The eighth day of the zombie outbreak.

We lost all contact with the outside world as our phones lost signal.

After beating Wenning, I regained a bit of sanity.

"Yesterday... I'm sorry."

Wenning rubbed his bruised black eye circles, unconcerned.

"It's okay, but next time, don't hit my face."

"Shh... Listen..."

There are zombies.

And not just one, but a group.

"Let's go quickly."

Wenning grabbed me and shook his head.

"It's too late. The fuel in the car is only enough to reach City C. If something happens, we won't even make it to City C."

Wenning took out a protective suit from the trunk and handed it to me. "Put it on quickly."

Me: ???

"Do you remember how they avoided zombies in The Walking Dead?"

As I put on the protective suit, I suddenly seemed to understand Wenning's intention.

I felt like vomiting: "That's a TV show, okay?!"

"No, Song Wei's team has already tested it. It's a feasible method."

Wenning drove the car into the grass by the roadside, making it look like an abandoned vehicle.

With the advantage of not being attacked by low-level zombies, he quickly brought a large bucket of "zombie sauce".


The foul smell in the air made me sick, and looking at the appearance of that bucket of "zombie sauce"...

I couldn't hold it in and vomited uncontrollably on the ground.

"Hold on."

Wenning didn't give me any time to adjust.

He took a piece of car-wiping cloth and dipped it in the "zombie sauce," then smeared it on my protective suit.

I forced down the spasms in my stomach, closed my eyes, and refused to look.

But after the visual impact lessened, my sense of smell and hearing seemed even more acute.


I vomited again promptly...

"Wenning, how can you stand it?"

Wenning sniffed, "Maybe it's because I mutated. This smell is not unpleasant to me. It smells like chicken, crispy."

After emptying the acid water from my stomach, there was nothing left to vomit.

Wenning successfully disguised me as a zombie in no time.

"Hold on for a bit. As long as we're not discovered by higher-level zombies, we can wait for this wave of zombies to pass before we set off."

A cloud of dust was already rising in the distance, indicating the approaching wave of zombies.

With a nauseating "zombie sauce" covering me, I imitated the wandering steps of a low-level zombie and approached two zombies who were slowly moving forward.

They turned their heads and glanced at me, but surprisingly, they stopped.

Could it really work?

Wenning! If I get bitten by a zombie, you'll be the first one to be eaten!



The two zombies growled at me, but made no move to attack.

Seeing the successful experiment, I didn't dare to breathe a sigh of relief.

I stiffly walked along with Wenning back.



Until the two zombies were far away.

Wenning then solemnly whispered, "The zombies here have evolved. They just asked you, 'Beauty, do you have a boyfriend?'

"You ignored them, and they cursed and walked away."

Brother! It's already this time!

This dark joke is really not funny!

After feeling the presence of the most dangerous high-level zombie in the midst of the horde.

Wenning led me towards the edge where the horde would pass by.

Wenning's prediction was correct.

I stood at the edge of the horde, and not a single zombie realized that I was actually a living human.

Among these low-level zombies were students wearing our school's sports uniforms and rescuepersonnel in protective gear.

As the horde passed by, I held my breath and tried to stay as still as possible.

Finally, the last zombie passed by, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"We made it," Wenning whispered.

I peeled off the protective suit, feeling a mixture of disgust and relief.

"I can't believe that worked," I said, still in disbelief.

Wenning chuckled. "Desperate times call for desperate measures."

We looked around and saw the aftermath of the horde's passing. The streets were littered with debris, abandoned vehicles, and signs of destruction.

"We should keep moving," Wenning said, scanning the area. "It's not safe here."

I nodded in agreement. We needed to find a safer place, preferably a fortified location where we could regroup and plan our next steps.

As we walked, we encountered occasional straggler zombies, but we managed to avoid them using the same disguise technique.

After hours of walking, we came across a partially destroyed building that seemed relatively secure.

"This could be a good place to rest," I suggested.

Wenning examined the building and nodded. "It looks sturdy enough. Let's go inside and see if we can secure it."

We cautiously entered the building, checking each room for any signs of danger.

After clearing the first floor, we found a room with reinforced windows and a sturdy door.

"This could be our temporary base," Wenning said, looking satisfied.

We barricaded the door and windows, making sure they were secure.

Inside the room, we found some supplies left behind by the previous occupants.

There were canned foods, bottled water, and even a first aid kit.

"We're lucky," I said, relieved. "At least we won't starve."

Wenning nodded. "We should ration our supplies and make them last as long as possible. We don't know how long this situation will last."

As we settled into our temporary base, we discussed our next steps.

"We need to find other survivors and gather information," Wenning said. "We can't stay here indefinitely."

I agreed. We needed to find a way to contact the outside world and find out what was happening.

But for now, we would rest and regroup.

As I lay down on the makeshift bed, exhaustion washed over me.

It had been a long and terrifying day, but we had survived.

I closed my eyes, hoping that tomorrow would bring some answers and a glimmer of hope in this chaotic world.
