Under the management of General Jiang and the crazy grinding behind me.

The base experience bar smoothly increased to ninety-nine percent, and the vegetation coverage reached one hundred percent.

General Jiang came to the forest to see me for the thirty-sixth time. At this time, I was confronting a huge mutated white-haired dog.

I used a provocative expression, and the white-haired dog rushed towards me. General Jiang, who was ten meters away, was so anxious that his figure even left a trailing shadow.

It ran, he chased, and in the end, the white-haired dog and General Jiang pounced on each other. It crazily licked his face, and when the man and the dog faced each other.

On the expressionless face of the little dog, deep despair appeared.

The big white dog barked and vomited as if it couldn't believe that it had encountered a smelly human who appeared out of nowhere.

And it was a man.

I saw that General Jiang's health bar had dropped by more than half, and in fact, Jiang Yufeng had three horrifying wounds on his back because he blocked the mutated dog's fierce pounce.

I didn't know about this, so I dragged out a healing bandage for him.

He held his gun vigilantly, just like when we first met, except this time, it was me who stood behind Jiang Yufeng.

After driving away the mutated dog, he came back and sat next to me.

"The flowers here are very beautiful, sir. You are a very gentle person."

Jiang Yufeng whispered softly, with a sense of melancholy as if entrusting his final wishes.

"Do you also plant these flowers where you live?"

What's wrong with General Jiang? I screamed. How can he keep losing blood while speaking?!

If I were there, I would definitely understand. The blood loss was because he knew he was bleeding! It was actual blood loss!

"Actually, my home is in this place."

I took out a map and marked the location of my residential area for him.

I knew that the health bar of NPCs here would disappear if they didn't have any. I also felt panicked about General Jiang's serious injury.

I started babbling:

"See? When the time comes, you can go and see for yourself to know if there are flowers planted. So, please stop losing blood now, I beg you."

General Jiang stopped talking.

The other people in the base also rushed over and sent General Jiang to the emergency room.

Jiang Yufeng's character status was locked, and I couldn't even check whether he was alive or dead.

During the waiting period of these few days, the base experience bar broke through the one hundred percent level and entered the upgrade phase.

Usually, I would have to wait for several hours at this time.

But this time seems to be different.

The voice of the system actually sounded in my mind.

【The Song of Apocalypse Survival is binding with the host, Yun Wan. In ten seconds, it will enter deep sleep update mode. Ten, nine...】

Wait, Big Fool Chun, what are you doing, Big Fool Chun!

The head of the base, Jiang Yufeng, is critically injured and his life is uncertain, yet you want me, the actual person in charge, to go into a deep sleep!

System, you're doing this on purpose!


Three months later, Jiang Yufeng, who had already recovered from the dangerous period and awakened his abilities, held a lifeless doll in his arms and stared for a long time at the red dot marked on the map.

"Will you be here?"

"My divine lord."
