The news of zombies attacking humans first came from Taiwan.

At this time, it had only been two days since Chen Zexiu's house.

Each household wrapped their houses tightly.

Some people tried to escape this suffocating cage, but besides leaving the Earth, they had nowhere else to go.

It was difficult to see girls with milk tea and shopping bags smiling on the streets anymore.

While unloading the things she had just purchased after wandering around half the city, Lanyao kept complaining that she was late in buying them.

That day, the windows were not installed, and the construction workers had all run away.

Regardless of whether the news was true or not, earning money was not important; their lives were the most important.

By the time we arrived at the supermarket, it was already overcrowded, and most of the shelves were empty.

I straightened up and was about to retort to Lanyao when I spotted a moving black dot in the distance. I took out a mini telescope and immediately recognized what it was.

"Close the door, quickly!"

Chen Ze reacted quickly and immediately initiated the door closing procedure.

The distant zombie sensed that we had discovered it, leaped forward ten meters, and changed from crawling slowly to sprinting.

It had just concealed its figure.

Surprisingly, this was an intelligent zombie.

Lanyao screamed as she watched the approaching monster.

I turned around and ran towards the house, and when Chen Ze saw that Lanyao was still stunned in place halfway, he turned back and pulled her along.

Just as we reached the living room, there was a "bang" sound, and at the moment the door closed, the zombie crashed into it.

Followed by a few more "bang~bang~" sounds, the door remained intact, followed by a deathly silence.

I opened my phone to check the surveillance camera outside, but it was black. It seemed that the zombie had smashed the camera.

"Did... did it... leave?"

Lanyao trembled as she asked, but before we could answer, a piercing sound replied to her.

That sound should be the sound of the zombie scratching the steel door with its long nails.

Once, twice...

It scratched for a full five minutes.

The sound of scratching, which was both heart-wrenching and unable to find an outlet, made Lanyao collapse.

She grabbed an iron rod and ran out. While the zombie scratched the door over there, she knocked on the door over here.

"Stop scratching, even if you scratch, you can't get in."

I don't know if the zombie really understood her words or if it gave up because it couldn't get in, but the scratching sound stopped.

After ten minutes of silence, we cautiously opened the small window on the large steel door to see outside.

A head with rotting skin, bloodshot eyes, and exposed teeth filled the entire field of view.

"Ah~" Lanyao screamed and fainted.

I hurriedly tried to close the small window, but a bony hand reached in and held the small door, slowly pushing it open.

Chen Ze picked up a kitchen knife and wanted to chop off that hand, but I stopped him.

Because from my perspective, I saw the zombie's bloodshot eyes pleading.

It mumbled incoherently, as if saying something.

I listened closely and recognized that it had been repeating a sentence.

"Kill... me... I... don't... want... to... become... a... monster."

"You want release?"

It mechanically nodded and handed over a small velvet box.

Inside was a pendant made from a photo of their family of three.

It looked at me earnestly without saying a word, but I understood its meaning.

"If I see them, I will tell them that you're still alive, just temporarily unable to go back."

A tear of blood fell from its eye.

It put its head through the small window, and Chen Ze raised his knife, and with one swift motion, a head rolled two meters away on the lawn.

It was Chen Ze's first time killing a zombie, and he squatted on the side, vomiting.

I quickly opened the door and dragged the zombieinside, closing the door behind us. Lanyao, who had regained consciousness, looked at us with a mix of fear and confusion.

We explained to her what had happened and showed her the pendant that the zombie had given us. She was still shaken by the experience but understood the gravity of the situation.

After that incident, our lives changed completely. We barricaded ourselves inside the house, reinforcing the doors and windows, and gathered whatever supplies we could find.

We soon realized that the zombie outbreak was not limited to Taiwan. News reports from around the world confirmed that similar incidents were occurring everywhere.

The governments and military forces of various countries were struggling to contain the situation, but it seemed that the zombies were spreading faster than they could handle.

Survivors formed groups and tried to protect themselves as best as they could. It was a constant battle for survival.

We managed to establish contact with other survivors through radio communication and joined forces with a larger group in our area.

Together, we set up a fortified community and implemented strict security measures to keep the zombies at bay.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. The world outside had become a desolate and dangerous place.

Occasionally, we would encounter other survivors who had managed to escape from zombie-infested areas. They would share their stories of loss, despair, and unimaginable horrors.

But amidst all the chaos and devastation, there were also small glimmers of hope. Scientists and researchers were working tirelessly to find a cure or a way to reverse the zombie infection.

Slowly, we started to see progress. Experimental treatments and vaccines were developed, and some survivors who had been infected but not fully turned into zombies were successfully treated.

It was a long and arduous journey, but humanity managed to push back against the zombie threat. Over time, the number of new infections decreased, and the remaining zombies were gradually eliminated.

Years later, the world started to rebuild. Cities were reconstructed, and people began to regain a sense of normalcy.

However, the scars left by the zombie apocalypse would never fully fade. The experience had changed us all, reminding us of the fragility of life and the importance of unity and resilience.

We vowed to never forget the sacrifices made and the lessons learned during those dark days.

And as for the zombie that we encountered in Taiwan, we kept our promise. We found its family and delivered the heartbreaking news of its fate.

They grieved, but they also found solace in knowing that their loved one had found peace and would never have to suffer as a monster.

The world had survived the zombie apocalypse, and although it was forever changed, it was determined to move forward and rebuild a future where such horrors would never be repeated.
