The darkness lasted for a long time.

So long that the night appeared as bright as day. When I opened my eyes, my vision was low, so low that it seemed like the perspective of a small creature. I could see the ground with a glance downwards.

The smell of sourness and blood filled my nostrils.

After adapting for a while, I observed the surroundings and realized that I was in my neighborhood, right below my apartment building. Above and to the left of me was a garbage bag.

I suddenly realized what I had become.

That head.

To be precise, my eyes had filled the eye sockets of that head.

What was going on?

A great panic overwhelmed me, and fear caused tears to well up in my eyes. The darkness before me was dim and unclear.

A black figure approached, carrying with him the scent of wood. He naturally picked up the head and placed it in a box, returning my sight to darkness.

I wanted to speak, but I couldn't open my mouth at all.

However, I could feel something wriggling inside my nose, and the thought of those three maggots almost made me nauseous to the point of fainting.

The person hailed a taxi and stated the destination: "The Art Museum."

That voice sounded familiar. I was sure I had heard it somewhere.

A throbbing pain exploded in my head. When I regained my vision, I found myself placed in a glass case, facing the entrance of the art museum.

The person waved to me and left gracefully, leaving me alone as a head in the endless night.

I waited until dawn broke, and the art museum opened its doors to a large crowd. In my mind, I shouted for help, but they couldn't hear or see me.

I wanted to cry, but no tears came. Then, I caught sight of someone familiar in the crowd—Fang Sen.

That's right, he had once invited me to an art exhibition, but I turned him down.

What was the purpose of the person last night? How did they know so much about us?

Fang Sen was visibly startled, and I became excited because he could see me!

"Help..." I repeated in my mind, hoping that he could save me.

Fang Sen approached me with suspicion, his eyes filled with terror. He murmured, "This eye? It belongs to Qiu Ning. My goodness!"

He closed his eyes and fainted on the spot.

The people who had come to the exhibition were bewildered. They thought Fang Sen had a heart condition and began performing CPR on him. Someone opened his bag to search for contact information, while others dialed 911.

In the midst of the chaos, the head suddenly moved.

It seemed to be warming up, tilting forward with its upper half, eager to try something. Then it bounced, leaping out of the glass case and onto the ground.

I was shocked by the impact. My head jumped a few times and then burrowed into Fang Sen's bag.

Perhaps out of kindness, someone worried that someone might take advantage of the situation and quickly closed the zipper.

Gasps of astonishment came from the crowd, "He's awake!"

Fang Sen staggered to his feet. There was no longer the silhouette of a head in the glass case. He felt a deep sense of relief and repeatedly expressed gratitude, snatching his bag back.

Strange, why did it suddenly become heavy?

Without thinking too much, he squeezed through the crowd, wanting to hurry home.
