Just when I was sleeping, the country also quickly responded.

Now, all the headlines are announcements released by the country.

The announcement specifies the characteristics of virus-infected individuals, urging residents to stay at home and not go out easily.

If there is fever or infection, isolate and prevent it. Currently, the country is accelerating the development of special medicines, hoping that the general public will cooperate with the country, unite as one, and overcome this difficulty.

But now the most important thing is how this disease was triggered, it would be better to know its origin.

But no one knows.

I watched many videos online, infected individuals attacking pedestrians by biting them appeared all over the country.

And as the number of infected people increases, the situation is gradually getting out of control.

Because this thing cannot be killed, is strong, and fast, it seems to be a person who is always at the peak of various mechanisms, tireless, and has no sense of pain.

Now, troops in various parts of the country are focusing on guarding key infrastructure, such as power plants, water plants, gas companies...

To ensure the normal life of residents.

After reading this, I started searching for news in the same city.

There have also been cases on our side, but compared to big cities, there are fewer people here, so it's not as serious yet.

"Ni, Xiaohui, come down for dinner."

Just as I was watching, grandma's voice came from downstairs.

"Coming, Grandma, right away."

I put on my shoes and went out, and my fourth brother next door also came out, and the two of us went downstairs to eat.

Our generation currently has 7 people, named Lin Chengdi, Chengyuan, Chengjin, Chenghui, Chengxi, Chengwang, I am called Chengyun, but everyone is used to calling me Linyunyun.

Of course, the older generation calls us whatever they are used to. Names and aliases.

Breakfast was steamed potato dumplings, sticky bean buns, egg soup, and the classic dipping sauce.

After breakfast, I walked around the house with my fourth brother, he measured the height of the wall, and I handed him the tape measure.

After measuring, my fourth brother said the wall is 3 meters high because it's a border village, so the wall was built slightly higher initially.

We knocked on the gate, made of wood and iron, sturdy and pleasing to the eye.

We also checked the vegetable garden, everything was fine, and with my skills, I definitely can't get in.

I shared my thoughts with my fourth brother, but he ignored me.

In addition to these, my fourth brother also brought out the surveillance cameras he had previously bought and installed them at the four corners of the outer wall.

At this time, his knowledge came in handy, his method of installing surveillance was very skillful.

With me inadvertently getting in the way, my fourth brother quickly handled everything.

Maybe I'm really not that useful, so my fourth brother asked me to pick some cabbage, to wrap for lunch.

I obediently went, arriving at the vegetable garden I heard the sheep bleating, and fed it some old leaves.

It was soon noon, our lunch was Northeastern stew and Northeastern big steamed buns.

Obviously, our grandma overestimated our appetite, looking at the leftover food, I felt like we won't need to cook tomorrow.

Should I mention the corn in the stew was really delicious.

In the hot afternoon, my fourth brother continued to look up news online.

While I helped grandma sun-dry the vegetables, cooking the ones that needed to be cooked, cutting the ones that needed to be cut, and then hanging them on the roof to dry.

With the high temperature now, they will be dried in two days, becoming winter vegetables.

In addition, there are frozen vegetables, tomatoes, pumpkins, etc., packed in plastic bags and put in the freezer to eat during the winter after thawing.

Due to the unusually hot weather this year and little rain, many things in the field ripened earlier than usual.

For example, sweet potatoes, yams, peanuts, and potatoes all need to be harvested.

It looks like the walnuts on the trees need to be picked too. Although we haven't deprived them of moisture at home, the sun is really too hot.

Since we started harvesting, my fourth brother and I have been getting up before sunrise and going back inside when it gets hot, then continuing to work when it cools down in the afternoon.

In these past few days, the amount of work we did combined is probably equivalent to my total output in the past 17 years.

Fortunately, the vegetable garden is diverse, so the quantity is not too much, otherwise, I would truly be exhausted.

Although there isn't a lot of farming, the yield is quite impressive, truly showing the fertility of the black soil.

Just when we finished picking walnuts, my fourth brother suddenly asked us to go upstairs.

Because he found zombies behind the village.

For now, let's call them zombies, because the official name is too hard to pronounce.

These zombies didn't just randomly appear, they followed a small electric car.

I don't know where the car came from, it panicked and broke through the village's roadblock, then plunged into a ditch.

The zombies behind quickly pounced, in no time the car was dismantled into pieces.

The driver is definitely finished.

With that person's death, the zombies followed through the gap and into the village. Because my house is close to the end of the village.

When the zombies come in they will pass by our doorstep, and they might even circle around the house.

This is really not good news.

We cautiously hid in the shadows observing the zombies, not daring to make a sound.

Fortunately, the zombies didn't notice us hiding inside the house. I watched them one by one pass by the front gate.

At this moment, there was a burst of barking from somewhere.

I thought it was our dog, which scared me and made my hair stand on end.

Fortunately, it wasn't our dog. The zombies heard the sound, quickly ran towards the source of the noise.

The good news is that our house is safe, the bad news is the zombies entered the village.

Seeing this, Grandpa quickly sent out a message in the village.

Fortunately, we all have mobile phones now, so sending a message is fast.

At that moment, the barking stopped, I don't know if the domestic dog was bitten to death, or if its owner silenced it.

Shortly after, the large speaker at the village entrance played familiar music.

Because the distance was too far, we couldn't see what was happening.

But based on the photos sent to the group, it was clear that those zombies were led to the threshing ground where they were dealt with.

Soon the music stopped, and they dispersed.

The good news is the zombies left the village.

The bad news is they entered the cornfield, and it's harvest time for the corn.
