The sound of rain is dense and continuous.

It's artificial rainfall.

No, it's not rain, it's a vaccine.

It's the antidote for humanity.

I looked outside in disbelief, went downstairs, and opened the door of the research institute.

The antidote poured over me, bringing with it a fine and dense sensation of pain.

The strength that didn't belong to me gradually disappeared, and I could no longer control any zombies.

The antidote not only reversed the zombification but also caused the regression of abilities.

Humans can never become gods.

The ridiculous plan to create gods took the lives of billions of humans. Just as the road was about to end, humanity finally faced judgment.

...So what is my judgment?

Personal pain and despair will be buried in the dust of history.

The humans who died in this catastrophe will not be resurrected, and the grievances of those who suffered in the apocalypse will never be redressed.

The survivors will only feel joy and gratitude for having lived through this great calamity.

They obtained the antidote.

But my antidote will never appear.

Sinners do not deserve an antidote.

Accepting the annihilation of life with a meek attitude, dying in despair, this is fate's revenge against me.

The rain and darkness engulfed me, and I fell to the ground, allowing the liquid to splash into my eyes.

I reached out my hand, trying to grasp that ray of light piercing through the clouds.

I vaguely saw my parents smiling, standing there.

...Take me away.

Living is truly a difficult thing.

It's too painful.

Take me away.

Even if it's hell after death, it's better than walking alone in the human world.

The second before losing consciousness, I heard an anxious shout.
