Sitting in the university cafeteria, watching the bustling queue at the food counter, I couldn't believe it.

Did I...reincarnate?

Just a second ago, I was searching for equipment with my team members in a highly dangerous S-level hospital, and a mutated zombie lunged at me.

I was about to meet my doom.

But in the blink of an eye, I found myself back in university!

I widened my eyes, took a deep breath, and calmed the wild joy in my heart.

I was about to take out my phone to check today's date.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the cafeteria!

A male student violently pounced on a girl next to him, opening his mouth and tearing a piece of flesh from her throat. In an instant, the dazzling blood stained her white dress!

I stood up abruptly.

With all my strength, I shouted, "Run! It's a zombie!"

Almost simultaneously, the male student who had already turned into a zombie raised his head, his face completely devoid of color, turning dark and menacing. His mouth was covered in sticky blood.

The crowd erupted in chaos.

Students near the incident scattered in all directions, while those who didn't know what had happened desperately ran away amidst the shouts of "Someone turned into a zombie!"

Although some people reacted quickly, there were still those who were slow or unaware and got bitten repeatedly.

Those who were directly bitten would transform into zombies within a few seconds and then pounce on others.

Within moments, there were already about twenty people who had turned into zombies in the cafeteria.

However, the entrance to the cafeteria, which was not spacious, was completely blocked by nearly a hundred people.

I saw that the students on the outermost edge were in danger.

I quickly moved the dining tables and shouted, "Surround the tables and keep the zombies away!"

A few male students immediately took action, gathering the tables together.

We successfully blocked the zombies from advancing.

Once outside the cafeteria, the crowd rushed towards the nearest dormitory.

I ran back to Room 501 in one breath and locked the door.

My roommate, Lin Long, had no idea what was happening outside and asked when she heard the commotion downstairs, "What's all the noise about downstairs?"

Seeing Lin Long again, my eyes became slightly moist.

This girl died for me.

She died in the fifth year of the apocalypse.

I suppressed my emotions and told Lin Long, "A biochemical crisis has broken out, and now there are zombies outside."

Lin Long shrank her neck and said, "Don't joke around, I'm most afraid of these things!"

I shook my head and took her to the balcony to look outside.

The area outside the dormitory building was already in chaos. Bloodstains covered the ground, severed limbs were everywhere, and zombified students pounced on those who couldn't escape in time, tearing off large chunks of flesh. The girls' dormitory building was filled with screams.

Lin Long's legs trembled uncontrollably.

I held her and said, "Don't be afraid, we're temporarily safe."

Trembling, Lin Long sat back on the bed and tried to call her family, but the call couldn't get through.

After a while,

Her voice trembling, she asked, "What about You Jia and Ding Sisi? They haven't come back yet."

Last time, those two didn't end up well.

I advised Lin Long, "We can't worry about them now. Our top priority is to stay alive."

Lin Long realized the situation and quickly changed into lightweight clothes, starting to pack essential supplies.

I closed my eyes, pretending to rest, but in fact, I was verifying something.

As expected, just like in my previous life, that mustard seed space in my consciousness appeared again!

It was as big as four or five football fields.

As long as I touched something with my hand, I could instantly transfer it into the space.

What's even luckier is that all the supplies I hoarded in my previous life were still there!

With these, my confidence in survival increased.

There was a chaotic sound of footsteps and cries in the corridor.

Thena loud bang echoed through the dormitory building as a door was forcefully kicked open.

I quickly opened my eyes and stood up, ready for any threat.

Two familiar faces appeared in the doorway: You Jia and Ding Sisi.

Relief flooded my body as I rushed to hug them tightly.

You Jia, panting heavily, said, "We barely made it back. The whole campus is overrun with zombies."

Ding Sisi, her face pale, added, "We saw a lot of students being attacked. It's a nightmare out there."

I looked at them and said, "We're safe for now, but we need to come up with a plan. We can't stay here forever."

Together, we gathered in the room, discussing our options.

We decided that our best chance of survival was to make our way to the nearest evacuation point, which was located several kilometers away.

With the supplies in my mustard seed space and the four of us working together, we believed we had a fighting chance.

We packed our bags with essential items and prepared ourselves mentally for the dangerous journey ahead.

As we stepped out of the dormitory building, the sight was even more gruesome than before.

The campus was filled with chaos and carnage. The air was thick with the stench of blood and decay.

We navigated through the maze of buildings, avoiding groups of zombies whenever possible.

Our progress was slow and nerve-wracking, but we managed to reach the outskirts of the campus.

Just as we thought we were in the clear, a swarm of zombies appeared from behind a building, blocking our path.

Panic surged through our veins as we realized we were surrounded.

But we couldn't afford to give up.

I took out a flare gun from my mustard seed space and fired it into the sky, hoping to attract the attention of any nearby survivors or rescue teams.

The loud bang and bright red flare caught the attention of a group of survivors in the distance.

They saw our predicament and quickly rushed to our aid, engaging the zombies in a fierce battle.

We seized the opportunity and fought our way through the chaos, joining forces with the other survivors.

Together, we managed to break free from the encirclement and continued our journey towards the evacuation point.

It was a long and treacherous journey, filled with close calls and heartbreaking losses.

But we never gave up.

Finally, after days of struggle, we reached the evacuation point.

There, we were greeted by a team of armed soldiers who provided us with food, shelter, and medical assistance.

We had survived the initial outbreak and found ourselves in the midst of a larger battle against the zombie horde.

Our fight for survival was far from over, but we had hope and a newfound determination.

We were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in our quest to reclaim our world from the clutches of the undead.

And so, our journey continued, with the memories of our previous lives fueling our resilience and guiding our every step.
