Guangchengzi looked at me and spoke lightly.

I stared firmly and questioned.

"Are you still Senior Brother Guangchengzi?"

"Who are you guys?"

After a long silence, Guangchengzi spoke slowly.

"Yes, but maybe not for long."

"Many people in Kunlun Mountain have been possessed by demons."

"I'm getting close too."

Hearing this, I was secretly shocked.

"Could it be that Master...?"

Guangchengzi shook his head.

"I don't know."

"Not long ago, a ban was placed on Kunlun, and I haven't been to Yuxu Palace since then."

"Since then, people in Kunlun Mountain have gradually started to be possessed by demons."

"If you want to know the truth, you can go to Yuxu Palace and see for yourself."

As he spoke, a golden light flashed in front of Guangchengzi, and a long sword suddenly appeared.

The sword body was filled with precious light, extraordinary in its aura.

One side was engraved with the sun, moon, stars, and the other side with mountains, rivers, plants, and trees.

There were also inscriptions on both sides of the sword hilt.

One side recorded agricultural and animal husbandry techniques, while the other side recorded strategies for unifying the world.

Looking at this sword, I couldn't help but be astonished.

"This sword is...?"

Guangchengzi smiled bitterly and nodded slowly.

"Yes, Xuanyuan Sword!"

"It's the sword my other disciple carries."

"With it, I have been able to hold on until now."

Upon hearing this, I seemed to have figured something out.

"Since Xuanyuan Sword can suppress possession by demons, why doesn't Senior Brother leave and stay in Kunlun?"

Guangchengzi seemed to have heard a joke and shook his head bitterly.


"If I could leave, why would I choose to linger among these evil demons?"

"I can enter the prohibition, but I can't leave."

After saying this, Guangchengzi sighed again.

Hearing this news, I felt as if I had been struck by lightning.

If I couldn't leave, then I would be trapped here.

Right now, there were only two paths, one was to fall into the demonic path, and the other was to be consumed by demons.

Both paths led to a certain death.

After thinking about it, I took the Xuanyuan Sword.

If I couldn't leave, then I would go to Yuxu Palace to find Master.

This way, there might still be a glimmer of hope, and I had to take the risk.

The moment I touched it, the Xuanyuan Sword turned into golden light and entered my body.

In my eyes, a stream of Dao patterns flowed, emitting a faint light.

At the same time, the scene in front of me suddenly changed.

On the desk, there was no longer a Senior Brother.

There were only hideous and ugly demons.

The fairy fruits and celestial nectars on the table were no longer there.

The murky wine cup emitted a foul smell, and worms wriggled in the dark red liquid.

The lotus roots in the fruit plate turned into arms, and next to them... was Nezha's head.

Looking at those empty eye sockets, I remembered the jujubes I had just eaten.

A wave of nausea rushed up to my throat, and I almost vomited on the spot.

At that moment, a grating laughter sounded.

"Kakaka, you saw it."

"Ziya, are you trying to escape?"

I turned my head and saw Guangchengzi smiling slyly at me.

The pitch-black demonic patterns spread rapidly over his body.

Without the protection of the Xuanyuan Sword, Guangchengzi instantly turned into a demon.

This voice woke up the surrounding demons.

One by one, they got up from their seats, their faces grim and staring straight at me.

Thescene was filled with an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of their heavy breathing.

My heart pounded in my chest as fear coursed through my veins. I knew I had to act quickly to survive this dire situation.

Summoning my courage, I took a step back, keeping a safe distance from the demons.

"I won't let you consume me!" I shouted, my voice filled with determination.

The demons let out a collective hiss, their eyes glowing with malevolence.

"You cannot escape our grasp," one of them sneered, lunging towards me with razor-sharp claws.

I dodged the attack, narrowly avoiding being slashed. I could feel the gust of wind as the demon's claws whizzed past me.

Thinking quickly, I reached for the Xuanyuan Sword within me, calling upon its power.

The sword responded, emanating a brilliant golden light that cut through the darkness of the room.

The demons recoiled, shielding their eyes from the blinding radiance.

Seizing the opportunity, I swung the sword with all my might, slashing through the nearest demon.

A cry of agony filled the air as the demon disintegrated into a cloud of black smoke.

Emboldened by my success, I continued my assault, moving swiftly and striking with precision.

The Xuanyuan Sword seemed to guide my every movement, its power surging through me.

One by one, the demons fell, their grotesque forms dissipating into nothingness.

Finally, only Guangchengzi remained, his demonic aura still clinging to him.

I approached him cautiously, my grip on the sword tightening.

"Guangchengzi, it's not too late to turn back," I said, my voice filled with a mix of sadness and determination.

He chuckled darkly, his eyes gleaming with madness.

"Turn back? It's too late for that. You should have never come here."

With a sudden burst of energy, Guangchengzi lunged at me, his claws extended.

I reacted swiftly, parrying his attack with the Xuanyuan Sword.

Our blades clashed, creating a shower of sparks.

"You were my Senior Brother once," I said through gritted teeth.

"I won't let you succumb to the darkness."

With a surge of determination, I pushed back Guangchengzi, disarming him momentarily.

Seizing the opportunity, I raised the Xuanyuan Sword high in the air and brought it down with all my strength.

The sword pierced through Guangchengzi's demonic form, shattering the darkness that enveloped him.

For a moment, his true self reemerged, his eyes filled with regret.

"Thank you," he whispered before fading away completely.

As the last traces of the demons vanished, the room returned to its former state.

I stood there, panting heavily, the Xuanyuan Sword still in my hand.

It was over.

But the battle had taken its toll on me, physically and emotionally.

I knew I had to find Master and uncover the truth about Kunlun Mountain.

Gathering my strength, I left the room and ventured towards Yuxu Palace, hoping to find answers and bring an end to the demonic possession that had plagued my fellow disciples.
