"The mountains are indeed safe, but we still need to install solar panels and other equipment. The journey is too far, and I'm afraid we won't have enough time."

The food is actually fine, and we can buy everything we need.

What I fear the most is power outage and extreme weather.

Gu Xiao is right. I do watch horror movies frequently, especially zombie ones.

In movies, certain events inevitably happen, and I'm afraid they might occur in real life too.

Extreme weather is one such event, so electricity is crucial for us.

"Do you think my villa wouldn't have these things?"

I was stunned. Do normal villas have those?

Perhaps I'm just naive and unaware.

Maybe my confusion was too apparent because Gu Xiao started explaining.

"My parents converted the basement of that villa into a bunker. Do you remember how they died?"

Gu Xiao's parents' death is related to this?

The reason we broke up before was because his parents didn't approve of our relationship.

I understood, considering my humble background and the fact that my parents passed away early, leaving me to rely on myself.

But it's only been half a year since we broke up, and Gu Xiao's parents passed away.

I attended their funeral.

They died in an explosion, and their bodies couldn't even be found afterwards.

"Wasn't it an explosion?"

"That explosion was a precursor to the laboratory virus leak."

I'm quite smart, and I immediately connected the dots.


I've watched the entire Resident Evil series.

The power of the T-virus is vividly portrayed in the movies.

But I never expected that there are people in the real world researching such mutagenic viruses.

That's probably why Gu Xiao believed me so quickly.

"My parents bought this villa a long time ago and were renovating it intermittently. They took me there, and the entire basement was built to the standards of a bunker."

He stopped the car after saying that.

After driving for two hours, we were far away from the city, occupying a hilltop.

A villa with a minimum area of 200 square meters appeared before my eyes.

When I entered the villa and went down to the lower level, I realized that I had underestimated the wealth of Gu Xiao's family.

There were surveillance cameras covering every angle, soundproof steel walls with excellent effects, and even three water storage tanks.

There were solar panels and generators as well.

However, the entire interior space was still empty, indicating that they hadn't had time to buy supplies yet.

I quickly contacted the suppliers with Gu Xiao.

Being with him, I didn't even need to think of excuses.

After all, they were in the food business, so ordering supplies was a regular thing for them.

Within 3 hours, we received food and water.

Gu Xiao even stocked up on gasoline and diesel.

Looking at the supplies piled up in the villa, I finally understood that ignorance is bliss, and I had mistakenly cherished my dignity.

Thinking back to my previous life, I pitifully hid in a house without even having food, and in the end, I died miserably at the hands of my neighbors.

But in this life, I had the capital of being with a wealthy second-generation.

I directed Gu Xiao to move the items into the basement while making a list.

Although there were many things, it was essential to keep track of the types and quantities of the supplies.

20 boxes of instant noodles (except for Old Sichuan Pickled Cabbage Flavor).

20 boxes of sausages.

50 barrels of water. (Sorry, I'm a water buffalo.)

10 boxes of self-heating rice.

400 kilograms of rice and flour each.

50 boxes each of fruits and canned meat.

100 bags of frozen vegetables.

We didn't buy a lot of fresh meat and vegetables since they aren't easy to preserve.

We didn't buy any medicine; there was already some in the storage room, left by Gu Xiao's parents.

There was also a locked computer in the storage room, and Gu Xiao'sparents had left behind a note saying that it contained important information about their research.

After we finished moving the supplies, Gu Xiao led me to the storage room.

He entered a password on the computer and opened a folder titled "Research Data."

Inside the folder, there were numerous files and documents, all related to virology and genetic engineering.

Gu Xiao explained that his parents were scientists who had been conducting research on viruses and their potential applications for medical purposes.

However, they had also been studying the possibility of weaponizing viruses, which was a controversial and dangerous field.

Gu Xiao's parents had discovered some alarming information about a secret laboratory that was conducting illegal experiments with mutagenic viruses.

They had been gathering evidence and planning to expose the laboratory to the authorities.

Unfortunately, before they could take any action, there was an explosion at the laboratory, which resulted in the release of a highly infectious and deadly virus.

Gu Xiao's parents were caught in the explosion and lost their lives, but their research data remained.

Gu Xiao believed that the virus from the laboratory leak was responsible for the outbreak that had turned people into zombies.

He showed me some of the documents, which contained detailed information about the virus and its effects.

It was terrifying to see the potential devastation that such a virus could cause.

Gu Xiao and I decided that we needed to find a way to share this information with the outside world.

We couldn't just hide in the bunker and wait for everything to pass.

There were still people out there who were unaware of the situation and needed to be warned.

Gu Xiao suggested that we try to establish contact with any remaining government or military authorities to provide them with the research data.

We knew it wouldn't be easy, as communication channels were likely disrupted, and it was unclear who could be trusted.

But we had to try.

We made a plan to gather as much evidence as possible and then venture out to find a secure location with functioning communication systems.

We would reach out to anyone we could and hope that someone would listen and take action.

We spent the next few days organizing the research data, making copies, and preparing ourselves for the journey ahead.

We packed essential supplies, including weapons for self-defense, and made sure we had enough fuel for our vehicle.

It was a risky and uncertain path we were embarking on, but we knew that staying in the bunker indefinitely was not a viable option.

We had to do whatever we could to help stop the outbreak and save as many lives as possible.

With our preparations complete, we set off on our mission, hoping that we would be able to make a difference in this post-apocalyptic world.
