The safe zone is borrowed from several houses in the suburbs. After receiving the assigned room, I rushed to the bathroom to wash up.

The comfortably warm water poured over me, instantly washing away the fatigue of the past few days. I carefully applied shower gel, paying special attention to my back, and rinsed it several times.

If there was a mirror at this moment, I would have noticed that several black threads abruptly appeared on my spine, faintly spreading outwards.

Although the food provided in the safe zone is not plentiful, after several days without fresh meals, even if what's in front of me is pig feed, I would probably eat it with relish.

That is, assuming it's the kind of pig feed made from leftover rice and vegetables from the countryside.

Chen Xu finished his fast food early and sat on the side, watching me eat heartily. Under his scorching gaze, I unconsciously slowed down the pace of my eating.

After a while, I still felt uncomfortable eating in big bites. With one hand pushing Chen Xu's face to the side, I accelerated the motion of picking up rice and dishes with the other hand.

Finally, after finishing the meal, I let out a satisfied burp and released my hand from pushing Chen Xu's face.

The touch of Chen Xu's skin still lingered on my fingers, and I have to admit, it was quite delicate.

"Nice touch? Do you want to touch it again?"

Chen Xu suddenly leaned forward with his face, and only then did I realize that I had just absentmindedly rubbed my fingers.

Feeling annoyed and embarrassed, I bumped my forehead forward, successfully inflicting harm on myself while damaging the enemy.

In Chen Xu's dumbfounded gaze, I fled in embarrassment.

Just as I stepped onto the stairs, a chilling roar sounded from behind.

I quickly turned my head—

A zombie was rushing frantically towards Chen Xu. The way it ran, its speed...

Was this guy a former track and field athlete?

No time to think.

"Stay away!"

I took a few quick steps, opened my arms, closed my eyes, and stood in front of Chen Xu.

The expected impact never came. I opened my eyes and saw the teenage zombie standing right in front of me, shaking its head anxiously.

"Turn around?" I tentatively spoke, and the zombie in front of me actually turned around the next second.


"Stand up!"

"Lie down!"


Like I had discovered a fun toy, I kept giving orders non-stop until Chen Xu's voice stopped me.

"Alright, you must have irritated him."

I turned my head and looked at Chen Xu with shining eyes, "Did I become the zombie king from a movie?"

He pondered for a moment, "Looks like it, most likely."

I began to fantasize in my mind about calling out and having thousands of people respond in a grand scene, laughing happily.

Major Zhang, who hurriedly arrived, had the zombie restrained, and he scrutinized me. He didn't say much in the end.

The back of my body started to feel hot.

The sensation of burning heat was too strong. After enduring it for a while, I couldn't help but run to the bathroom, turn my back to the mirror, and lift up my clothes.

I saw the letter "王" (Wang) formed by black lines prominently displayed above my spine.

This... isn't this too casual?

"Chen Xu!"

I opened the bathroom door and turned my back to him, angrily saying,

"Look at my 'coronation ceremony'! It's so ugly!"

Chen Xu was obviously startled by my blatantly exposing my back, but after taking a closer look, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, it looks pretty majestic."

"Congratulations, Steel Fang Zombie King."


Apparently, my ability to command zombies has attracted great attention from the military. They bring me along on every rescue mission. The safe zone has also been divided into two parts—one side is still the safe zone, while the other side is the quarantine zone.

I couldn't hide the fact that I had been bitten by a zombie. Since then, many experts have come and drawn my blood forresearch purposes. They were fascinated by my unique condition and wanted to understand the nature of my abilities.

In the beginning, I was hesitant to cooperate with them. I feared that they would use me as a test subject or weaponize my abilities. However, as time went on, I realized that they genuinely wanted to find a way to combat the zombie outbreak and protect humanity.

Under the guidance of the researchers, I learned to control my abilities and communicate with the zombies. It was an extraordinary experience. I discovered that not all zombies were mindless creatures driven by hunger. Some of them still retained fragments of their past memories and emotions.

I used my newfound ability to command the zombies to assist in rescue missions. With their help, we were able to locate survivors and bring them to safety. It was a strange sight to see zombies following my orders and helping humans. But in those moments, the line between friend and foe blurred, and we all fought for the same cause.

As time passed, I became known as the "Steel Fang Zombie King." The name stuck, and I embraced it. People looked up to me as a leader, and I did my best to live up to their expectations.

However, there were challenges along the way. The zombie outbreak continued to spread, and we faced more dangerous and evolved types of zombies. It was a constant battle to protect the safe zone and ensure the survival of humanity.

But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there were moments of hope. We discovered potential treatments and vaccines that could slow down the zombification process. It gave us a glimmer of hope that one day, we might find a cure and bring an end to this nightmare.

As the Steel Fang Zombie King, I continue to lead the charge against the undead. I train others to harness their abilities and fight alongside me. Together, we strive to create a world where humans and zombies can coexist peacefully, where the boundaries between life and death are not so rigid.

And in this new world, I hope to find a way to bring back those who have been lost, to reunite families torn apart by the zombie apocalypse. The journey is long, but with determination and resilience, we will prevail.
