For a moment, I didn't know what to say and could only continue climbing with them.

One becomes two, two becomes four...

They kept climbing the steps, and the number of magic patterns increased accordingly.

Perhaps when they reached a certain step ahead, I would be able to see them covered in magic patterns.

Suddenly, a bad thought came to my mind.

I hurriedly checked myself.

Fortunately, there were no signs of being affected by dark magic on my body.

But I couldn't relax in the slightest.

My talent is dull, and even after forty years of cultivation, my progress is still average.

There is a huge gap compared to the three disciples.

Now, there are dangers both in front and behind me.

If they join forces to deal with me, it would be the end of me.

I kept thinking about ways to break the deadlock in my mind, but in the end, all that was left was a sigh.

I had to admit that I was powerless to solve the current crisis.

Well, let's take it step by step.

If I can hold on until the Jade Void Palace, then I can ask the Master and the senior brothers for help.

By then, there should be a chance to turn things around.

We walked for a long time, and a few figures slowly approached from a distance.

"Junior Brother Ziyu."

The person in front called out.

I looked closely and saw that it was Senior Brother Guangcheng, True Person Taiyi, True Person Yuding, and Senior Brother Yunzhong.

Seeing them, I was filled with joy.

The reinforcements have arrived!

If I have their help, it shouldn't be a problem to subdue Yang Jian and the others.

"Senior Brothers, it's good to see you."

"I wonder why Senior Brothers are here?"

I hurried forward to greet them.

Senior Brother Guangcheng smiled faintly and spoke up.

"Master knows that you all have come up the mountain."

"So we came to welcome you."

Upon hearing this, I nodded repeatedly, but my eyes kept signaling behind me.

The senior brothers looked at Yang Jian and the others without any change in their expressions.

Just when I thought they were going to take action against the demons, a burst of laughter suddenly rang out.

Then, Senior Brothers Taiyi, Yuding, and Yunzhong quickly came forward from the crowd.

The three senior brothers had joyful expressions as they approached their junior disciple.

"Haha, good disciple."

"It's not in vain that I, as your Master, crafted this lotus incarnation and bestowed many treasures upon you."

True Person Taiyi smiled and circled around Nezha, examining him from top to bottom.

His eyes showed no surprise but seemed filled with greed and longing.

At the same time, the other two senior brothers were the same.

They were filled with ecstatic joy, as if they were admiring their own masterpiece.

Seeing this absurd scene, I couldn't help but be amazed.

When did these senior brothers, who usually exuded an ethereal and virtuous aura, become so out of character?

Moreover, as orthodox members of the Daoist sect, how could they be so delighted to see their disciples falling into dark magic?

Recalling the past, Yinjiao and Yinhong were only assisting King Zhou in his tyranny and never fell into dark magic.

Senior Brothers Guangcheng and Chijing didn't show any mercy to them and directly cleansed the sect.

Today, the behavior of the three senior brothers truly baffled me.

Compared to them, only Senior Brother Guangcheng seemed relatively normal.

"Junior Brother Ziyu, Master has set up a ban under Kunlun to protect the Divine Ranking."

"Now we can only climb the mountain on foot, and it will take several days."

"We have already prepared a feast to welcome you, Junior Brother. Please don't decline."

After Senior Brother Guangcheng finished speaking, he smiled at me.

"Let's go."

Soon, under the guidance of Senior Brother Guangcheng, I arrived at his cave.

As soon as I enteredthe cave, I noticed that there was an air of celebration. The walls were adorned with colorful decorations, and a long table was set with an array of delicious dishes. It seemed like they were truly celebrating something significant. However, my mind was preoccupied with the strange behavior of my senior brothers and their lack of response towards the demonic presence behind me.

"Senior Brother Guangcheng, I appreciate the warm welcome, but I must address the situation outside," I said, gesturing towards Yang Jian and the others who had followed me into the cave.

Senior Brother Guangcheng's expression turned serious, and he exchanged a glance with the other senior brothers. They seemed to communicate silently, their eyes filled with hidden meanings.

"Junior Brother Ziyu, you need not worry about them," Senior Brother Guangcheng finally spoke, his voice calm but firm.

I couldn't comprehend their words. It was as if they were purposefully avoiding the issue at hand. I decided to be more direct.

"Senior Brother, forgive my bluntness, but why are you not taking any action against them? They are cultivating dark magic and pose a threat to the sect," I questioned, my concern evident in my voice.

Senior Brother Guangcheng sighed and motioned for me to sit down at the table.

"Junior Brother Ziyu, there are matters that you are not aware of, and we are bound by certain obligations," he explained cryptically.

His response only deepened my confusion, but I knew that pressing further would yield no immediate answers. I decided to focus on the present and address the situation later.

"Very well, Senior Brother. I will trust in your judgment," I said, taking a seat at the table.

The senior brothers and I began to dine, but my mind was still troubled. I couldn't fully enjoy the feast, my thoughts consumed by the enigma surrounding my senior brothers' behavior.

As the meal progressed, I noticed that the other disciples present in the cave were also celebrating, their faces filled with elation. It seemed that the festive atmosphere was not exclusive to my arrival.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I leaned towards Senior Brother Guangcheng, speaking in a hushed tone.

"Senior Brother, if I may ask, what is the reason for this celebration? Is there something significant happening in the sect?"

Senior Brother Guangcheng smiled, his eyes gleaming with a mix of pride and anticipation.

"Junior Brother Ziyu, today is a momentous occasion for our sect. Our Master has achieved a breakthrough in his cultivation and is about to transcend to a higher realm," he revealed, his voice filled with reverence.

I was taken aback by the news. Master's transcendence was an event of great significance, one that happened once in a generation. It explained the jubilation and the secretive atmosphere surrounding the sect in recent times.

While I felt a sense of joy for our Master's achievement, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of unease. The timing of these events, with the appearance of dark magic practitioners and the strange behavior of my senior brothers, seemed too coincidental.

As the feast continued, I made up my mind to seek answers from our Master himself. I needed to understand the true nature of the situation and find a way to resolve the growing threat posed by Yang Jian and the others.

Gathering my resolve, I thanked Senior Brother Guangcheng for the hospitality and excused myself from the celebration. The journey to the Jade Void Palace, where our Master resided, would take several days, but I knew it was a necessary step to unravel the mysteries that had unfolded before me.

Leaving the cave, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the challenges that lay ahead. With each step I took, the weight of responsibility grew heavier, but I was determined to protect the sect and bring harmony back to our once serene and righteous mountain.
