Old Gu died.

The hospital told the family members that Old Gu, who usually drank heavily, got drunk, made a mistake when cremating the body, and caused an accident.

But in fact, it was not like that.

After that incident, President Cao specifically talked to me and Su Yang, saying that we had a hallucination due to extreme fear that day, and what we saw was not real.

In order to maintain the hospital's reputation, the hospital even tempted Su Yang with a transfer to another department and made both of us sign a confidentiality agreement.

However, I could never forget the scene that happened at that time.

When Old Gu pushed me away, there was a harsh creaking sound of steel tearing from the boiler behind me.

Instinctively, I turned around, and a pair of purple-blue little hands were reaching out from the fire in the boiler. Then, a big head slowly crawled out of the boiler, smiling wickedly at me.

I saw clearly that the little ghost crawling out of the fire was the dead baby I had burned by pressing the ignition button.

"I don't have a name in this life, give me a name~~"

A baby's voice faintly rang out as if coming from inside my body!

At that moment, I was terrified, I screamed and ran outside, my legs softened, my vision darkened, and I passed out!

When I woke up again, I was in Su Yang's arms.

Working in the morgue, Su Yang heard my screams, abandoned his work, and gasped as he ran down to the first floor, only to see me fainting.

"Su Yang, you came to save me?"

I clung tightly to Su Yang, my voice trembling.

But Su Yang, as if he hadn't heard him, just hugged me like a wooden man, his eyes fixed on the direction of the boiler room.

A nasty burnt smell filled the entire corridor. Following Su Yang's gaze, I saw Old Gu standing by the boiler in a strange posture. He was standing with his back to us, bent over, holding a black iron hook in his hand, hooking open the burning boiler. At this moment, his whole head had already plunged into the furnace, burning only the splattering meat.


I screamed again.

"Let's go, Su Yang, let's go quickly!!"

I struggled to stand up, trying to pull Su Yang, but Su Yang remained sitting there motionless.

I begged loudly.

But Su Yang remained sitting there motionless.

Su Yang~~~

After a long time, Su Yang, like a puppet pulled by a string, slowly raised his arm, pointed in the direction under Old Gu, and said to me expressionlessly, "He won't let us leave! It's an illusion, a ghost blocking the way!"

Looking in the direction he pointed, I saw that the purple-blue dead baby had already crawled out of the crematorium at some point. Now, he was crawling out from between Old Gu's legs, barefoot, using all four limbs.

Behind him, there was a string of naked babies, obviously babies that had just died after birth.

What was even more bizarre was that each of those babies was holding the umbilical cord of the one in front with a small hand, forming a long chain that was slowly trembling towards us while giggling and saying, "We don't even have names, give us a name~~"

It was too creepy to look at.

I regretted waking up too early.

But no matter what, I couldn't pass out again.

So, I could only hold Su Yang tightly, kicking my legs frantically, trying to drive away the group of ghosts.

However, strangely, when the group of ghosts got closer, they dared not approach the wall again. Their dark eyes, with only pupils, timidly stared at Su Yang's white coat.

It was only then that I noticed that when Su Yang went to work that day, he was wearing a yellow vest brought by Aunt Er, which had red Taoist symbols drawn in cinnabar underneath the white coat.

Those dead babies were afraid of Taoist symbols.

It was like grasping at a life-saving straw. I pushed the dazed Su Yang hard: "Quickly, take off the coat, wear the vest outside!"

Only then did Su Yang react and quickly took off the white coat.

As soon as the yellow vest was exposed, the group of chilling dead babies scattered and screeched, hiding in various corners of the corridor, leaving only the dead baby I brought standing not too far away.

I shouted excitedly, hugging Su Yang's waist from behind, and the two of us supported each other, running with legs as if treading on cotton towards the sunlight coming in through the door at the other end of the corridor.

Fortunately, the little ghost behind did not follow.

The other ghosts hiding in the corners wailed miserably: "Give us a name, give us a name!"

