Chen Xu also noticed that something was wrong with me. He laughed and said, "Can't bite anymore? Has your mutated teeth become so bad?"

"There is no suitable food for you now. I'm afraid you will bite me when I feed you instant noodles. You can soften the biscuit with saliva and swallow it slowly."

Although I usually do the same thing when tightening the braces, hearing it from his mouth made me feel that he was particularly inhumane.

When I first met Chen Xu, he looked like a handsome gentleman.

I really blinded my dog eyes.

Coincidentally, Chen Xu had been interning as a dentist when I started getting my teeth checked. Even when he became the attending doctor, I was still getting my teeth checked there. And almost every time I had my teeth checked, he was there.

Due to my sweet tooth since childhood and the genetic susceptibility to cavities, I hardly have any good teeth in my mouth. During dental treatment for cavities, I was always used as a teaching material by experienced dentists to teach interns.

I felt embarrassed, so I always kept my eyes tightly closed during treatment, so I never noticed Chen Xu's presence.

I really had contact with him for the first time when he was arranged by a senior doctor to practice on me.

The decayed tooth that needed treatment at that time was quite serious, so I was injected with anesthesia in advance. As a result, when he was repairing my mouth, I felt nothing, slowly fell asleep, and my mouth gradually closed smaller and smaller, then...

I bit down on Chen Xu's finger that was still in my mouth.


With a low male voice, I was woken up by the struggling finger in my mouth. When I opened my eyes, I met Chen Xu's smiling eyes.

I quickly opened my mouth and let go of his finger. I didn't even have to look to know how red my face was at that time.

"You fell asleep?"

"Yeah, I accidentally..."

As I was speaking, I felt a little ashamed and closed my eyes again.

Chen Xu couldn't help but chuckle, and in his laughter, my cheeks became hotter and hotter.

After this incident, every time I came to the dental clinic, I always wore a mask tightly, afraid of encountering him and feeling embarrassed again. But the more afraid I was, the more likely it was to happen.

In the next few treatments, the dentist who treated me always called Chen Xu to stand aside and learn.

If you can't escape, just play dead. Every time, I closed my eyes and let them "manipulate" me on the treatment chair, refusing to open my eyes.

But I couldn't escape Chen Xu's practical training.

"Don't fall asleep this time."

Seeing me close my eyes again, Chen Xu joked beside my head.

I couldn't help but laugh softly and helplessly replied, "Let's forget about this incident quickly."

"I'm sorry, but it left a deep impression on me."

I opened my eyes and smiled.

Why didn't I notice before... that his eyes were so beautiful?

Because of his solid professional foundation and excellent practical skills, Chen Xu became the attending doctor here after graduation. I was also transferred to him for treatment.

After several treatments, Chen Xu and I established a firm comrade-in-arms relationship.

Um, to be more precise, it was my wallet and him that established a firm comrade-in-arms relationship.

College was in the city, and I often went home once a week. Because my home was near the dental clinic, Chen Xu asked me to come once a week to have a free oral health check.

Maybe it was because he was handsome, he was fully booked for appointments every day, and they were all young girls. I felt sorry for them, thinking who would still look good with a twisted and deformed mouth? It would be more useful to have accidental encounters at the dental clinic more often.

Considering that his schedule was almost full, Chen Xu would often take extra time after work to help me with the check-ups. If there were minor problems with my teeth, he would also help me fix them.

Most importantly, it was all free!

Thinking like this, it's no wonder the nurses here thought we had a deep relationship.

I slowly moistened the biscuit in my mouth and swallowed it bit by bit.

After becoming a zombie, my sense of taste also changed. Salty biscuits tasted like chewing wax, and they didn't have much flavor.

I wanted to eat meat, the kind of bloody, freshly torn meat.

Just thinking about it made my mouth salivate faster.

After a few pieces of biscuits, I didn't feel full at all.

Occasionally, there were banging sounds coming from the entrance, and every time, Chen Xu would walk a few steps away from me.

The scent of human flesh lingered around my nose, tempting me to continuously growl. The sound reverberated in the empty clinic. The commotion outside the door would come to a halt.

I, a dignified zombie, became a tool in Chen Xu's hands to deter others.
