
With a loud noise, the other end of the live broadcast room suddenly plunged into darkness.

“Ahhh, it scared me to death, what’s going on?”

“I don’t know, why is my brother’s room all black, is my internet lagging?”

“Same here.”

“Did the streamer actually predict it right, that he’ll have bad luck tonight?”

“Oh my god, I’m so scared, what kind of live broadcast room is this, seeing ghosts online?!”

I squinted my eyes, staring intently at the live broadcast room.

A few minutes later, a hint of light finally appeared on the screen.

It was Chu Lingyun.

At this moment, he was holding a flashlight, looking somewhat panicked.

“Master, was what you just said true?”

“Of course.” Brief but to the point.

“Knock, knock, knock!” It was the sound of knocking.

Netizens: “It’s so late, who’s come to find my brother?!”

“Finally, someone’s here, with two people it shouldn’t be as scary, hurry up and open the door.”

But Chu Lingyun’s face turned pale. If he was just panicked before, now he was terrified.

He knew clearly that it was impossible for there to be a person outside.

He had bought this private house through an introduction, built in the suburbs, and usually had to drive an hour to see anyone on the road.

“It’s impossible for there to be a person outside!”

“I know.”

Of course, I knew, I always knew, but nobody believed me!

“Master, what should I do?”

What should he do? What can I do, it’s difficult for me too!

Now you know fear, what were you doing earlier?

Of course, based on the most basic professional ethics, I didn’t say this out loud.

Clearly tonight the clouds were rolling and unfolding, it was a quiet night, but over there a strong wind was blowing, causing the windows to shake.

“This door can’t stop it, but don’t be too scared…”

I hadn’t even finished speaking when the door fell with a bang.

Yes, that fast.

“Master, save…”

The connection suddenly cut off, and it went dead silent, like death...

“Chu Lingyun, are you there, are you okay?”

“Chu Lingyun!”

After a burst of electric current noise, I dimly saw a person standing by the door through the faint dark green light.

A woman.

She was wearing a red wedding dress, her wet long hair covered her face, and the flickering light made her look very creepy.

Even scarier, she was floating in mid-air.

“Wha…t to do?” he trembled.

I finally heard his voice, it seemed he was scared stiff just now.

“Quick, point your phone screen at her.”

“The Supreme Star of the Stage, expels evil and fetters demons. Hurry as the law commands!” I cast a spell and made a hand gesture, a blinding white light shot out from the screen and hit her directly.


After a sharp scream in the darkness, the surroundings fell into boundless silence again.

“Wow, cool!”

“Damn, is this for real, did I just see a ghost?!”

“I was almost scared to pee myself.”

“Was it defeated by the master?”

“God, I’m so scared, I need to find my mom!”

“Just now I got so scared I jumped out of bed in the middle of the night, my mom gave me a big slap, now I feel much better. Tested and effective!”


The comments in the live stream scrolled rapidly.

Seeing the wind howling outside the door, I knew it wasn’t over yet.

“Immediately prop the door up and pile some heavy objects to block it, do you have anything to ward off evil in your house?”

What a coincidence!

Hearing this, he immediately brought a peachwood sword, which was given to him by an old man when he went to the countryside to film a variety show last time. Along with it was a string of cinnabar beads.

Good, it’s already very good to have these.

“Do as I say; I’ll teach you to draw a formation on the door, and place a cinnabar bead at each formation point after dismantling the bracelet.”

But this might not necessarily stop her.

“Go back to your room, lock the door, hold the peachwood sword and lie on the bed, I’ll set up a formation around you, as long as you stay on the bed you’ll be safe.”

“Remember, no matter what you hear or see, do not make a sound, or I won’t be able to protect you!”

He obediently followed my instructions, arranged everything properly, pointed the phone screen at the room, and covered himself with the quilt, even burying his head under the covers.
