Four years ago.

Luminyin asked for leave, but my parents were nowhere to be seen. I carried my school bag and walked slowly by the roadside.

There was a small stall selling sugar figurines. I glanced at it with interest and happened to catch a glimpse of someone behind me.

I turned around, but the person had disappeared.

It was strange.

I continued walking forward, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was staring at me from behind.

Anxiety filled my heart, and I immediately took a taxi home.

After getting off the car, the feeling still lingered.

Fear surged like a tide, and I ran forward in panic, but I bumped into someone.

I looked up, and my eyes brightened. I shouted, "Brother!"

Luzhao supported me and asked, "What's wrong?"

I turned around and whispered, "I feel like someone is following me."

Luzhao raised his gaze and looked ahead. His expression suddenly turned cold. "Indeed."

I was startled. "What should we do? Should we call the police?"

Luzhao patted my head. "There are security guards ahead. You go and get help."

"What about you?"

"I'll go and take a look first, so he doesn't run away."

I felt uneasy. "Let's go together and call the security guards."

Luzhao smiled reassuringly. "It's okay, he can't beat me."

"Remember to run forward and don't look back."

I ran forward with all my strength, but I couldn't help but turn back.

I only saw Luzhao's blurry figure.

The person was caught but refused to admit it. In the end, the police had no choice but to let him go.

So Luzhao started picking me and Luminyin up from school every day.

A month later, he had to go to the neighboring city, so he arranged for a driver to ensure our safety.

Life suddenly seemed peaceful.

Until one day, I received a message from my father, asking me to visit their research institute.

Although I didn't understand the meaning, I was still somewhat happy. I didn't call the driver from Luzhao's family and went there directly by taxi.

Before leaving, I hesitated whether to send a text message to Luzhao. He would be back in City B tomorrow, and tomorrow is his birthday.

...Forget it, I'll talk to him tomorrow.

I'm just going to the research institute. When Luzhao returns tomorrow, Luminyin and I have prepared a gift for him. We can't ruin the surprise.

I wonder if he will like it.

After arriving at the research institute, I was led into a glass room, and then I heard the sound of the door locking.

A man with triangular eyes stood outside the glass and sighed, "The project was halfway through, but you refused to continue... so I had to bring your daughter here."

A chill ran down my spine, and I turned my head to look at the man's gaze.

In the shadows, there were two people sitting.

"Dad! Mom!"

I rushed towards them.

But they didn't seem right. Their faces were pale, their eyes were white, and their bodies were trembling.

My father suddenly approached and bit my neck.

Blood flowed out, but he seemed to suddenly regain his senses and let go.

He made a weak choking sound and said intermittently, "Yao Yao... I'm sorry..."

My mother seemed afraid to approach me. She sat in the corner, sobbing helplessly.

She weakly said, "Run..."

"Run quickly..."

She let out a painful wail and took out a piece of broken glass from her pocket, slashing her own throat.

Blood splattered all over my face.

I still didn't realize what had happened.

Then I saw her pick up the broken glass without hesitation and slash her own artery.

I didn't even have time to scream.

The middle-aged man outside gradually darkened his expression and cursed under his breath.

Suddenly, as if he had discovered something, he opened the glass room and rushed in.

"What did you do?!" he shouted, looking at my parents' lifeless bodies.

I was frozen in shock, unable to comprehend the nightmare unfolding before me.

The man's expression twisted with anger and frustration. He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the room.

"This is all your fault!" he yelled, his grip tightening on my arm.

Tears streamed down my face as I struggled to break free.

"Let me go! What did you do to them?!" I screamed, my voice filled with desperation.

He ignored my pleas and forced me into a waiting car outside the research institute.

The car sped away, leaving behind the lifeless bodies of my parents and the shattered remnants of my once-normal life.

I was taken to a secluded location, a hidden facility where the man revealed himself to be Dr. Zheng, a scientist involved in a secretive research project.

He explained that my parents had been part of his experiment, a project aimed at enhancing human abilities through genetic modifications.

But something went horribly wrong, and they lost control of their newfound powers. Driven by an insatiable hunger, they became uncontrollable monsters.

Dr. Zheng believed that I held the key to understanding what went wrong with the experiment. He hoped that by studying me, he could prevent such tragedies from happening again.

I was trapped in that facility, subjected to numerous tests and experiments. Dr. Zheng and his team pushed the boundaries of ethical boundaries in their pursuit of scientific knowledge.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. I was isolated, alone, and haunted by the memories of my parents' gruesome transformation.

But deep within me, a fire ignited. A burning desire for justice and revenge.

I started observing the facility, learning its ins and outs, and searching for any opportunity to escape.

One night, as the guards grew complacent, I made my move. Using my newfound resilience and agility, I managed to slip past their surveillance and make my way to the facility's exit.

Freedom was within reach, but so was danger. I knew that Dr. Zheng and his team would do anything to keep their experiment under wraps.

I ran through the darkened corridors, my heart pounding in my chest. The facility seemed like a maze, but I refused to give up.

Finally, I reached the main entrance and pushed open the heavy doors. The cool night air filled my lungs as I stepped out into the world once again.

But my journey was far from over. I had to uncover the truth behind the experiment, expose Dr. Zheng's unethical practices, and seek justice for my parents.

With newfound determination, I set out on a path of vengeance, using my own enhanced abilities to fight against those who had wronged me.

My name is Yao Yao, and this is the beginning of my story.
