From then on, Fang Ziyi lived like a dog, going out early and returning late every day, searching for food for his wife and the child in her belly.

Before the outbreak of the virus, Du Youyou was the daughter of a wealthy family, living a luxurious life of extravagance. But after the apocalypse, she still hoped for a princess-like life, with good food and clothes, being supported by someone, only to be repeatedly sent back to the warehouse where she was found.

Poverty-stricken couples have a hundred sorrows!

Du Youyou slowly revealed her true nature, finding fault with Fang Ziyi in every possible way.

Specifically, they could hear their sharp arguments even from hundreds of meters away.

A circle of zombies stood outside the wire fence, watching the daily quarrels and pot-throwing of the couple.

"You should at least take a bite, Yoyo! Even if you don't want to eat, the child in your belly needs to eat,"

"I won't eat it! Fang Ziyi, you're useless! The food you bring back is scarce and tasteless. Who would eat these expired canned goods!" Xiaobaihua complained loudly.

She screamed like a madwoman, "I want to leave this place. I don't want to stay here for another minute. I want to go back to the base. I want to eat beef jerky... Fang Ziyi, go back and beg your mother. You're her biological son, she'll relent!"

I lay comfortably on the base sofa, listening to the quarrels and hurtful words exchanged between "Qing Bi Jin Zhen" (nickname for Du Youyou) and Fang Ziyi, and reached out to take the apple that Song Liang had peeled from the base.

*Crunch* One bite, so sweet and refreshing!

Song Liang sat on the sofa and naturally put my legs on his knees and massaged them.

I stiffened for a moment and was about to refuse him.

Song Liang brought up another topic: "Du Youyou wasn't infected, but the child in her belly will be affected. This child cannot be born."

Under Song Liang's expert and comfortable massage, I slowly relaxed. I had also considered this issue. After Fang Ziyi cut off ties with me, I didn't want to deal with his affairs.

But the child in Du Youyou's belly could potentially mutate into a new zombie virus, forcing me to take it seriously.

In the afternoon, Fang Ziyi appeared at the base gate with half of his face red, crying and making a scene to see me.

What an extraordinary couple, they've only been living together for a few days and already staged a martial arts drama!

His face was marked with red fingerprints, and all I could say was "serves you right!"

"Mom..." Fang Ziyi cried out to me pitifully.

I remained unmoved.

"Mom, considering that Yoyo is still pregnant, please give us some food! The bloody smell from Yoyo giving birth will attract zombies. Can you let us return to the base first?"

With his pleading demeanor, so different from his confident demeanor when he left the base, it was like night and day!

"The child in Du Youyou's belly cannot be kept..."

I had just uttered a sentence when Fang Ziyi's face was filled with shock, and he was on edge.

"This is my own flesh and blood! You can hate me, but why vent your anger on an innocent child? I'll call you 'mom' one last time. You're truly heartless, devoid of any human emotions. I won't come to you for help ever again!" Fang Ziyi said angrily, resentfully looking at me, and turned to leave.

He didn't give me a chance to finish speaking.

Very well, let him go. He'll regret it when the child is born!

In the evening, the quarrels of the young couple attracted the attention of the zombies, who banged on the fence and disturbed the peace of others.

"Fang Ziyi, are you an idiot? I want to go back, and you actually offended your mother!"

Fang Ziyi's voice was not weak either: "She told you to abort the child. Does someone like her deserve to be called my mother? Yoyo, don't be angry, don't scare the baby in your belly. I'lltry my best to find a way for us to leave this place."

Their argument continued late into the night, echoing through the empty streets. The tension between them was palpable, and it seemed unlikely that they would reconcile anytime soon.

As for me, I watched the whole scene unfold from the safety of the base. It was clear that Fang Ziyi and Du Youyou were facing significant challenges in their relationship, exacerbated by the difficult circumstances of the post-apocalyptic world.

While I empathized with their struggles, I couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment. Their problems were not mine to solve, and I had my own concerns to attend to.

The next day, I focused on gathering information about the potential risks of allowing Du Youyou's child to be born. I consulted with the medical team at the base and conducted extensive research on the subject.

It became apparent that there was a significant risk of the child being born with mutations or carrying the zombie virus. The potential consequences were dire, not only for the child but also for the safety of everyone at the base.

Armed with this knowledge, I made the difficult decision to confront Fang Ziyi and Du Youyou once again. I sought them out, finding them in a secluded corner of the base.

"Fang Ziyi, Du Youyou," I began, my voice firm but compassionate. "I understand that you both desire a better life and a safe environment for your child. However, we cannot ignore the potential risks involved."

They looked at me with a mixture of defiance and desperation.

"I have consulted with the medical team, and it is clear that allowing the child to be born poses a significant threat to everyone's safety. We must consider the greater good here," I explained.

They listened intently, their expressions gradually shifting from anger to resignation. They understood the gravity of the situation.

"What are you suggesting?" Fang Ziyi asked, his voice strained.

"We have access to medical facilities here at the base. It would be best to seek professional help and consider the option of terminating the pregnancy," I proposed.

It was a difficult suggestion to make, but it was necessary. The potential risks outweighed any sentimental attachment to the unborn child.

They exchanged glances, a mix of sadness and acceptance in their eyes.

"We will discuss it," Du Youyou finally said, her voice filled with resignation.

I nodded, acknowledging their need for time to process the information and make a decision.

Days passed, and I gave them the space they needed. Eventually, they approached me, their expressions somber.

"We have decided," Fang Ziyi spoke with a determined tone. "We will follow your recommendation."

It was a painful choice, but they understood the importance of prioritizing the safety of everyone at the base.

I arranged for them to receive medical care and support throughout the process. It was a difficult and emotional journey for Fang Ziyi and Du Youyou, but they faced it with resilience.

As time went on, they found solace in each other's presence, gradually mending the rift that had formed between them. The experience brought them closer, reminding them of the importance of mutual support and understanding.

The decision they made was undoubtedly challenging, but it was a necessary sacrifice for the greater good. Their resilience and willingness to confront difficult choices served as an example to others at the base, fostering a sense of unity and determination.

In the end, Fang Ziyi and Du Youyou's story became one of growth, resilience, and the strength to make difficult decisions in the face of adversity.
