A heavy iron plate weighing over a ton leans securely against the building materials. It's almost impossible to move it. Moreover, we dug a deep trench underneath and filled it back up, making the iron plate even more stable.

"Yi Ge, look, there are more and more videos like this today."

Wang Qiang handed me his phone, and a short video played on it, showing a bloody scene.

An elderly man infected with "rabies" bit a young woman until she was covered in blood, and the police who arrived managed to capture him with their combined effort.

I paused the video and slowly skipped to the last frame of the arrest.


It's those eyes.

The man's eyes have completely changed. The position of his pupils has shrunk to a tiny dot, and the entire eyeball has been completely taken over by a white background.

"It has already begun!" I sighed softly.

Wang Qiang saw the paused frame, his face covered in bloodstains, and those eyes were no longer human. He couldn't help but believe it to some extent:

"Yi Ge, what should we do?"

"Although we have built the fence, we don't have any weapons for self-defense. Let's go into the city tomorrow."


At night, lying in bed, I pondered.

Before my rebirth, I had experienced living in the apocalypse and knew some of the habits of zombies.

Their eyes have become decorations, but their sense of smell and hearing are very sensitive. Any unusual sound will make them launch a frenzied attack.

These experiences, obtained at the cost of lives, are my greatest asset.

I have already spent 300,000 out of the 600,000 in my hand. The remaining amount will be used to buy some seeds and defensive weapons.

For the seeds, I'll choose ones that can be well preserved and have strong reproductive ability because this is a one-time purchase with no next time.

As for defensive weapons, I'll definitely choose a compound bow, which is a deadly weapon in the apocalypse.

Early the next morning, Wang Qiang and I drove into the city.

Along the way, police cars were everywhere, and the sight of heavily armed officers confirmed my speculation. Wang Qiang's expression became more serious:

"Yi Ge, thank you."

I patted him on the shoulder without saying much.

It's not the farming season now, so the seed business is slow.

When I handed over the shopping list, the shopkeeper was shocked:

"Do...do you need this much?"

"Don't have it? I'll go to another shop and ask."

"We...we...we have..."

You have the goods, and I have the money. It's a two-way transaction, and we didn't even discuss the price.

"You're generous!"

The shop owner gave us a big thumbs up.

Our next stop was a specialized store for compound bows.

After selecting a few suitable ones, we bought all the carbon arrows in the store.

We paid the money happily, and we were about to move all the carbon arrows into the car.


Suddenly, a loud impact startled everyone in the shop.

A man with twisted limbs and a strange posture was subdued by several fully armed individuals. Through the window, I could see drool dripping from his mouth and his abnormal eyes.

"Ah! I don't know what's been happening recently. Rabies has broken out, and a boy in the community where I live was bitten. I don't know what happened to him either."

Listening to the shopkeeper's muttering, I kindly reminded him:

"Go hide for a while, stock up on food and water."

After saying that, Wang Qiang and I carried the packed items into the car.

The journey back became more tense. There were not only heavily armed police officers but also military trucks stationed at intersections for inspection.

A few people in isolation suits held a bottle of reagent for us to smell. When they saw that neither of us reacted, they let us go.

"Is it blood?" Wang Qiang looked at me.

With a heavy gaze, I nodded slightly.

Zombies can smell the scent of blood. Even ifwe didn't react to the reagent, it doesn't mean we're completely safe. We need to be cautious and avoid attracting any unnecessary attention.

As we arrived back at our base, we immediately reinforced the fence and made sure all the entrances were secure. Then, we started organizing and categorizing the supplies we had bought.

Days turned into weeks, and the situation outside continued to deteriorate. News reports revealed that the "rabies" outbreak was spreading rapidly, and more and more people were turning into violent creatures with abnormal eyes.

Our main focus now was survival and fortification. We set up traps and alarms around our base to detect any approaching threats. We also established a rotation system for keeping watch during the night, ensuring that someone was always on guard.

As time passed, we faced encounters with infected individuals who managed to breach our defenses. We had to fight them off using the weapons we had acquired. The compound bows and carbon arrows proved to be effective in taking down the infected from a distance.

We learned to conserve our resources and ration our food. We started growing crops using the seeds we had purchased, ensuring a sustainable source of food in the long run.

Communication with the outside world became limited. Internet and phone networks were disrupted, and we relied on short-range radios to stay in contact with other survivor groups in the area. Sharing information and resources became crucial for our survival.

Months went by, and the infected population continued to grow. The city was no longer safe, and we made the difficult decision to abandon our base and join a larger survivor community in a more remote location.

The journey to the new community was treacherous, with constant threats from both the infected and desperate survivors. However, we managed to reach our destination and were welcomed by the community members.

Life in the new community was still challenging, but we had the support and cooperation of others. We contributed our skills and knowledge to the community, helping with farming, defense strategies, and medical care.

Years passed, and humanity slowly adapted to the new world. Although the infected still posed a threat, we learned to survive and thrive in this post-apocalyptic environment. Our experiences and preparations gave us a better chance of survival, but we remained vigilant, always ready to face the challenges that came our way.
