The car drove all the way, and every now and then you could see pedestrians being dragged by zombies and gnawed on the side of the road.

Approaching six o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was setting in the west, and the sky gradually darkened.

In the howling wind, the faint cries of zombies could be heard, making people shudder.

Before nightfall, we arrived at a small gas station on the outskirts of the city.

Kong Yiyang said: "It's not safe to drive at night, let's spend the night here tonight."

No one objected.

Ding Sisi suggested: "Someone needs to stand guard."

After some thought, Kong Yiyang said: "Liu Chen has been driving all day, he needs rest. How about this, I will take the night shift tonight, and Zhou Qin will be responsible for driving tomorrow morning, okay?"

Zhou Qin said: "No problem."

After a day of traveling, everyone hastily ate dinner and went to sleep.

In the middle of the night, the sound of the wind roared, but the eerie howling of zombies mysteriously disappeared, making the entire gas station very quiet.

I woke up from a dream, feeling uneasy.

I quietly opened a window a bit, suddenly, a strong wind blew in, carrying a strong stench.

My heart tightened.

The stench that even the strong wind couldn't disperse, couldn't possibly come from just one or two zombies.

The zombie tide is coming!

I stood up suddenly, shaking awake the people beside me: "Quick, wake up, the zombie tide is coming! Let's go!"

Seeing my actions, Kong Yiyang frowned: "Zhiwei, did you have a nightmare? It's very quiet outside, there's no zombie tide."

Ding Sisi rubbed her eyes, looking annoyed at being woken up by me: "What are you doing? We all want to sleep."

Seeing the goddess being wronged, Liu Chen looked at me with an unfriendly look: "Hey, it's late and you don't want to cause trouble to others, okay?"

I opened the window with a cold face and said, "Smell the outside! Even such a strong wind can't disperse the stench, it means there are at least hundreds or thousands of zombies coming this way!"

As soon as they heard this, the faces of the few people turned pale.

"Let's go!" Kong Yiyang was the first to react.

Zhou Qin, in the driver's seat, immediately started the car.

The roaring sound of the vehicle was particularly harsh in the silent night, almost simultaneously, the frenzied and bloodthirsty howls of the zombies could be heard not far away.


"Roar, Roar──"

The sound was deafening, as if it could shake mountains and seas, stimulating the already tense nerves of the people over and over again.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Ding Sisi urged, her face pale.

It wasn't until the car had been driving for half an hour that the group finally broke free from the terrifying fear.

Lin Long patted his chest in fear: "It was so scary, if we had been a little later, we would've become zombie snacks."

Zhou Qin shivered and said, "Thank goodness Qiao Zhiwei reacted quickly, otherwise we wouldn't even know how we would die."

Kong Yiyang smiled at me, "Zhiwei, thanks to you."

Even though Liu Chen had always looked at me unfriendly before, he also nodded in agreement at this time and sincerely said, "Thank you."

Ding Sisi's face, feeling ignored, didn't look good, she turned around and lay down, pulling the blanket over herself: "I'm so tired, let's sleep."

The people in the car looked at her inexplicably, but didn't say much.

The next day, the situation outside was much more serious than the day before, with almost twice as many zombies.

The good news is that we encountered a military convoy heading to the safe base, and being able to follow the military convoy meant a much safer journey.

The bad news is, around four o'clock in the afternoon, the convoy got stuck on a bridge, with a line of cars stretching for hundreds of meters in front.

"Damn!" Liu Chen blurted out a curse, "How long do we have to wait for this car to move!?"

Not only him, but everyone in the car was getting anxious.

Lin Long relayed the information he heard: "There are not only zombies ahead, but also car accidents blocking the road. The military needs to clear the zombies first before clearing the road, it may take some time before we can continue."

The convoy itself was prone to attracting zombies to follow, once surrounded, it would be a disaster.

Therefore, the military ahead did not dare to use firepower when eliminating zombies, they chose to use cold weapons for killing instead.

As a result, the pace of clearing the zombies was naturally slow.

Suddenly, urgent horn sounds came from the end of the line.


Almost at the same time, several cars started honking together.

The sounds of "Honk──" "Honk, Honk──" echoed.

The car owners on the road exploded.

"Who's so brainless? Aren't they afraid of attracting the zombies by honking at this time!?"

"Moron, stop honking!"

My heart suddenly tightened.

Honking would attract zombies, this was common sense.

Unless there was an extremely urgent situation, no one would do this.

If one car honking could be explained as a mistake or an accident in the car.

But several cars honking together, what did it indicate?

There must be trouble behind!
