I sat on the chair behind the cashier counter, my eyes scanning the other people in the supermarket.

Compared to me and Lu Mingyin, they seemed more like normal people, with worried and fearful expressions, but not completely hopeless, still waiting for the police's rescue.

Lu Mingyin handed me something wrapped in colorful packaging, and I lowered my gaze but didn't take it.

She said, "Replenish your energy."

After a few seconds, I finally took the thing, tore open the bag, and it was fruit candy.

The sweetness of the strawberry-flavored candy quickly spread over my taste buds, and I paused in surprise.

"This used to be your favorite," Lu Mingyin looked at me cautiously.

I didn't listen carefully to what she said, bit the candy, and felt the long-lost taste.

Suddenly, a broadcast sound came from outside: "Please stay at home, do not go out, lock your doors and windows, and wait for rescue..."

The cold mechanical female voice kept looping in my ears, and several people in the supermarket seemed to have found hope and breathed a sigh of relief.

This wait lasted until the evening.

The police hadn't arrived yet, and people began to realize that something was wrong and started to complain.

I wasn't too worried because even if the police didn't come, Lu Mingyin's brother would come to save her.

I walked to the shelf and took the last pack of fruit candy.

Suddenly, my sleeve was tugged.

It was a little boy.

"Give it to me," he said.

I looked at him and found it somewhat amusing, sneering, "No."

The little boy's face changed, and he started crying loudly.

His voice was so penetrating that the supermarket entrance trembled twice, probably from being hit by the monsters outside.

A middle-aged woman hurried over and tried to comfort him, saying, "Yangyang, don't cry."

The little boy pointed at me and said, "I want the candy."

Everyone's gaze fell on me, and the middle-aged man frowned, saying, "He's just a child, give him the candy."

"Yeah, crying won't solve anything."

"Will those zombies outside rush in? Give the candy to the child quickly."

I crossed my arms and remained silent.

Lu Mingyin walked over, glanced at the situation, and said to the middle-aged woman, "Take care of your child. Do you want the zombies to rush in and bite us?"

Strangely, everyone around fell silent and instead looked at the woman with condemning eyes.

I bent down, shook the bag of candy, and whispered in the boy's ear, "If you keep crying, I'll throw you out to feed the zombies."

The crying abruptly stopped.

Children usually have keen intuition, and he knew I wasn't joking.

I really wanted to kill him.
