To prevent the dormitory from being without water and electricity, I filled all the basins and buckets with water.

The four power banks and the laptop were also fully charged in advance.

I took stock of the existing supplies in the dorm.

2 packs of instant noodles, 1 pack of snail noodles, 3 sausages, 1 bag of egg tarts, 3 bars of chocolate, and 2 bottles of mineral water.

The third day of the zombie outbreak.

No rescue team arrived.

There has also been no broadcast on the school radio for two days.

After the three people from Room 602 went out to find food, they never spoke again.

The only surviving girl in Room 501, after starting to cough up blood, said goodbye to everyone and chose to jump off the building...

The number of people speaking in the group today has been reduced to 6.

For some reason, scenes of Wen Ning turning into a zombie always flash in my dreams.

After much hesitation, I still sent him a message.

【Are you okay?】

A long time passed with no reply.

In movies, all regrets have an explanation and outcome.

But in life, and even more so in the apocalypse, there are none.

Outside, it suddenly started raining heavily, even though it was bright and sunny in the morning.

Looking up, the sky was dark with clouds.

Looking down, the accumulated water had turned into a pond.

It's strange that the movements of the zombie in the rain have become abnormally slow.

And they're even walking one by one to the edge of the roof, seeking shelter from the rain?

The heavy rain seems to have a kind of magic, as if it can freeze all of them in place.

My body temperature shot up to 40 degrees again.

There's no more fever-reducing medicine, so I can only use cold water to try and lower my temperature.

However, physical cooling didn't seem to have any effect.

I didn't want to wait around to die, so I decided to take the risk and go to the school clinic.

Just before I set off, a message suddenly popped up in the survivors group, where no one had spoken for two days.

【The zombies at the Taoyuan convenience store have been cleared, our class of five has arrived. The convenience store is stocked with food and water, the main entrance has been sealed. Surviving students, please respond with 1, and anyone who can make it should come to the southwest window.】

The message was from our class monitor, Xu Tao.

The school clinic is only two hundred meters away from the Taoyuan convenience store.

If everything goes smoothly, I'll be able to meet up with my classmates.

I responded to the group with a 1, and started to prepare to leave.

The fruit knife and a broom from the bathroom became my makeshift weapons. I put the remaining food and water into my bag, and also brought a spare set of clothes and pants.

My dorm is on the third floor, and I have no idea how many zombies are in the hallway.

If I go down the stairs, I have no idea if I can make it out alive through the main entrance. I took a deep breath and slid down to the first floor using several bedsheets tied together.

Just as I landed, I came face to face with a line of zombies standing under the roof saying, "Run!" My legs moved faster than my brain, and I fled.

"Ah—" "Ah—" The sounds of zombies continued to come from all around. Strangely, most of them were just making noise under the sheltered areas from the rain. The few that ran after me were too slow to catch up. I didn't have time to figure out why; I just ran as fast as I could in the pouring rain.

The school clinic is on the second floor of the administrative building. The entrance was crowded with sheltering zombies. I circled around the back, and climbed up through the drainpipe in the rain to get in through the window of the school clinic.

Luckily, there were no zombies in the school clinic. Unluckily, the door to the school clinic was broken. I carefully moved a table and chair to block the door, afraid of making too much noise.

There wasn't much antibiotic left in the school clinic, and I couldn't find any fever-reducing medicine. I could only take some other medicines, alcohol, and gauze and put them in my bag.

The rain outside seemed to let up, which meant I didn't have much time left to leave.

"Thud—" "Creak—" "Ah—" Through the shelves, I saw the chair I used to block the door rolling onto the ground. A zombie had come in. There was nowhere to escape, so I turned and rushed into the school clinic's changing room. The backpack was too big to fit, so I had to leave it outside and quickly lock the door. I held my breath and tightly gripped the fruit knife. Through the crack in the door, I saw the zombies coming in one by one. One zombie, two zombies, three zombies, four zombies... Their footsteps inside were much faster than those outside in the rain. Especially one of them, walking quickly among the medicine shelves as if looking for something.

Looking for something? Were they looking for me? When my brain reacted, the zombie had already made it to the closet I was hiding in, and stopped... The world was eerily silent, with only the pounding of my heart.

【Don't stop! Run!】 My internal scream didn't stop the action of the zombie turning towards me. "Creak—" The cabinet door was opened. When I came face to face with the "zombie," I stabbed it directly. The "zombie" on the other side deftly grabbed my wrist. "Zhao Zhao." Damn! The zombie can talk? I suppressed my frantic heartbeat and got a clear look at the "zombie." "Wen Ning?!" "Ah—" "Ah—" The other three zombies grimaced and moved in toward me. Wen Ning smoothly took the fruit knife from my hand and decisively dealt with them. But wait a minute? Wen Ning clearly came in with them! Why didn't the zombies attack him?

Wen Ning wiped the fruit knife clean and handed it back to me. His left eye had somehow turned a deep red, and he covered it, not wanting me to see. "Wen Ning, are you..." "I'm fine." Wen Ning didn't want to talk to me much. He took some ibuprofen and acetaminophen tablets and several boxes of antibiotics from his own bag and put them all in my bag. "Don't take more than four doses of the fever-reducing medicine per day. If the fever doesn't go down, alternate between ibuprofen and acetaminophen tablets. There are no zombies in the adjacent treatment room; you can hide there for now. Lock the door, and don't turn on the light at night, it will attract zombies. I'll send you food later, throwing it through the window on the roof of the treatment room. Don't open the door for anything. Don't run around, and don't go to the Taoyuan convenience store, it's very dangerous there." Without giving me a chance to ask any questions, Wen Ning hurriedly left.

The heavy rain had stopped, and the zombies had again begun to fill the campus. I hid in the adjacent treatment room and locked the door. In the survivor group, Xu Tao was still constantly sending messages.【The zombies at the Taoyuan convenience store have been cleared. Our class of ten has arrived, the convenience store is stocked with food and water, the main entrance has been sealed. Surviving students, please respond with 1, and anyone who can make it should come to the southwest window.】
