Am I living in a haunted house? Ghosts are making noise early in the morning.

My heart sank, my expression became tense, and a hint of fear crept in.

Next, I heard screams and sounds of fighting.

Oh my! Has someone broken into my house!?

Trespassing in a private residence is illegal.

Oh no, my newly purchased tea set is probably not safe.

I quickly rinsed off the foam on my body, then wrapped myself in a towel and ran out.

My feet slipped, and I almost fell flat on my face.

As I steadied myself and looked ahead, I immediately saw Officer Ding pressing down on a person, punching wildly, with blood on his fists.

Not far from Officer Ding, another person lay on the ground.

His hands were handcuffed behind his back, with several cuts on his legs bleeding, he was in pain and struggling.

When Officer Ding saw me come out, he stopped.

He picked up a broken piece of baseball bat and pressed it against the neck of the person he had punched, so that the person could not fight back.

"What's going on?"

I was only away for a while, and the living room had turned into someone else's fighting arena.

Can't even be peaceful at home!

"I don't know, but they both came in with weapons, sneaky, nothing good, so I had to act first."

Officer Ding chuckled.

I felt like he enjoyed beating people up, and his mood improved.

That's when I noticed that both of his hands were injured, but he seemed unaffected by the pain. He picked up the person on the ground and carefully examined their appearance.

Unfortunately, I was taken to the police station again.

Officer Ding asked me if I knew the two people he caught in my house.

Know them? Ha.

My social circle is very simple.

Apart from occasionally contacting a few high school and college classmates, the rest are colleagues and clients.

I don't even have an online friend.

"I don't know them," I shook my head as I spoke.

"But they came for you," Officer Ding shuffled through a stack of photos.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a photo of Ji Xiao, the owner of the head in question.

She was indeed very beautiful.

But her life came to an abrupt halt at the prime of her years. Oh, so pitiful.

Life is truly unpredictable! To be alive one moment, and gone the next, it's so pointless.

"They probably figured out I'm the tenant of the house in Litang New Village, and came to ask me where those drugs are hidden!"

Analyzing the situation, who wouldn't? I spoke up.

As long as I can get rid of suspicion.

Officer Li gave me a thumbs up, "You're good at talking! Keep going."

I chuckled a bit and said a few more words, "No wonder Officer Ding let me stay in his house rent-free, turns out he was using me as bait."

I always say there's no such thing as a free lunch.

If Officer Ding had shown up any later, or didn't show up at all, I probably would have had to fight those two intruders with half my life on the line.

"If something happens to you, then I would be using you. Of course, I also have a responsibility to ensure your safety, so you don't need to worry too much about any danger. Just continue with your daily routine, go to work and go home, try not to attract attention from others during this time."

After Officer Ding finished speaking, he made a gesture.

Officer Li understood his meaning and immediately escorted me out of the interrogation room.

"Let me drive you to the company!" Officer Li hurried after me.

Coming to the police station was urgent, I hadn't even asked for leave from my boss, I didn't know if I would be late for work if I took a taxi now.

"No need, I can quickly get a taxi there."

I opened a taxi app, ready to book a ride.

"Don't be polite!" Officer Li pulled me directly into his car.

I sat in the passenger seat, watching him drive off like a maniac.

As we neared the company, he suddenly slammed on the brakes, then exerted all his strength as if he were burying his head in a big bone, turning the steering wheel to the left.

And then I watched the car crash into a large tree in the green belt.

The impact made me see stars and I passed out directly.

If only I hadn't gone to work that day.

Avoiding one disaster in the morning, only to be faced with another, there was no escaping it.

Later, Officer Ding told me that if it weren't for Officer Li's impressive driving skills, I would have died in a car accident with him that morning.

Someone drove a car to crash into Officer Li's car, aiming to kill me.

I have never harbored any grudges against anyone, yet someone wants to kill me.

Without a doubt, it's related to those drugs.

Who else would want to harm me after I reported the drugs and had the police take them away?

They need to harm me to vent their anger!

I stayed in the hospital for two days before being discharged.

Just after leaving the hospital, my company's leader asked me to go with him to meet a big client.
