I pulled 202 quickly up the stairs: "The worst way is to tie the bedsheets into a knot. Even if we end up breaking a leg, it's better than waiting to die!"

As we passed room 404.

We found the door was actually open!

The hallway light spilled into the room, and large patches of blood were oozing from inside out.

202 looked inside in horror and then turned to me, saying:

"He's dead!"

The body of Huang Mao was chopped into eight large pieces, scattered in the four corners of the living room.

The strong smell of blood filled our noses, and the gruesome scene made both of us vomit stomach acid on the spot.

In the middle of the living room, large red handprints were all over.

Upon closer inspection, the blood handprints spelled out a few large characters:

【Tonight, no one will survive.】

We guessed wrong.

The murderer wasn't 404. Since it wasn't the murderer, why did he install so many pinhole cameras?

My mind was full of questions.

"Look quickly! These are the keys to 102."

202 found a bunch of keys from somewhere, labeled with the store name and door number.

How did the keys to 102 end up in the living room of 404? Could it be that 102 is the killer? Were they lost during the struggle between the two?

My CPU was overheating.

202 hurriedly pulled me downstairs: "I've figured it out. We can enter 102, pass through the store, and get out. His home and the storefront are connected!"

"Wait!" I stood my ground, "Does it make sense for the keys to 102 to be here? He's definitely the killer! Going now would be walking into the lion's den."

However, 202 said, "The killer can't be 102. I saw him closing the store at 8 o'clock when I went home. He said he was going to his mother-in-law's house to pick up the child today, and his house was dark all night."

"But what if he was just acting for you?"

We both stuck to our arguments, the atmosphere tense.


Suddenly, a loud closing of a door came from downstairs, followed by hurried and disorganized footsteps coming up the stairs. 202 and I exchanged glances, gripping our weapons tightly.

It was Mr. and Mrs. 301, followed by their son.

The three of them looked flustered, each holding a frying pan. Seeing the tragic scene in 404's house, they all turned pale.

The five of us formed a circle, quietly analyzing the current situation.

301 frowned at me, "404 was dismembered, and you're holding a blood-stained kitchen knife. Could you be the killer?"

"I was with 202 the whole time, she can testify."

202 nodded, "Now suspecting 102 is the killer, all doors and windows are locked. The only way to escape now is through 102's store. If 102 is at home, can the five of us overpower him alone?"

At that moment, I also agreed with 202's statement. She held the keys in her left hand, a baseball bat in her right hand, and I held the kitchen knife tightly behind her. Mr. and Mrs. 301 each held a frying pan, and their son stood with his hands in his pockets at the back.

Fortunately, we quickly opened the door to 102.

Unfortunately, he was already dead.

102 was not the murderer.

He was strangled by a rope around his neck, hanging under the chandelier. Although the method of death was not terrifying, the sight was hair-raising.

Because the eyeballs of the three people from 404 and 501 were all sewn onto 102's face!

Six eyeballs densely sewn onto 102's cheeks, covering his nose and lips...

Staring at us like a monster.

The five of us stood frozen in place, extremely shocked. 202 was the first to react.

She quickly passed through the living room, bedroom, and store, inserted the key into the lock, turned it...

"This key is wrong! The door won't open!"

202 was almost frantic, rotating the key desperately, "It's over, we're all going to die here tonight!"

302 pushed past us, snatched the key, and started trying them one by one.

His fingers trembled, and due to exerting too much force, he reopened a wound...

A wound?
