As my limbs gradually lost strength, I became powerless to resist, and my hands and feet drooped weakly.

Only then did Lao Zhang let go and roughly threw me to the ground, then pressed down on me.

"Wait." I struggled to adjust my breathing. "The... the door is not closed yet..."

"Those monsters will come if they hear any noise..."

Lao Zhang squinted his eyes, his perpetually narrow eyes filled with scrutiny.

"Don't hit me. I can agree to any request you have." I put on an obedient expression. "But you have to promise... to let me stay with you all the time in the future. Otherwise, as a young girl, I won't be able to survive in this kind of environment."

Seeing Lao Zhang's suspicious look, I said again, "Just take me with you. We women still need men for protection..."

Perhaps it was my initiative to negotiate that made Lao Zhang relax his guard, or perhaps he considered the monsters. He got up and locked the door from the inside. When he came back, he saw me struggling to get up from the concrete floor.

His gaze immediately turned fierce. I looked at him with a pitiful expression and said, "Uncle, the floor is cold..."

He squatted down, examining me from head to toe as if inspecting merchandise. A smile appeared on his face. "Indeed, students are still the best. You mustn't try anything funny. The previous person who resisted me is already preparing for the afterlife."

"I won't, Uncle." I proactively hugged Lao Zhang's neck. "You won't have a chance to prepare for my afterlife..."

Lao Zhang's expression went from joyful to ferocious in an instant. His features twisted together, and he tightly held his own neck where a gleaming knife was inserted.

It was the knife I had tied to my leg and used to stab Li Xiaoli. Lao Zhang didn't expect that I would still have a weapon in my hand. His eyes were filled with disbelief.

"Get ready for your father to prepare your afterlife."

I wiped the blood off my face and looked at Lao Zhang as his body slumped softly to the ground. His blood was red, different from the foul-smelling blood of those monsters.

I dragged his body and threw it outside. At a time like this, I didn't even need to personally dispose of the evidence. There would immediately be natural cleaners coming.

"If he hadn't let his guard down, if he had discovered your weapon earlier, do you know what would have happened?"

"But do I have any other choice? At this point, every step I take is a gamble pushed upon me."

I took out the little bunny from my pocket, its eyes stained red with blood.

The originally cute little thing now looked somewhat sinister.

"What a pity, it got dirty."

The shelter was very close. According to the navigation, I quickly found it.

But looking at the old building in front of me, it didn't feel like a shelter. It seemed more like an abandoned building.

The first thing that caught my eye was an old ginkgo tree. Leaves from the tree fell in front of me with the wind, shining golden.

I paused for a moment, remembering that there used to be a tree like this in front of my house when I was young. But after a big fire, only a dried-up trunk remained.

I pushed the door and walked in. The door was unlocked, and strangely, there were no monsters nearby.

"Mom, where are you?"

There was no response in the corridor, and it was eerily quiet.

I climbed up the stairs to the fourth floor, and the layout of the building became clearer. I kept going until I saw the familiar doorplate. I suppressed my sadness and gently knocked on the door three times.

"Is Xiao Jin back? It's about time for school to be dismissed." A warm voice came from inside, and I could almost smell the aroma of food.

"Wait a moment, Mom is cooking and can't free her hands right now. She'll come to open the door for you soon."

"You hurry up and cook your dish. I'll put down what I'm doing and go open the door for her later."

"Oh, then you should hurry up. Our girl must be waiting anxiously outside."

"Come in, Xiao Jin. It's been so long since I last saw you!" The voice of my mother filled the air as the door swung open, revealing a warm and cozy apartment.

However, as I stepped inside, I couldn't help but notice that something was off. The furniture and decorations were all familiar, but there was a layer of dust covering everything. The air felt stale and untouched by human presence.

"Mom?" I called out, my voice trembling.

There was no response. I cautiously walked further into the apartment, my heart pounding in my chest. The silence was deafening.

As I entered the living room, I saw a photo frame on the coffee table. It was a picture of my family, taken years ago. Tears welled up in my eyes as I picked it up, feeling a mix of nostalgia and sadness.

My mother's voice echoed in my mind, but she was nowhere to be found. I searched every corner of the apartment, calling out her name, but there was no trace of her.

Confusion and despair overwhelmed me. Was this some cruel illusion? A figment of my imagination?

Just as I was about to give up hope, I noticed a piece of paper sticking out from under the photo frame. I pulled it out and unfolded it, my hands trembling.

The message on the paper was written in my mother's handwriting:

My dearest Xiao Jin,

If you're reading this, it means that I am no longer with you. I'm sorry for leaving you like this, but there are things you need to know.

The world has changed. It's no longer the place we once knew. The monsters you've encountered are real, and they have taken over our city. People are fighting to survive, and I fear I couldn't protect you in this chaos.

I couldn't bear to see you in danger, so I made a difficult decision. I sent you away, far from this place, to keep you safe. I don't know where you are right now, but I hope you're out of harm's way.

Remember, my love for you is eternal. Stay strong and never lose hope. I believe in you.

Your loving mother.

As I finished reading the letter, tears streamed down my face. My mother, knowing the dangers of the world outside, had sacrificed herself to ensure my safety.

Although devastated by her loss, I realized that I had to carry on. I had to survive and find a way to make sense of this new reality.

I folded the letter carefully, holding it close to my heart. Determination welled up within me, and I made a silent vow to honor my mother's sacrifice.

I would find a way to navigate this world of monsters and uncertainty. I would uncover the truth behind their existence and fight for a better future.

With newfound strength, I wiped away my tears and took a deep breath. It was time to embark on my journey, guided by my mother's love and the memories we shared.
