I listened quietly as he finished this long story.

"So," I said, trying to appear calm, "you come from another world, and you can only return after completing your mission. If you fail—like the previous times—you'll be sent back to the first day you arrived here and start over, right?"

"Yes," he looked at me, a bitter smile on his face, "I have ten chances, and each time is limited to 100 days. If I run out of chances without completing the mission, I'll be stuck here forever."

"So, this is the tenth time, right?"

"Yes," he picked up his glass and took a sip, "do you remember when we were on the overpass, and you got bitten by a bug? That bug carried a drug from another timeline, but the drug doesn't work alone. It needs to react in the body of a specific individual and generate antibodies."

"Before coming here, I speculated about ten possible people. The first nine attempts failed, but in the end, I targeted you, and you turned out to be the one."

"Maybe it's because of the drug and your physique, or perhaps you're agile enough. The progress of this mission has been much faster than the previous ones. We still have a month until the deadline, and the drug is almost ready for development."

I lowered my head and remained silent for a while.

"Chen Yun," I regained my voice, "isn't there a possibility that it's not about my agility, but about my trust in you?"

He had just honestly told me about everything, from joining the department I was in, to helping me escape and testing whether I had developed antibodies. He had protected me carefully every step of the way. Even in the supermarket surveillance room, he didn't accidentally open the wrong door. He intended to take me there, to let me see the people outside calling for help through the surveillance cameras, to test my character, so that he could adjust his subsequent plans.

I guess he must have breathed a sigh of relief when he saw me open the door.

This means that I would willingly participate in the experiment, doesn't it?

But his existence felt like a blow to me.

I was like a puppet, following his guidance step by step.

No wonder he always made the most accurate judgments when everyone else was at a loss.

No wonder every time we encountered danger, he would protect me without hesitation, even using his body as a shield.

It was only natural to protect the hard-earned results.

Chen Yun was really good at acting.

Although he knew everything, although everything was within his plan, he still pretended to be unaware. When he found out I had developed antibodies, he looked even more surprised than me, repeatedly advising me not to reveal it, to be careful not to be treated as an experimental subject. But all along, wasn't he the one who wanted me to become that experimental subject?

But... what was I disappointed about?

"Miao Miao, I'm sorry."

I smiled and lowered my head, "What is there to apologize for?"

I felt ridiculous and sad.

"You're like a god who controls my fate. Should a god apologize to an insignificant ant like me? They are all grateful to me, saying that I'm so great, almost like a savior. But now I realize... Chen Yun, I'm not the savior, you are."

I looked at his profile, still as handsome as ever, a masterpiece carefully crafted by Nüwa.

"And I want to thank you. Thank you for bringing the drug, at least I have a chance to generate antibodies and save some people. At least I can keep my family safe. Thank you for protecting me. Whatever your motives may be, without you, I wouldn't have made it. And..."

I took a deep breath, unable to continue.

"Why didn't you just tell me directly? Why deceive me?" I stared into his eyes, "Why didn't you tell me on the first day? I would have cooperated willingly. Wouldn't that have been better?"

"If I had told you back then, would you have believed me?" His face showed a rare ripple of emotion. "Wouldn't you have thought that I was lying to you or trying to harm you? Or that I had some ulterior motive? You wouldn't have believed me, and I couldn't prove myself."

Yes, I wouldn't have believed him.

"In that case,I had to gain your trust first, to show you that I'm on your side," he continued. "I needed you to see that I genuinely cared about your safety and well-being. I had to make sure you were willing to cooperate with me before revealing the truth."

I nodded, understanding his reasoning. Trust was a delicate thing, and it couldn't be easily earned.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you in the process," Chen Yun said softly. "It was never my intention to deceive you or manipulate you. I had a mission to complete, and I saw the potential in you to help me achieve it. I wanted to give you the chance to make a difference."

I sighed, feeling a mix of emotions. "I appreciate what you've done, Chen Yun. I really do. And I understand why you did it. But it's still hard for me to accept that my life has been orchestrated this way."

"I understand," he replied, his expression filled with sympathy. "I can't fully comprehend how you must feel, but I know it's a lot to take in. I'm here for you, Miao Miao. Whatever you decide, I'll support you."

I appreciated his words, but I needed time to process everything. The weight of the situation pressed down on me, and I needed to find my own answers.

"Can you give me some time to think?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

"Of course," he replied gently. "Take as much time as you need. I'll be here whenever you're ready to talk."

We sat in silence for a while, each lost in our own thoughts. The truth had been revealed, and now it was up to me to decide how to proceed.

As I contemplated the path ahead, I couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and uncertainty. Chen Yun had given me an opportunity to make a difference, to save lives. But at the same time, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being manipulated and controlled.

I knew I needed to make peace with my emotions and make a decision that felt right to me. It wouldn't be easy, but I had to find my own meaning in this extraordinary situation.

And so, I took a deep breath, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead, and began to reflect on what I truly wanted to do.
