The chaos continued at the end of the Han dynasty, although Lord Liu Bei was the noble uncle, his foundation was still not stable.

Nevertheless, many people saw him as a major threat, all because of one sentence from Cao Cao:

"The world's heroes are only the two of us."

Since then, apart from the open conflicts, there were also many who wanted to assassinate Lord Liu secretly.

However, with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei around, Lord Liu had been safe for many years.

But since the birth of Adou, he also became one of the targets for assassination, and that's one of the reasons why Lord Liu sent me to guard Adou.

Before I, Long Autian, appeared, Zhao Zilong diligently guarded Adou, and anyone who dared to assassinate him met their end under the White Horse Silver Spear.

But with my appearance, everything was bound to change, as I am not a passive man.

My destiny is in my hands, not in the heavens. I must eliminate all threats in their infancy to ensure Adou's safety.

Kneeling before young Adou, I gently patted my chest:

"Young master, I cannot allow anyone who poses a threat to you to exist. They will tremble at my arrival.

"The sound of your crying truly uplifts the morale of Long Autian.

"Today, I, Long Autian, will take you and launch a night attack on Cao's camp."

With that said, I held Adou in my arms and left the main camp, speeding northwards.

The camp of the Cao army was not far away. After a while, I stood alone with Adou at the foot of the city.

Several generals, seeing me alone carrying Adou, were so awed by my aura that they couldn't speak.

The soldiers scrutinized me, then asked knowingly:

"Who is this person? What business brings you here?”

I casually flicked my long hair, exuding an aura of dominance:

"Hah, man, do you think you are worthy to be my enemy by speaking like this?

"Summon Cao Cao to come out and face his death!

"Today, I, Long Autian, am here to annihilate this world for my young master."

Perhaps my declaration was too domineering, as the air fell silent for a moment, and the city guards were struck dumb by my imposing presence.

Next moment, an archer aimed at me and fired, but I caught the arrow:

"Good! You are courageous. Long Autian now admires you.

"You may leave the city and meet your death!"

As I expected, he had no courage to come out of the city to face death.

Arrows rained down from the city walls, they chose this cowardly way to avoid battle, despicable!

I knew they were already afraid.

So I turned my horse, looked up at the city walls with three parts dominion, three parts disdain, and seven parts contempt:

"Cao's lackeys dare to live a few more days like this, truly shameful.

"I will leave him for a few days, telling him that my Lord Liu Bei will soon take his head."

Having said that, I rode back to my camp, leaving only a figure that they could never catch up to.

Lord Liu, knowing that I had gone to kill Cao's lackeys, was already waiting outside the main camp:

"Zhilong, where have you been? Why are you carrying Adou?"

I looked at Lord Liu with eyes that scorned the world:

"There are always people in this world who want to kill my Adou, so I will go kill all those people first.

"I will not stop at Cao's camp. Tell Cao's lackeys to prepare themselves, my Lord will come for them in a few days."

Upon hearing my words, Lord Liu unexpectedly laughed joyously, spewing a thousand milliliters of panda blood.

At that moment, I understood that Lord Liu valued me greatly, and the most festive red in the world was the red of fresh blood!

He even celebrated with his own panda blood, truly worthy of being my Lord Long Autian.

The next day, there were already discordant voices in front of the camp:

"Daredevil, our Prime Minister has decreed that today your dog life will be taken to appease his heart."
