I don't live alone. I live with my twin sister.

Her profession is a perfumer, and compared to the floral and fruity scents on the market, she prefers the strong scent of blood.

She says that especially wicked people emit a captivating body fragrance before they die, and the more wicked the person, the stronger the scent.

My sister's wish is to create a world-renowned perfume that will make people know and remember her.

She says, "Little sister, will you help me?"

Under her constant coercion and manipulation, I help her search for prey. We only kill those who are guilty.

My sister gave our duo a cool nickname: "Sister Judicators."

The inspiration came from a popular video of a man slapping people.

It took me a long time and various methods to ensure that these neighbors all rented here together.

501, a married couple, are human traffickers who specialize in luring young, beautiful, single office workers and selling them to remote rural areas. These poor girls face endless humiliation and beatings every day.

When 501 reached out to 503, I knew it was time to take action.

503 was drugged and bound in the basement, but before being sold, she was accidentally discovered by Mr. and Mrs. 301.

Instead of immediately calling the police, they called their son, who lives in 302. He sexually assaulted 503 on the spot and threatened, "Since she's going to be sold anyway, it's better to marry her off to their mentally ill son than to be trapped in the countryside."

503 refused to agree, which led to her being tortured and abused by 302 every night for a week.

That night, my sister and I killed 501 and used their blood to make dumplings.

We unlocked the chains on 503, and she activated a mechanism that killed Mr. and Mrs. 301 and 302. Unfortunately, she was too weak and couldn't hold on, and she perished.

102, an old man, is a perverted voyeur who sneaks into female tenants' homes to install surveillance cameras.

One time, he was caught by 404 while secretly indulging in his actions, and they formed an unholy alliance.

Every few days, 102 would leave his own key and sell the copied "exciting" videos to 404, who would upload them to adult websites for profit, which they would split.

After killing 404 and 102, I tampered with the surveillance footage.

Then, 403, who had been hiding all along, couldn't hold back anymore.

He was already a fugitive serial killer.

These bloody cases made him both nervous and excited. He didn't know who the killer was, so he decided to kill anyone he encountered. If he killed everyone, he could escape.

That suited me just fine. I manipulated the situation and directed all the clues towards him...

To create chaos, my sister deliberately placed a rabbit head mask at the door of 302. I had an unpleasant encounter with this mentally ill man before, so I guessed he would seek revenge, and our guess was correct.

Only 202 was an accident.

She had no savings and chose to rent this dilapidated place, never expecting to get involved in this murder...
