There will be hunger and fatigue in the game, so you must maintain your stamina and condition in this environment.

Through the crack of the door, I made sure there was nothing hiding outside before opening the door and walking down the dark and narrow stairs to have the dinner "Mom" prepared for us.

The living room was dark, lit only by a few pale candles.

Mom, wearing an apron, explained to me, "The circuit breaker in the living room tripped because of the stormy weather."

She turned around, staring at me with a strange expression, and said, "Nana, come with me to see if we can fix it."

I immediately shook my head and said, "No! I'm afraid of the dark and I can't go out at night."

I clearly remembered the general rules of the game, "Stay at home for seven days. If anything unusual happens at home during this period, find a place to hide and never step out of the house."

Leaving this house would mean death!

Mom stared at me for a long time before turning away and complaining, "So useless! Can't help with anything..."

When the food was brought to the table, two more people silently emerged in the dimly lit living room and sat down at the dining table.

One was a tall, thin man wearing glasses, who should be my "dad."

The other was a young man wearing a duckbill cap, covering most of his face, only revealing his bloodless skin and slim chin.

This one should be the "brother" mentioned in the rules.

Do not converse with the brother!

But this phantom-like brother never showed his face and had no intention of speaking to me.

I averted my gaze and noted the family members present in the room.

"Hurry up and eat, no picky eaters!"

Mom slammed the bowls and chopsticks in front of me, with strange meat in the white bowl. The other family members lowered their heads and mechanically began to eat.

Looking at the strange meat in the bowl, I had no appetite and felt like throwing up.

There was only the sound of quiet eating at the table, no one paid attention to me. I quietly looked around the living room and noticed a refrigerator near the door.

There might be other food in the refrigerator.

I remembered the rule that said, "Do not open the refrigerator."

But the rules of this strange game were sometimes right and sometimes wrong. The girl next door confirmed that not answering in the room was right!

Once you speak, you die!

Whether the refrigerator can be opened or not, that had to be tested with one's life.

With no choice, I held my breath and ate the meat in the bowl. The screen of my watch flashed and the bullet comments lit up.

"Ugh, this is disgusting, what kind of meat is this? Will I die if I eat it?"

"Just eat, we are counting on you to keep us alive!"

"Why not try opening the refrigerator? It's not a certain death, maybe this is an incorrect rule."

Distracted by the bullet comments on my watch, I finished eating the meat in the bowl. It didn't taste as nauseating as I had imagined, but it was still hard to swallow.

After dinner, dad and brother sat silently on the sofa in the living room, staring at the dark, powerless TV.

Mom grumbled while clinking the dishes and cutlery.

Everything looked eerie yet normal. If not for the flickering white candles, the never-ending rain outside, the two silent men watching the turned-off TV, I would have thought I was back in the real world.

I hurriedly went up the stairs, feeling someone following behind me.

A cold hand tightly grabbed my wrist, making me stiffen as I turned back to see that it was indeed my brother coming to find me.

Under the hallway light, his face didn't look as terrifying, in fact, the features on his pale face seemed somewhat handsome.

"Nana, I have something to tell you, you must believe me!"

The icy chill of his touch crawled up my body as I dared not speak, desperately trying to shake off his hand and escape to the room upstairs.

He didn't follow, but his gaze remained glued to my back like an unshakable, sticky slime.

"You have to believe me, only I know everything! This world is fake, you won't be able to clear the game even if you stay here for seven days."
