Upon hearing this, Su Juan obediently followed the instructions: "I have now touched the wall.

I reached the first corner, but it feels like it's a right angle.

The second corner.

The third corner.

The fourth.

The fifth.





They are all right angles.

It seems like I'm spinning in this space."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone. "Perhaps you've heard of the Four Corners Game?

According to folklore, four people went on an adventure to an abandoned old house.

At night, one person suggested playing a game together.

The four individuals stood at the four corners of the house, facing the wall without looking left or right.

Starting with one person, they walked counterclockwise to the next person's position and tapped their shoulder, switching places with them.

The person who was tapped continued walking to the next position. If there was an empty spot, they would cough and wait for three seconds before continuing to the next position.

Because there was always someone moving forward, theoretically, you would hear a cough every round.

On the third round, they suddenly heard an unfamiliar cough.

With each round played, an additional cough sound appeared..."

Hearing Su Juan's intensified breathing, Xiao Zhi continued, "There is a way to solve this situation.

"Do you still have hair now?"

Upon hearing a possible solution, Su Juan eagerly replied, "Yes, I still have about a dozen bundles."

"Then close your eyes now, feel the wall and move forward without coughing or making any sound.

Every time you encounter a corner, drop a bundle of hair at the corner and remember the number of corners.

Just walk one circle, a total of five corners."

Su Juan counted silently in her mind as she walked. "One.






"Good, you can open your eyes now and tell me what you see," Xiao Zhi directed on the other end of the phone.

"There is no hair under one corner, two bundles of hair under another corner, and the rest are normal."

Su Juan looked around and seemed to have realized what she needed to do.

"Do I need to throw the hair towards that empty corner?" she asked in an inquisitive yet confident tone.

There seemed to be a chuckle from the other end, "A teachable child indeed."

To ensure success, Su Juan took out two bundles of hair from her pocket and threw them towards the empty corner.


The hair spontaneously combusted in mid-air, and the space shattered into pieces as the hair burned.

Su Juan breathed a sigh of relief. She had succeeded.
