I am very lucky to have the habit of storing water, because the water purifier completely stopped working due to the power outage, so the water I stored in advance became a great guarantee for me to survive.

You might say that if the water purifier is not working, can't you just drink tap water directly? Sure you can! But the water purified again is safer! What if the water stops later? What if the gas stops too? I have to make the worst plan.

After the power outage, the refrigerator also completely stopped working. Taking advantage of the time when the scent of fireworks in the community was the strongest, I boiled everything in the refrigerator.

Anyway, it's cold now, so it won't go bad in a few days.

Because the distance from the fire was too close, the flying ashes and black smoke formed a black film on my windows. Now I can't see the situation at the front gate clearly.

The power outage also made the access control ineffective, which undoubtedly turned me into a blind person. Finally, I adjusted my strategy and came to another bedroom, where I could see the situation behind the building. Although it is not very useful, if I don’t find something to do, I will really go crazy.

Since the power outage, I have been waiting for any movement outside the door, without the electronic alarm and no more patrols of the zombie outside the door, I believe those trying to pry open the door should start to act soon.

But, one day, two days, they never came. Instead of waiting for them, I ended up waiting for the water to be cut off, followed by the gas being cut off.

No electricity, no gas, no water.

This is the real doomsday, isn't it?

I curled up into a ball, then piled all the blankets and everything onto the bed.

I think, if I am lucky enough not to be eaten by zombies, after the end of the world, when someone opens the door and sees me here, they may say: Look! This person died quite peacefully.

In any case, now that there is nothing left, I opened all the switches in the house, even opened a corner of the curtains.

That's it!

I couldn't eat anything anymore, all I did every day besides drawing a horizontal line was lie on the "thick coffin" I piled up for myself and wait to die!

I know I am sick, mentally sick, but I don't want to deal with it at all.

Lying on the bed staring at the ceiling, memories of my life flashed through my mind, from the vibrant elementary school days to the struggling early days of entering society. From the joyous times with my parents to the panic and confusion brought by the end of the world.

Tears flowed down uncontrollably as I thought, so dazzlingly bright! It hurts my eyes.

!!! Bright light??

I sat up suddenly, it was a bright light, is the power back on??

Rushing out of the room, the refrigerator was making a buzzing sound, the sound of the refrigeration starting.

And outside the window is no longer silent, on the contrary, it's a bit noisy.

I rushed back into the bedroom, pulled open the curtains, and opened the window that had been smoked black.

The sunlight shone in, with a hint of the smell of gunpowder mixed with the cold wind blowing in through the open window.

Several big trucks drove into the community, military trucks.

A fully armed team subdued the last infected person and put them into a special compartment at the back of one of the trucks.

The community is safe now, and I see the surviving residents coming out of their homes one by one.

They embraced each other, some filled with sadness, some with excitement. Then I don’t know who started crying first, and eventually there was a chorus of crying downstairs.

They cried out the horror they experienced in the apocalypse, the sadness of losing loved ones, and the joy and excitement of starting anew.

After a while, the crying gradually subsided.

Several more trucks drove into the community, carrying goods!

"Citizens of Huangguo, disasters will always pass, please trust the government, trust the country."

The community speakers started broadcasting to ask residents to come down and collect supplies.

A table was set up next to the supplies truck, to begin tallying the survivors.

Another truck set up a table next to it, and began checking the health of the sick people.

The chaotic residents gradually returned to calm, lining up slowly.

I also changed into clean clothes, and opened the long closed front door.

The end of the world is over. I am saved!

Extra: Follow-up

It has been 6 months since the end of the world.

According to the current official name, it has been 6 months since the Pashtela virus ended.

During these 6 months, I received treatment from a psychologist, and now the symptoms of insomnia and nervous exhaustion have improved a lot.

I think there are many people like me, after all, walking on the brink of death will leave some shadows.

Afterwards, I counted the "正" characters I painted on the wall, a total of 18 with 4 strokes each, which is 94 days, 3 months.

But these more than 90 days have left unforgettable shadows in my life.

I remember that when the seal was lifted, my parents rushed back home for the first time, then hugged me and cried.

Finally, after seeing me standing in front of them alive, they completely released their fears.

Under the care of my parents, I gradually returned to a normal life.

I have also been paying attention to the aftermath of this disaster.

The official conclusion is that the melting of the polar ice caps reawakened ancient bacteria.

Although most of the heavily affected areas were coastal cities, when I see all of this, I will still think back to the post I saw initially, although doubtful, but still choose to believe the authorities.

Furthermore, the group of people who intruded into our community by driving have been sentenced to death, because nothing less could satisfy the public outrage.

Through reports, I learned about the actions of this group of people.

They first drove up the prices in their original community, then, once they realized how serious things were, they crashed the gate by driving through it, causing a total breakdown of the community, resulting in the deaths of several staff members and the complete collapse of the community.

Afterwards, the statistics showed that there were a total of 2,640 households in our community, and the number of fatalities exceeded 2,400.

This data is undoubtedly terrifying, and shocked everyone.

Subsequently, the nationwide death toll was released, I took a glance and stopped paying attention, because it was too traumatic.

According to the populations of all the heavily affected areas, the death toll reached one-third, what a huge number!

Looking at the number of fatalities in the country and comparing it to other countries, we actually did quite well.

Because timely discovery and implementation of isolation and protection measures, this virus did not spread within the country. Due to the timely lockdown, most of the country was protected.

As for the heavily affected areas, if it weren't for people messing around all the time, it wouldn't have led to such serious consequences.

As for other countries, their freedom led them to not comply with isolation measures, and the outcome can be easily imagined.

Later on, scientists released all the information on the Pashtela virus.

The transmission route of this virus is particularly singular, it can only be spread through blood and saliva, and it does not have a long incubation period, maximum not exceeding 24 hours before it breaks out.

Thoroughly infected individuals prey on fresh prey, relying not only on sight, but also on sharp smell and hearing.

So my protection measures at that time were correct. Concealing my own scent with a bad smell, then staying silent in the dark.

Because this virus is so special. It seems to have collected the genetic characteristics of various animals in nature. Because of these characteristics, the infected individuals went mad directly among ordinary people.

How many people died from infected individuals breaking in through the door? They never knew until they died, what might have exposed them was an inadvertent speaking sound, or even just the scent of a living person.

I have never been so grateful for that crazy shopping day.

That allowed me to survive this disaster.

Later on, the country developed a new vaccine. I heard it was extracted from antibodies found in whales.

And a few years passed.

We moved away from this city, and the Pashtela virus has never reappeared.

It seemed as if everyone had forgotten about this disaster, and everything returned to the way it was in the beginning.

Office workers were still busy every day.

I also got married.

In the busyness of each day, everything seemed to have passed.

The new residence is in a newly developed complex, with high floors and even security doors between the floors.

The door of the new home is still double-layered. Although it was a bit inconvenient to come and go, we were all quite satisfied with it.

In addition to the usual food, there was also a place specifically for various fast food, medicines, and compressed foods.

We called it the ultimate guarantee.

Later on, my daughter grew up.

She asked me, why do we need to prepare so many strange things? They're hard and have a weird smell, not tasty at all.

I looked at the naive child, smiled and didn't say anything.

If possible, I hope you never have to use these things in your lifetime!

These are nightmares that only exist in the memories of people like us!

(End of Full Text)
