.

Cao Cao's army was also ready, and many generals were eyeing me fiercely. They looked grim, as if facing a mortal enemy.

I liked their attitude. In a sense, their caution represented their regard for me.

Cao Cao looked at me with a gloomy face and spoke slowly:

"Who is willing to take him down? I want to tear him into a thousand pieces!"

Many of Cao's generals clamored to fight me, but I pointed at them:

"Do you know who I am?

"I am Long Aotian, the most powerful man in this world, the existence that makes everyone jealous.

"I am the man who will use thunder to pierce the darkness and charm to shatter the heavens, the ruler of all things.

"You all talk about challenging me, but now I ask you, are you worthy?"

My awe-inspiring and cool demeanor left all of Cao's generals dumbfounded.

They looked at each other, unsure of how to respond.

Then I pointed at each and every one of them, finally pointing at Cao Cao himself:

"Cao scoundrel, do you want my head? But Long Aotian does not kill nameless individuals. Which of your warlords has the qualification to fight me?

"If you don't possess the greatest valor in the land, how can you stand before me?

"Come, if your warlords come forward, I won't even furrow my brows because the strongest among the Cao army is not worthy of my action!"

In an instant, the entire Cao camp exploded, and all the generals started an internal competition.

Everyone wanted to become the strongest in my eyes and earn the qualification to fight me.

Even Cao Cao was filled with enthusiasm and wanted to join, but his martial prowess was too weak, and he was beaten out in a single round.

Cao Cao covered his bruised eyes and looked at his generals with satisfaction.

The battle lasted from the afternoon until nightfall, and in the end, Xu Chu emerged as the uncontested champion of the Cao army.

He panted and looked at me, barely moving his weapon:

"Come! Now I am the strongest general of Cao's army. Do I have the qualification to fight you?"

I nodded slightly, but the next second, Adou started crying. I looked at the sky and knew it was time for the young master to have dinner.

The Night Jade Lion turned its head and quickly ran towards Dangyang Bridge. As for Xu Chu, he wasn't worthy of comparison to the young master.

Cao Cao, seeing me turning around and leaving, was furious and cursed loudly. Hundreds of thousands of Cao troops chased after me.

As we passed by Dangyang Bridge, Zhang Fei was in the midst of cutting it down. When he saw my arrival, he swung his weapon even harder.

The Night Jade Lion accelerated and leaped over the bridge. Zhang Fei stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds, then turned to look at my figure:

"Long Aotian, are you leaving just like that?"

At that moment, the Cao army had arrived at Dangyang Bridge, while my figure had already disappeared into the woods.

Seeing Zhang Fei suddenly appear, Cao Cao once again stood still, and all of his troops were at a loss.

My previous appearance alone had thrown the Cao army into disarray.

Now, with Zhang Fei standing on the bridge, Cao Cao had no idea what tricks he would pull.

The Night Jade Lion dashed through the forest, raising a cloud of dust.

The common people in the lord's army were in a hurry and left a trail of flour along the way.

This time, the flour was lifted into the air, mixing with the atmosphere, making the entire forest treacherous.

The hungry Adou grabbed onto my chest recklessly and accidentally knocked over my fire igniter.

A massive fire broke out in the forest, with continuous explosions, and even the trees were blown away.

At this moment, as dusk approached, the whole sky seemed dim and heavy.

The intense explosions, accompanied by the shadow of thenight, created an eerie scene.

I quickly maneuvered the Night Jade Lion through the chaos, avoiding the falling debris and flames. Adou clung tightly to me, his eyes wide with excitement.

As we raced through the forest, the Cao army was left behind, struggling to navigate the treacherous terrain and the raging fire.

I knew that this would only be a temporary setback for Cao Cao's forces. They were relentless and would not give up easily.

I needed to find a safe place to regroup and come up with a strategy to counter their pursuit.

Fortunately, I was familiar with the terrain of the area, having spent a considerable amount of time there before.

I steered the Night Jade Lion towards a hidden valley nestled between two mountains. It was a secluded and defensible location, perfect for our purposes.

As we entered the valley, I could hear the distant sounds of battle and the shouts of the Cao army gradually fading away.

I finally slowed down and brought the Night Jade Lion to a stop. Adou jumped off and looked around, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Father, where are we? This place looks amazing!" he exclaimed.

"This is a hidden valley, Adou," I replied. "It will provide us with temporary shelter and protection from our pursuers."

I dismounted from the Night Jade Lion and surveyed our surroundings. The valley was lush with vegetation, and a small stream flowed through the center, providing us with a source of water.

I decided to set up a camp near the stream, where we could rest and plan our next move.

Adou eagerly helped me gather branches and leaves to build a makeshift shelter. We quickly assembled a simple but functional campsite.

With the camp set up, I sat down and called Adou to join me.

"Adou, we've managed to escape from the Cao army for now, but they won't give up so easily. We need to come up with a plan to counter their pursuit and turn the tables on them," I said.

Adou nodded, his expression serious. "Father, I trust your judgment. What do you have in mind?"

I pondered for a moment before outlining my plan to Adou. It involved using our knowledge of the terrain to our advantage, launching surprise attacks, and exploiting the weaknesses of the Cao army.

Adou listened intently, absorbing every detail. He was young but already showing great potential as a military strategist.

After discussing the plan, we spent the rest of the evening preparing ourselves for the battles to come. We sharpened our weapons, practiced our combat skills, and honed our strategies.

The night passed by quickly, and as the sun began to rise, we were ready to face the Cao army once again.

We mounted the Night Jade Lion and left the hidden valley, determined to confront our pursuers head-on.

The battle was far from over, but with our determination, skills, and the element of surprise on our side, we were confident that we could emerge victorious.

The clash between Long Aotian and Cao Cao's army was about to reach its most critical moment, and the outcome would shape the future of the land.

As the sun cast its first rays of light upon the battlefield, we charged forward, ready to face whatever challenges awaited us.
