Through the imaging data, the crew of the White Dragon could also see the tragic appearance of Sun Wukong, and both Bajie and Sha Wujing were extremely excited.

I drove the Unit-01 crazily back with Sun Wukong dragged behind.

Although the young birds had been wiped out and were no longer pursuing us, the Golden Winged Peng Eagle had spread its wings and flew over.

There were only two micro-sized neutron bullets left on Sun Wukong's body, but they were too far away from the Golden Winged Peng Eagle to lock onto a vital point.

I silently calculated the speed of the Golden Winged Peng Eagle, counting "1, 2, 3".

When it reached "3", the Unit-01 quickly turned, gliding to the left.

Just where I was, a huge bird claw had already appeared, and the sound of it breaking through the air could almost shatter one's eardrums.

With the wind generated by the Golden Winged Peng Eagle, the Unit-01 carried Sun Wukong madly fleeing towards the location of the Phoenix egg.

As long as we stayed around the Phoenix egg, I believed that the Golden Winged Peng Eagle would never destroy it, giving us room to dodge.

Sure enough, everything was almost exactly as I had guessed. The Peng's attacks were very careful, almost revolving around the Phoenix egg.

But the time did not last long. The bird egg was grabbed by the Peng, and its other claw became the main attacking force.

The power of Unit-01 was at full throttle, and the Lance of Longinus, carrying purple lightning, pierced towards the giant claw.

A strong explosion only hindered the claw for a moment, and the Unit-01 flew off into the distance with the force of the explosion.

Sun Wukong had recovered his senses and looked at me with determination:

"Tang Xuanzang, push your engine to maximum power and throw me onto its eyes."

This time, I didn't hesitate, and instead set the power of Unit-01 to an overload state.

The tremendous propulsion force almost broke my spine as Unit-01 shot towards the Golden Winged Peng Eagle's eyes like a bullet.

The next second, Sun Wukong was thrown out by me with the greatest force, and he exploded like a bomb in the Peng's eyes.

The two micro-sized neutron bullets on Sun Wukong's chest exploded into two clouds of smoke in the Peng's eyes.

The rising smoke resembled mushrooms in the forest, and the huge explosion made the Peng let out a cry.

In an instant, Unit-01 once again rushed towards the Peng's eyes, and the rebounding Sun Wukong was firmly caught by me.

He looked at me with difficulty, and I told him coldly:

"I never thought to leave you behind!"

Sun Wukong didn't say anything more, just closed his eyes. At this moment, he was left with only a head, one hand, and the upper half of his chest.

The power reactor was on the verge of shutting down, and maybe a few seconds later, this admired hero would disappear from the world forever.

Unit-01's energy had turned red, and I fell with Sun Wukong from the sky.

As Unit-01 plummeted rapidly, a white shadow appeared in the sky, and Bajie and Sha were driving the White Dragon through the thunderstorm.

At the moment of falling towards the sea, the combat compartment of the White Dragon opened, successfully taking me and Sun Wukong inside.

Bajie operated the machine gun, firing wildly at the Golden Winged Peng Eagle, bullets falling on its body one after another.

Sha pushed the engine to full speed until the internal space of the White Dragon turned into an overloaded red.

But no matter how fast the White Dragon was, it couldn't surpass the Golden Winged Peng Eagle. The huge eagle claw knocked the White Dragon into the sea.

In the fiery explosion, my gaze was always fixed on the distant power source.

Heading West - I did it!

Returning - I'm sorry!

No. Purifier Tang Xuanzang couldn't do it!

No. 001 Purifier Sun Wukong couldn't do it either!

The technicians Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing couldn't do it either!

The only comforting thing was that a huge sky fortress had appeared in the distant sky...

The end.