I just kept shouting with my eyes closed, holding onto the yellow vest tightly.

In the screams, we finally escaped from the old building. Once outside, we both collapsed on the ground.

After sitting on the grass to regain some strength, I realized that the crowd was surrounding us. Someone called the police, and four or five bold male employees formed a team and bravely entered the old building.

At that time, President Cao, who had rushed over after hearing the news, looked at me and Su Yang coldly and said in a low voice, "Both of you, come with me to my office!"

I had already forgotten how Su Yang and I inexplicably signed that confidentiality agreement in the president's office.

In hindsight, we should have left the hospital decisively and found other jobs.

However, my hands seemed to be controlled by something, turning into a puppet like Su Yang, obediently signing my name on the agreement.

President Cao was kind enough to give us three days off.

Su Yang was scared to death to go back to the morgue, but my phone was still at the nurse's station.

I had no choice but to ask Su Yang to wait in the crowded lobby while I went back to the OB/GYN nurse's station to get my phone.

It was already noon, and some people in the maternity ward had heard about Old Gu's incident and gone to the back building to watch the excitement, while some went to the cafeteria for lunch, leaving only Zhou Qin on duty.

Zhou Qin kept her head down, staring fixedly at the desktop of the nurse's station as if she didn't notice my arrival.

I didn't want to stay a second longer in the hospital, so I quickly grabbed my phone that was charging, packed up my messenger bag, and told Zhou Qin in a rush, "Senior Sister, President gave me three days off. Please let her know when she comes back," and was about to leave.

However, Zhou Qin, who had been bowing her head, suddenly grabbed my sleeve, using a frightened look to signal me to sit back down.

I didn't know what she was up to, so I sat back down nervously on the high stool inside the circular nurse's station.

Zhou Qin didn't speak but hurriedly tore off a piece of memo paper, took a ballpoint pen from the side, and quickly wrote a line, pushing it in front of me.

[Don't speak, he can't read. He will hear you when you talk!]

Seeing Zhou Qin's expression, the hair on my back stood up.

[Who is it?] I grabbed the pen from Zhou Qin's hand.

[Zhou Xiaoyu, I gave him his name, he must have a full name...It rained heavily that day, and I sent him to Old Gu~~~]

My head buzzed, and I suddenly remembered the scene where the group of ghosts wailed for help in naming themselves. It seemed that Zhou Qin had also encountered a similar situation.

After writing this sentence, Zhou Qin didn't hand me back the pen but pointed under the table with the end of the pen.

Like a rusty robot, I turned my head little by little and looked down according to her gesture-

A pair of purple-blue little hands were tightly gripping the cuff of my nurse's pants.

He was upside down, and a dark-blue head popped out of the cuff.

The little ghost's eyes had no whites, looking up at me, the corner of his mouth still had that wicked smile.

I wanted to scream, but my body seemed to be paralyzed, and I had to exert all my strength to turn my heavy head back towards Zhou Qin.

At this point, Zhou Qin had already written another sentence-"In this life, you have a name, so you can be reincarnated in the next life. The King of Hades doesn't accept unnamed ghosts!">

Seeing that I was completely scared, Zhou Qin didn't care anymore. She quickly took out a lighter from the drawer, trembling hands, and lit the piece of paper on fire.

Then, she closed her eyes and waved her hand at me, indicating that I should quickly take the troublesome little ghost away!

The purple-blue little hand was still tightly grabbing my pant leg, and I walked out of the nurse's station in a strange posture, my mind in chaos.

I took the elevator downstairs to find Su Yang waiting in the lobby.

Su Yang was wearing a yellow vest—clearly, that thing was afraid of Su Yang.

However, what I never expected was that when I reached Su Yang's side and grabbed the yellow vest on him like a life-saving straw, the little ghost still held onto my pant leg and didn't let go.

He even poked his head out, smiled at me slightly, raised his finger, and made a hushing gesture.

He was different from the other ghosts; he wasn't afraid of the yellow vest!
