The map provides the locations suitable for establishing a base, plans the safe routes, and also reminds me that the current resources are insufficient.

I need to abandon some of the wounded.

I ignore the reminder and draw another straight line on the map.

This route follows the path taken by the giant zombies, without detours, directly to the destination factory, with zero zombies and zero survivors along the way.

The downside is that it's a wasteland. Not to mention vehicles, even people can't pass through.

An NPC named "Chen Zhao" expresses dissatisfaction with the route I planned:

"Are we supposed to go to our deaths on this strange path that the giant zombies came from?"

The system also suggests me to change the route. I calmly select the surrounding wasteland as a camp and click on the recycle function.

In the game, players can recycle buildings and items in the camp and convert them into bricks and tiles to construct new buildings.

As a result, the wasteland is cleared in the blink of an eye, and there is a wide road without even a single blade of grass.

Wow, it really works!

I follow the straight route and repeat this action tirelessly.

The system pops up numerous red exclamation marks, as if saying, "You, you're stuck in a bug."

In reality, Jiang Yufeng watched as the small doll opened its abyssal mouth and sucked everything around it in.

With the doll's movement, a flat road appeared.

Everyone was terrified, except for Jiang Yufeng, who calmly said:

"Follow along."

This time, no one objected, except for me, who became puzzled by the additional progress bar on the screen.

"The NPCs' fear level has risen to 80 percent. Huh? What are they afraid of?"

I adjust the doll's expression to a smile, trying to show my friendliness, and the next second...

[The NPCs' fear level has risen to 90 percent.]

Me: ...
